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Majstori fotografije


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sebastiao salgado

(the salt of the earth)

meni je stav o Salgadu podeljen. sa jedne strane, divim se kompoziciji i tehnici isto koliko i izboru motiva, a sa druge, malo me pecka remesansna, hirurška preciznost kompozicije koja na izvestan način oduzima "oštricu" obično jako potresnim motivima, dekontekstualizuje ih, i jako estetizuje.


radi me i na pravi i na pogrešan način, jer vidim lepotu tamo gde je zapravo nema. sve njegove fotke gledam jako dugo, baš iz tog razloga.

Prekopavao nešto pa naleteo na Salgadovu priču sa Ted-a 2011... Odličan je čiča...



Ima na TED sajtu subtitleovan nastup, teško je dosta da se prati ovaj težački portugez engleski...

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Prekopavao nešto pa naleteo na Salgadovu priču sa Ted-a 2011... Odličan je čiča...



Ima na TED sajtu subtitleovan nastup, teško je dosta da se prati ovaj težački portugez engleski...



Sjajan lik, genijalan fotograf.


+ milijun:)


p.s. mnogo hvala za link, Skyhighartist.

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  • 3 weeks later...



If your ancestors came from Hungary, you will undoubtedly be interested in a new online collection of turn-of-the-last-century Hungarian photographs. Pictures taken by the legendary German-born Hungarian photographer György Klösz (1844-1913) are now available online in the Fortepan digital photography archives after a total of 1500 photographs from his estate have been made available for unconditional usage by the Budapest Municipal Archives.


His invaluable documentations of turn-of-the-century Hungary are familiar from calendars, picture books and book illustrations and portray the palaces, squares, streetcar and cogwheel railway lines of a metropolis in the making, as well as the pavilons of the Millennial Exhibition and several palaces, salons and gardens across historic Hungary. The pictures were taken between approximately 1880 and 1903.

You can read more at http://goo.gl/MAu9RZ while the pictures are available with Hungarian descriptions at http://www.fortepan.hu/ and with English descriptions at http://www.fortepan.hu/?lang=en&img=53824.

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zarad jedne fotografije ogromna količina sredstava, vremena, znanja, htenja, znoja, sreće zbog vedrig vremena i vredelo je.


(ako nećete ceo snimak da gledate, premotati na 26-ti min i gledati do 30-og)

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