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Kod mog se lako primeti kad je na maslinkama :)Evo i objasnjenje zasto tako reaguju

Both green olives (Olea europaea) and Pimentos (Capsicum annuum) contain isoprenoids that are structurally similar to the methylcyclopentane monoterpene nepetalactone, which is responsible for binding to receptors in you cat's vomeronasal organ and consequently the mind-altering effect your cat experiences.These compounds are not unusual, although thie configuration varies widely between plant species.These compounds resemble pheromones, and as such some of them function as a natural mock-pheromone pest repellents for the plant, which is likely how such high levels of these constituents within a plants' essential oils evolved.The vomeronasal organ is what your cat (and most other animals with the exception of humans, although there is a small indented area and partial nerve channel where it would be, left over from our evolution) uses to sense pheromones, and is where the nepetalactone in catnip stimulates pheromone receptors resulting in space-kitty.Summary - it is likely that either the green olives or pimentos have a chemical in their essential oil that is similar enough to the active chemical in catnip to have a similar effect on the same receptors in the part of kitty's nose that are responsible for catnip getting her high.
Negde sam citao da ne reaguju sve macke na to. Valjda one koje reaguju na catnip reaguju i na maslinke.
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Da li vaši mačori beže? Pročitala sam da su sktalice koje se ne vraćaju neko vreme, neki nikada. Zato je bolje imati mačku. Ja sam imala jednu, i dalje imam ožiljke na rukama od njenih kandžica. Moje nežne nadlanice su joj služile kao jastuče za grebanje.

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Stariji macan, Mika, znao je da odsustvuje i po 3 dana. Sada ima 7 godina, pa je vise kod kuce.Proredile su se povrede, mada se i sada pobije sa stranim elementima.Nikada me nije ogrebao, ma kakvu ranu da sam mu sredjivao.Mladji, Sauron, suprotnost. Skace na sto(oducen uglavnom), sklon gruboj igri. Ujeda, grebe iz zabave. Pocepao mi dve majice, dok sam ga nosio kod veterinara, koji je preko puta mene. Mjauce po kuci stalno, kako bi privukao paznju.Svake veceri ucestvuje u pogranicnim carkama, za sada bez vecih posledica. Jos uvek nije odlutao na duze. Nema jos punu godinu.

Edited by Miljenko
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edit: omašila.edit edita: eno, prebacila sam post gde mu je mesto.ostaje da su sve mačke divne, a posebno ovakve pufne iznad.

Edited by stormy
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Zvercica kojoj sam pre nekih desetak dana (na tudj racun) spasao zivot :)16693036-holder-b21f8252199944aa741cc2fb0f9b027b.jpg16693037-holder-a67a85c46547aee820bcf3a6402df417.jpgVracao se biciklom sa Senjaka i na Mostaru slucajno naletim na nju. Prvo sam bio ubedjen da je uginula i sasvim slucajno provalim da ipak daje znake zivota. Na brzaka telefonom dogovorio da ga odnesem kod jedne poznanice pa da ga posle nekom uvalimo ali se zvercica odomacila kod poznanice i nece ici nigde dalje :)Ludo za sve pare.

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