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DeClercq se poslednjih par stotina metara nije ni okretao da vidi gde su ostali, po principu sta mu bog da :)Nego hoce li se etapa u nedelju voziti po planu ili se sprema rezervna varijanta?

ROME, May 12 (Xinhua) -- The eruption of the Etna volcano in southern Italy early Thursday is connected to the earthquakes that rocked the Spanish region of Murcia, killing 12 people and injuring more than 170 others, a seismology expert said Thursday."We are currently witnessing an intense seismic activity in the entire Mediterranean area from Spain all the way to Malta which has a certain impact on regional volcanoes," said Domenico Patane, director of the Sicily office of Italy s National Geophysics Institute.Patane said volcanoes are like windows from where underground magma surfaces and it's normal that they respond to earthquakes occurring in a geographic proximity."The Spanish eastern coast hit by the quake, after all, lies close to Italy, in the Mediterranean. Both Spain and Sicily are on the same earth plate," he said.The earthquakes in Spain on Wednesday, which could be felt in Madrid, reportedly had their epicenter near the towns of Lorca and Totana in the Murcia region. The initial tremor of 4.4 magnitude was followed by a quake of about 5.2 magnitude.Around 2 a.m. Thursday people in Sicily felt the earth slightly tremble and heard the sound of an explosion coming from Etna's pit crater. < The eruption sent flying massive quantities of lava and volcanic ash, which spilled on the main town of Catania and other nearby villages but luckily caused no serious damage.The central airport was forced to close after it was submerged by the ash.Patane said there were no severe risks for local inhabitants but just for buildings and infrastructures that could be damaged by the ash and condensed lava."It's normal to have frequent small-scale quakes and minor volcano eruptions in the Mediterranean," he said, "We're used to seismic activity here in Sicily and recently several minor shocks have been felt also across the whole of Italy."Mount Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe, with a 45-kilometer-diameter crater.
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Ne znam za Etnu--makar kako sad stvari stoje, ništa neće menjati--ali mi se sve više čini da će biti problema sa onom etapom koja se završava na Zoncolanu. Što reče šef pre neki dan, posle ovoga sa Weylandtom neće biti lako gledati vožnju po neasfaltiranom putu na Monte Crostisu. Sad vidim da i vozači pominju mogućnost protesta.

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Stvarno ga preterase :isuse:4qSdPoUR8OKJ.jpg

The organizer of the Giro announced in the evening he would be willing to improve safety for riders, especially during the descent from Monte Crosti : " With the death of Wouter Weylandt, I understand that the riders concerned about the Downhill Crosti , "said Angelo Zomegnan the Gazzetta dello Sport. "Vegni Mauro and his team will get in a few days in the Friuli dangereusité to evaluate the path. Our priority is that the riders ride safely. "The Italian returns to step offset this Tuesday: " Yesterday was a march of solidarity, not a funeral procession. Now, the Giro will restart after the riders have given the highest tribute we can do. I the platoon is more mature than before . "In retrieval of step that passes the Monte Crosti , Alberto Contador told the sports daily that even " if anyone is still alive after Crosti Zoncolan and the rest will be as easy as a Sunday release ".En lire d'avantage sur Cyclism'Actu : http://www.cyclismactu.net/news-tour_d_italie_2011_le_monte_crostis_sera_reexamine-15170.html#ixzz1MFjgmCND
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gatto :Hail:contador danas htjeo da pokaze da ipak nije u losoj formi kako smo mozda mislili juce. nije dobio, ali :Hail: za pokusaj i za iznenadjenje na ovakvoj etapi

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Ajde da zvanično najavimo sutrašnju etapu, pod pretpostavkom da Etna neće spektakularnom erupcijom progutati peloton.Evo ga profil etapetappa_dettagli_tecnici_altimetria_09.jpg?v=20110428163540Dva puta se ide uz Etnu, sa dve različite strane:tappa_dettagli_tecnici_planimetria_09.jpg?v=20110419102922Prvi uspon je dug oko 18kmtappa_09_S02.jpg?v=20110421120749drugi oko 20kmtappa_09_S03.jpg?v=20110421120749Ovo nisu ekstremno teški usponi; dosta stabilnim gradijentom se osvaja visina (oko 6%), ali 38km uspona bi trebalo da ostavi traga na peloton. Prema svim očekivanjima, sutrašnju etapu bi trebalo da odlučuje bitno manja grupa od one koja je stigla do vrha Montevergine-a u petak. Može se reći da je sutra prvi pravi dan za borbu u generalnom plasmanu. Imam osećaj da bi Krojciger mogao sutra da dobije, ili Menjšov. Nekako mi se čini da ovako dug i relativno blag uspon ne odgovara baš sasvim Kontadoru, Rodrigezu i Nibaliju.Evo je i 3-D tura ovog krajnjeg uspona na Etnu (Zahteva Google Earth ili plugin za G Earth; najbolje fercera sa fajerfoksom ili hromom).

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hm, nije mala prednost bega. Da nije među glavnim ekipama procenjeno da je najbolje da beg preživi i da se Lastrasu i Movistaru prepusti roza majica u drugoj nedelji?

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Nisam očekivao da će danas ovako da napadne. Nekako je suviše rano, šta će mu roze majica već danas? A opet, ovakva pobeda može prilično da ubije rivale. Kako god, trka je ove godine dovoljno teška da je realno očekivati da svako ima neki lošiji dan.Ruhano :Hail: Menjšov i Rodrigez najveći gubitnici danas, izgleda.

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tja. mislim, volim contadora, nije mi krivo sto ce 99% osvojiti giro, ali izgleda da moze i 10 minuta da napravi ako bude htjeo. not so fun. al dobro, siguran sam da ce makar za etape biti odlicna borba

Edited by gervasius twinkleminkleson
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