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Jes' vala, dva veka :isuse: Zato je Šekspir bio vizionar kad je aludirao na "fuck" koristeći firk, fauk, focative case, itd.Primeri postoje iz 14. i 15. veka, ali neki sad kažu da je "fuck" starije i od normanskog osvajanja.
Pa, verovatno, ako imamo u vidu da se i u ostalim germanskim jezicima koriste slicni oblici.

fuck (v.) until recently a difficult word to trace, in part because it was taboo to the editors of the original OED when the "F" volume was compiled, 1893-97. Written form only attested from early 16c. OED 2nd edition cites 1503, in the form fukkit; earliest appearance of current spelling is 1535 -- "Bischops ... may fuck thair fill and be vnmaryit" [sir David Lyndesay, "Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits"], but presumably it is a much more ancient word than that, simply one that wasn't written in the kind of texts that have survived from O.E. and M.E. Buck cites proper name John le Fucker from 1278. The word apparently is hinted at in a scurrilous 15c. poem, titled "Flen flyys," written in bastard Latin and M.E. The relevant line reads: Non sunt in celi quia fuccant uuiuys of heli "They [the monks] are not in heaven because they fuck the wives of [the town of] Ely." Fuccant is pseudo-Latin, and in the original it is written in cipher. The earliest examples of the word otherwise are from Scottish, which suggests a Scandinavian origin, perhaps from a word akin to Norwegian dialectal fukka "copulate," or Swedish dialectal focka "copulate, strike, push," and fock "penis." Another theory traces it to M.E. fyke, fike "move restlessly, fidget," which also meant "dally, flirt," and probably is from a general North Sea Germanic word; cf. M.Du. fokken, Ger. ficken "fuck," earlier "make quick movements to and fro, flick," still earlier "itch, scratch;" the vulgar sense attested from 16c. This would parallel in sense the usual M.E. slang term for "have sexual intercourse," swive, from O.E. swifan "to move lightly over, sweep" (see swivel). But OED remarks these "cannot be shown to be related" to the English word. Chronology and phonology rule out Shipley's attempt to derive it from M.E. firk "to press hard, beat." Germanic words of similar form (f + vowel + consonant) and meaning 'copulate' are numerous. One of them is G. ficken. They often have additional senses, especially 'cheat,' but their basic meaning is 'move back and forth.' ... Most probably, fuck is a borrowing from Low German and has no cognates outside Germanic. [Liberman] French foutre and Italian fottere look like the English word but are unrelated, derived rather from L. futuere, which is perhaps from PIE base *bhau(t)- "knock, strike off," extended via a figurative use "from the sexual application of violent action" [shipley; cf. the sexual slang use of bang, etc.]. Popular and Internet derivations from acronyms (and the "pluck yew" fable) are merely ingenious trifling. The O.E. word was hæman, from ham "dwelling, home," with a sense of "take home, co-habit." Fuck was outlawed in print in England (by the Obscene Publications Act, 1857) and the U.S. (by the Comstock Act, 1873). As a noun, it dates from 1670s. The word may have been shunned in print, but it continued in conversation, especially among soldiers during WWI. It became so common that an effective way for the soldier to express this emotion was to omit this word. Thus if a sergeant said, 'Get your ----ing rifles!' it was understood as a matter of routine. But if he said 'Get your rifles!' there was an immediate implication of urgency and danger. [John Brophy, "Songs and Slang of the British Soldier: 1914-1918," pub. 1930] The legal barriers broke down in the 20th century, with the "Ulysses" decision (U.S., 1933) and "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (U.S., 1959; U.K., 1960). Johnson excluded the word, and fuck wasn't in a single English language dictionary from 1795 to 1965. "The Penguin Dictionary" broke the taboo in the latter year. Houghton Mifflin followed, in 1969, with "The American Heritage Dictionary," but it also published a "Clean Green" edition without the word, to assure itself access to the lucrative public high school market. The abbreviation F (or eff) probably began as euphemistic, but by 1943 it was being used as a cuss word, too. In 1948, the publishers of "The Naked and the Dead" persuaded Norman Mailer to use the euphemism fug instead. When Mailer later was introduced to Dorothy Parker, she greeted him with, "So you're the man who can't spell 'fuck' " [The quip sometimes is attributed to Tallulah Bankhead]. Hemingway used muck in "For whom the Bell Tolls" (1940). The major breakthrough in publication was James Jones' "From Here to Eternity" (1950), with 50 fucks (down from 258 in the original manuscript). Egyptian legal agreements from the 23rd Dynasty (749-21 B.C.E.) frequently include the phrase, "If you do not obey this decree, may a donkey copulate with you!" [Reinhold Aman, "Maledicta," Summer 1977]. Fuck-all "nothing" first recorded 1960. Verbal phrase fuck up "to ruin, spoil, destroy" first attested c.1916. A widespread group of Slavic words (cf. Pol. pierdolić) can mean both "fornicate" and "make a mistake." Fuck off attested from 1929; as a command to depart, by 1944. Flying fuck originally meant "have sex on horseback" and is first attested c.1800 in broadside ballad "New Feats of Horsemanship." For the unkillable urban legend that this word is an acronym of some sort (a fiction traceable on the Internet to 1995 but probably predating that) see here, and also here. Related: Fucked; fucking. Agent noun fucker attested from 1590s in literal sense; by 1893 as a term of abuse (or admiration). DUCK F-CK-R. The man who has the care of the poultry on board a ſhip of war. ["Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," 1796]


