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NBA 23/24


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12 minutes ago, Heaviside said:

Mnogo mi je draže da pobeđuju ljudi koji osećaju veliku strast prema košarci i pokazaju poštovanje prema njoj


Neko ko odigra 100 utakmica u sezoni na vrhunskom nivou, bukvalno najbolji igrač u ligi tri sezone uzastopno pri tom ne oseća strast i ne pokazuje poštovanje? :D

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3 hours ago, freakns said:

nakon sto je najurio Westbrooka?! gde ce ti dusa crni Kojote...

Pa los je gm jebi ga

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1 minute ago, Time Crisis said:


Neko ko odigra 100 utakmica u sezoni na vrhunskom nivou, bukvalno najbolji igrač u ligi tri sezone uzastopno pri tom ne oseća strast i ne pokazuje poštovanje? :D

Vrhunski profesionalac, sigurno i voli u određenoj meri, ali nije mu to omiljeni sport. Više se raduje pobedi konja nego svojoj medalji na Olimpijadi, to su njegovi reči i ujedno pokazivanje nepoštovanja jer je od košarke ipak dobio mnogo uključujući i te konje. Jedna vrsta pišanja po sirotinji. Sa druge strane imaš igrače kojima je košarka strast broj 1 i ja navijam za njih. 

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5 hours ago, 1n54jd3r said:

Cemu toliki hejt ka Debelom i Koloradu? Nije li lepo i osvezavajuce da small market underdog prica dodje do trofeja? 


Imamo Milvokoki za to, mnogo lepsa prica. 

2 hours ago, 1n54jd3r said:

Otkaz Pesicu + fotke sa SNS-ovcima koji ga spopadnu? I zbog toga da propustim da pratim generacijskog talenta? Previse volim kosarku da bih mogao da ga hejtujem.

ja sam 16 sati dnevno u kosarci a i dalje imam mesta u srcu da hejtujem debelog vucicevca. 

Ove godine samo za Cacanina

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1 minute ago, Heaviside said:

Vrhunski profesionalac, sigurno i voli u određenoj meri, ali nije mu to omiljeni sport. Više se raduje pobedi konja nego svojoj medalji na Olimpijadi, to su njegovi reči i ujedno pokazivanje nepoštovanja jer je od košarke ipak dobio mnogo uključujući i te konje. Jedna vrsta pišanja po sirotinji. Sa druge strane imaš igrače kojima je košarka strast broj 1 i ja navijam za njih. 

Zato volim glavatog cefura. 

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Ok, postujem argumentaciju i potpuno je razumem. Sport je biznis, zabava, razonoda za navijace. Volim basket citavog zivota. Lakse mi je da navijam za Denver nego za KKP trenutno, koliko god to bizarno zvucalo.

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6 hours ago, Jimmy Kowalski said:

Za Darka i Raptors of kors



The lawsuit alleges Azotam, the Knicks’ former director of video, analytics, and player development, stole proprietary information — including “scouting reports, play frequency reports, a prep book, and a link to third-party licensed software” — and used it in an effort to help Rajaković acclimate to his first head coaching job. The suit says that in July, around the time Azotam told the Knicks he had a job offer from Toronto, he started to forward information from his Knicks email account to his personal Gmail account.

The lawsuit, which the Knicks filed Monday, names 14 defendants: the Raptors, as well as MLSE; new Raptors head coach Darko Rajaković; Raptors player development coach Noah Lewis; 10 unnamed John Does; and the aforementioned former Knicks employee, Ikechukwu Azotam, who the lawsuit says took a job with Toronto this month. The Knicks allege that not only did Rajaković know about what was occurring but that he “recruited and used” the then-Knicks employee to help him build out the operations for his coaching staff.

The suit alleges that the Raptors defendants directed Azotam to “misuse” his access to the Knicks’ Synergy Sports account to create and transfer more than 3,000 files with film and data, including 3,358 video files. The Knicks discovered his transfer on Aug. 15 and say that those files were accessed more than 2,000 times by the defendants.

The lawsuit also alleges that “Defendant Rajaković and the other Raptor Defendants recruited and used Azotam to serve as a mole within the Knicks organization to convey information that would assist the Raptors Defendants in trying to manage their team.”

The Knicks allege that the Raptors defendants violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, that all defendants violated the Defend Trade Secrets Act and that they misappropriated trade secrets under NY common law, and that Azotam breached his contract, and that the Raptors defendants committed tortious interference with Azotam who was under contract. There are other counts and eight in all.


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41 minutes ago, Кристофер Лумумбо said:

Imamo Milvokoki za to, mnogo lepsa prica. 

ja sam 16 sati dnevno u kosarci a i dalje imam mesta u srcu da hejtujem debelog vucicevca. 

Ove godine samo za Cacanina

i ti si meni svakim danom sve simpaticniji :wub:

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