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Vivian Maier



Skoro svih četrdeset godina koliko je, seleći se iz kuće u kuću, radila kao dadilja, Vivian Maier je u slobodno vrijeme snimala fotografije.

Najintenzivije je snimala tokom šezdesetih. Bila je ulični fotograf, koristila je Rolleiflex kameru – što joj je omogućavalo da sa svijetom uspostavlja prisniji kontakt, a ponekad i da ostane neprimijećena dok snima ljude. Naime, Rolleiflex je ona kamera koja se drži na grudima ili na trbuhu, kroz objektiv se odozgor gleda, ne nišani se prijeteći, kao sa standardnim fotoaparatima, tako da ni živi ljudski objekti ne reagiraju na isti način.

Većina ljudi, muškaraca, žena i djece, koje je snimila Vivian Maier uhvaćena je iz istog ugla. Djeluju iznenađeno, ili je nisu primijetili.

Ona slika slučajne prolaznike, ljude zanimljivih fizionomija, one koji su čudno odjeveni, ekscentrike, crnce i bijelce, kojekakve čudake, ili one čije čudnosti bivamo svjesni tek kada ih vidimo na slici.


Kratko je radila kao krojačka pomoćnica, da bi od 1956. sljedećih četrdeset godina bila dadilja i kućanica. Često je mijenjala domaćinstva. Odlazila je gotovo nenajavljeno, ostavljajući svojim poslodavcima i njihovoj djeci blijedu i često proturječnu uspomenu o sebi.

Umrla je 21. travnja 2009. u staračkom domu u Highland Parku. Dvije godine ranije, na javnu je aukciju otišao njen maleni skladišni prostor, koji već dugo nije mogla plaćati. Bio je pun razne starudije, koju su za nikakve novce raznijeli mjesni staretinari, ne zagledajući puno što kupuju.

Zaostavština karakteristična za onu vrstu starih ljudi, udovica ili neudatih žena, koji su cijeloga života poput hrčaka sakupljali i nanosili razne koještarije, što se na kraju pretvore u kolosalnu gomilu smeća. Svega je toga nestalo po logici jednoga neplaćenog duga.

Kao što će na kraju nestati i Vivian Maier i svake uspomene na nju. Nije imala nikog od rodbine, pokopali su je neki od onih kojima je bila dadilja.









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Vivian Maier, u boji, uglavnom Kodak Ektachrome 35mm








Na stranu lepota njenih fotografija, njen život i njena ličnost su niz mračnih detalja... 



Businessinsider: One Of America's Greatest Photographers Was A Nanny With A Sadistic Streak

Maier took one of her charges, Inger Raymond, to a stockyard, where she exposed the young child to the slaughter of livestock.

Near the end of the movie, Raymond reluctantly talks about her former governess's alleged abuse. That abuse included force-feeding.
Maier stuffed food into the little girl's mouth and choked her until she swallowed, according to Raymond. Her nanny also threw her around the room when she couldn't tie her shoes quickly enough, Raymond says.


Other former charges also hinted at her darkness. One said Maier abandoned her by herself on the street so she could take pictures, while another simply said she was mean. A woman who hired Maier said the nanny kept massive stacks of newspapers with gruesome headlines around the house and grew livid when she tried to remove them. Eventually, Maier and that family parted ways.

Despite Maier's odd and mean behavior, at least two of her former charges had some affection for her, as they put her up in an apartment near the end of her life. In her final years, Maier often sat in the park, mumbling in French, eating food directly from a can, and accepting old clothes from strangers.



The Guardian: Our nanny, the photographer Vivian Maier


Among more unpleasant memories, Raymond recalls Maier force-feeding her: "She would hold me down, she would shove the food in and she would choke me until I swallowed – and she would do that over and over again." She also describes having her head banged against a bookcase, while Joe Matthews says his brother's only memory of their nanny is of being spanked for spilling a glass of milk.

Such outbursts, combined with her isolation, estrangement from her family and what he perceived as hostility to men, make Joe Matthews suspect some trauma in Maier's own past and possibly abuse.


It is sad as well as perplexing that the woman who had such a knack for capturing human moods and expressions in her photographs, and showed such tenacity and originality in making her work, should have passed her whole life without forming intimate relationships of her own.



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