Kad smo već tu, je l' ima neko ko još veruje da je 'ok' od '0 killed'? :D


zakasneli hejt za glupe bozicne sms poruke, a njuz ima nesto da kaze na taj racun:

Ћирилица и данас службено писмо у СрбијиБЕОГРАД, 9. јануар 2012, (Њуз) – Након што су прошли Бадњи дан и Божић у Србији, опало је интересовање за употребом ћирилице, поготову у СМС порукама које се шаљу.Недавно истраживање које спровео Стратеџик маркетинг показало је да преко 50 одсто Срба који током године шаљу СМС поруке на латиници, током Божића то чине на ћирилици.Владе Србије издала је саопштење у ком се наводи да је ћирилица службено писмо током целе године у нашој земљи, а не само током великих празника, те да грађани могу слободно да је користе кад год осете потребу за тиме.- Ради популаризације ћирилице, размишљамо да уведемо још један велики српски празник, и то највероватније у јесењем периоду, како не би пала у заборав. Велики је временски период између Ускрса и Нове године, односно, Божића, када се ћирилица најмасовније користи – прича за Њуз Жарко Обрадовић, министар просвете.Међу главним кривцима за смањену употребу ћирилице у Србији је и Фејсбук, који је заузео битно место у животу свих грађана.- Покушао сам да остављам статусе на Фејсу на ћирилици, и ту није било већих проблема. Они настају када хоћу да оставим коментар на туђ статус, јер ми, на пример, недостаје дупло В, па не могу да напишем WTF јер испадне ЊТФ, а и ЛОЛ нема ону тежину као када се напише латиницом – каже Славиша Ђурић из Ваљева - Да не причамо о томе да када се навикнете да пишете ћирилицом, туђе коментаре „хахахаха“ читате „нананана“, што у тренутку може да делује увредљиво.Read more: http://www.njuz.net/cirilica-i-danas-sluzbeno-pismo-u-srbiji/#ixzz1jGASRF00
Decentan, decentni, decentno...zar je tesko reci "pristojan", "pristojni", "pristojno" ili "prihvatljiv", "prihvatljivi", "prihvatljivo"..."decentno" zvuci mnooogo rogobatno

A je l' za svaki pojam smemo da imamo samo po jednu rec?


Mrz na izraz "ispoštovati" (sigurno je bilo, ali nema veze).

Ne ide "ispoštovati" bez "brate"."tebra"
evolucija slenga:brate -> tebra -> tebrane ("gde si bre tebrane?")matori -> torimasada ukrstimo ta 2 i dobijemobratori -> toribramada meni to nije za hejt, vise je onako pa...sleng, jebiga.

ovde moze da se doda i bracala, batice, brate moj... varijacije su nepresusne :fantom:

Posted (edited)

Ovako, tebrane moram da priznam da nisam ni čuo ni video do upravo sad.Sad, ono što mi je interesantno je što sam matori čuo gomilu puta, u autentičnoj upotrebi; štaviše, nepoznati omladinci su mi se tako obratili nekoliko puta. S druge strane, bratori (i, razume se, toribra) sam samo sreo u očigledno ironičnoj upotrebi. Mislim, ja ga redovno koristim sa minimum jednim ortakom u zezanju stalno, kad izigravamo džibere, jelte.

Edited by Father Jape

E da, "bracala"! Zaboravih."Tebrane" sam ja cuo u ozbiljnoj upotrebi od nekih drugara, kao i "bratori". A "matori" je standardni deo slenga vec nekih 6-7 godina cini mi se.


Da, krenulo je u slično vreme kao ekstra, čini mi se.

:blush: ja nekad koristim "vrh" i "ispoštovati" btw hejt za korišćenje reči "piša" poslednjih godina kao isključivo muškepiša je nešto što služi da piškiš (i za još ponešto ali dobro) i imaju je svisamo neki imaju mušku (koja se zove bla, bla i bla) a neki žensku (koja se zove bla, bla i bla)

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