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nije sarađivao sa gyllenhaalom :sad:

1 minute ago, utilitarist said:

taj palac na gore znači ne :)

Pogledao sam. Sta mu dodje of their generation


sumnjam da postoje jake granice i između generacija i ko je bolji pa još najbolji glumac :)

Posted (edited)

Naravno. Do mene je inace, stavio sm De Nira i Di Kapria u generaciju, kontam zbog broja uloga a sad gledam, De Niro ima 3x vise ostvarenih uloga. Bice da je alkohol.

Edited by kipo
  • +1 1

On je nesto pre hrista napisao scenario za to i pokusavao decenijama da nadje ko ce da radi. Na kraju sam ulozio pare, prodao deo imovine, izpodizao kredite... lepo je videti da mu je uspelo. Prica se da ce biti nekoliko filmova, nije moglo sve da stane u jednocifren broj sati.


Jeste, vec smo pricali o tome, snimljena su prva dva dela, a najavljeno je jos 2. Prakticno mini serija. Nastavaka ce biti u zavisnosti kako prodje na blagajnama sa ovim..

  • Vojvodo,serdare 1
Posted (edited)

znači ludji i od kopole, rispekt. jedva čekam da ne gledam, zvuči užasno :sleep:

Edited by Pokojni Ruxin

Problem kod svih tih passion projekata, sto autori previse udovoljavaju sebi, a premalo misle na publiku. Ali mozda sve legne na kraju kako treba..



I went into this morning’s Horizon screening totally pumped. I wanted to embrace and celebrate a classic-styled American western, which is what the advance-word crowd has been calling it. I wanted to see Open Range 2: Westward Ho The Wagons. Give it to me, bruh…make it happen!


Alas, it pains me to admit that Kevin Costner‘s big-swing western isn’t all that good.


Costner said during today’s lunch-hour press conference that Horizon “is a journey…it’s not a plot movie.” But that’s exactly what I wanted! I wanted a solid, gripping wagon-train saga with a commanding narrative — the kind of movie in which characters say and do what they must because of who they are and what they need and so on. And that didn’t happen, and I’m all but weeping as as result. Seriously…real tears.


I don’t hate Horizon — it just doesn’t do the proverbial thing, and I feel crestfallen about that.


Costner’s 181-minute film is kind of a mess, truth be told. It feels like the start of a ten-part miniseries, and it just feels odd to be sorting through several characters and locales and situations over a three-hour period and asking “when is the actual movie going to start?”


Because this is a Hulu or Paramount Plus or Apple miniseries with a big movie star (i.e., Kevin), and his Gary Cooper-like character, Hayes Ellison, doesn’t show up until the 65-minute mark and he really doesn’t do or say a hell of a lot throughout the whole film except shoot a crazy-evil guy (played by Jamie Campbell Bower) at the halfway mark.


Maybe the “movie” will kick in when Part Two rolls along in August, but with the exception of a couple of rousing action scenes (my favorite is a moonlit horseback chase) the film I saw drifted and meandered and dragged at times. It does a whole lot of talk-talk-talking and scenery-gaping, and I felt kinda trapped watching all these unfamiliar faces rambling on and on. Why am I listening to you guys trying to sort stuff out? Who are you? Why should I care what you think about anything? You mean nothing to me.


Posted (edited)

Ne pamtim kad sam zadnji put osetio ovakvu jezu kad sam video neki trejler.Ovo zaista deluje opasno dobro


Edited by bestia

Edi Marfi i 80te, name a more iconic duo

  • +1 1

Kakva slucajnost, juce sam jos gledao sta ima od njega a da se moze pustiti klincima.


Gleda mi se novi Sorentino:



Ova mala je prava lutkica!

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