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zorge, seti se samo kako si ti & co istim intezitetom rejvovali za one time wonderinterpolom, uuuuu, ala je to bilo deep i smesno.

Cega 'oces! Od muzike do bizmisa!
kao Milic Vukasinovic?pa da, to je taj niz, Reznor, Milic Vukasinovic, Glen Livet
kao Milic Vukasinovic?pa da, to je taj niz, Reznor, Milic Vukasinovic, Glen Livet
Haha, da da, to je bas taj niz! :lol:

What else?


Ovo mi liči na pisma podrške što su imali običaj da čitaju na početku dnevnika

Ovo mi liči na pisma podrške što su imali običaj da čitaju na početku dnevnika
Sve je dobro dok ne dođe Aca. Tebe možemo i da ćebujemo i na kraju da te bacimo lavovima koji te ne bi pojeli nego bi te ubacili kao patch u max/msp novu verziju br. 5.
Da li bi hteo da objasniš to 'kako drugačije'?
Zvučao bi kao The Eraser.
Ovo mi liči na pisma podrške što su imali običaj da čitaju na početku dnevnika

sva sreca pa su tu neumorni pregaoci poput vas, da sacuvaju iskru demokratije u sveopstem mraku.

Edited by ikar


  • 2 months later...

Ok, nesto se kuva™ u Radioheadland-u. Prvo su, prosle nedelje u sredu, objavili pesmu posvecenu ratnom veteranu iz WWI:Onda je pre par dana Toma izasao i rekao ovo:

Radiohead: 'None Of Us Want To Make Albums'Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has hinted the band are going to move away from releasing traditional album releases for the foreseeable future. The band have spoken before how difficult they've found previous studio sessions recording full length records, and now Yorke has said making a new LP right now would "kill" them. "None of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again. Not straight off," Yorke opened up to The Believer. "I mean, it's just become a real drag. It worked with 'In Rainbows' because we had a real fixed idea about where we were going. But we've all said that we can't possibly dive into that again. It'll kill us." "I mean, obviously, there's still something great about the album. It's just, for us, right now, we need to get away from it a bit." "In Rainbows was a particular aesthetic and I can't bear the idea of doing that again. Not that it's not good, I just can't... bear... that." Yorke went on reveal that Radiohead may consider releasing EPs instead for now, as a means of getting new material out there. Thanks for the report to Angryape.com.
pa se danas pojavilo ovo:
'New' Radiohead Song Leaked Onto YoutubeA new song "These Are My Twisted Words" which is supposedly from Radiohead as surfaced on Youtube. Featuring Thom Yorke on vocals the track could be a product of recent recording sessions that the Oxfordshire band have undertaken with "OK Computer" producer Nigel Godrich. The leak, if genuine, marks the second piece of new material from the band in a short space. The band released a tribute song to late war veteran Harry Patch, entitled "Harry Patch (In Memory Of)" with any proceeds from the song's sale being donated to the Royal British Legion. Thanks for the report to Gigwise.com.
Ko zna, mozda su resili da izbacuju pesmu po pesmu :D

radiohead je odavno puko, a sada su i oni to shvatili.edit: podsetio bih na moju prorocku rec (a neki su se tada smejali).

... muzika ce posle njega morati da nalazi nove forme kojima ce se izrazavati, jer ce svaki album posle MPP-a biti dekadentan i (nenamerno) parodican. a bitlsi, bic bojsi i ostali rejdiohedovi ce imati samo istorjisku vrednost - slusace se kao pretece ultimativnog albuma!

Edited by fancy claps

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