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Slusaj, ovo mi svakako nije medju najdrazim epizodama, niti mislim da je medju najboljim, ali nemam nameru da tako lako odustajem od ove sezone i u opste od ove serije. Zato i kazem, polako.

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Jeste malo pateticno, jeste da su mogli da izbace onih pola minuta na 1:26:00, ali ipak moze se naslutiti u kom ce pravcu ici serija dalje. Sledeca epizoda je za 6 dana, kad ce, verovatno, cela ekipa biti na okupu opet, pa cemo videti da li je ovo bio Let iznad kukavicijeg gnezda ili je Haus izlecen :)

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Ja sam se nadao u poslednjoj sceni, kad ide zoom out, da pored njega sedi Amber :lolol:
Hehe, kad si vec pomenuo taj poslednji kadar, po netu su vec krenule teorije

sta znaci onaj njegov smesak u kameru na kraju? Da li je to bilo ono jednostavno: izlecen sam, konacno je sve ok, vracam se kuci? Ili je to bilo hihi, al sam ih sve zajebao? Ako bi ovo drugo bilo tacno, mislim da u tom slucaju jedino sto nije lazirao je bio odnos sa Frankom Potente. A ostalo je bilo majstorski.E sad, da li je ta teorija tacna, mozda cemo saznati vrlo brzo :)

Edited by Sludge Factory
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Nije lose ali moglo je bolje :(Mnogo romantike, i po prici ja ovo ne bi ni stavio u seriju, vec kao neki (neuspeli) pokusaj filma.I upravu je paculla, ono nije ONAJ Pembelton :unsure: PS da li sam ja jedini imao utisak da ce ceo VI serijal da se odvija u "ustanovi"?

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Ja sam se nadao u poslednjoj sceni, kad ide zoom out, da pored njega sedi Amber :lolol:
skroz! :lol: btw, scena na kosarkaskom igralistu je :Hail: kao i razgovor telefonom sa Wilsonom :Dsve ostalo je :puke: ne mogu da verujem sta su oni krenuli da prave...
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Nego, ovaj... serija izgleda pocinje lagano da se raspada:

House - Jennifer Morrison is Leaving! Posted by DarkUFO at Thursday, September 24, 2009Princeton-Plainsboro is undergoing another major shake-up: Sources confirm to me exclusively that Jennifer Morrison is leaving House.Neither Fox nor Morrison’s reps would comment, but I’m told the actress did not quit; her exit was a creative decision on the part of producers. Morrison — the first of the show’s original cast member’s to depart — shot her last scene earlier this week and her final episode will air in November.

Suspicions about Morrison’s House future were raised last week when she was MIA at the show’s premiere screening in Hollywood.Here’s what else I’m hearing about this surprising and, I’ll say it, disappointing, turn of events.* Unlike Kal Penn’s dearly-departed Kutner, Cameron will not be killed off.* Morrison’s on-screen husband, Jesse Spencer (Chase), is not leaving the show. (Do the math and you can probably figure out how she’ll be written out.)* Producers are leaving the door open for Morrison to make a guest appearance later in the season.The last point will prove little comfort to Cameron fans, especially since this was the season Morrison’s nearly three-year stint on the backburner was supposed to end. In fact, just last month series creator David Shore told me, “Chase and Cameron fans will be happy with the way we’re going to reintegrate them into the team — at least on a temporary basis.” (That temporary qualifier should’ve been a clue.) Even Morrison recently admitted it was “great” being front-and-center again. “I have been working a lot,” she told us, “and there are things that happen to House very early in the season that have a domino effect on all of the other characters.”

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