February 7, 20232 yr Microsoft bogami bas brzo ovo uradio. Ako su uboli ovo moze biti bitno, samo je pitanje da li stvarno ljudi zele da pretrazuju u pitanjima ili zele listu rezultata pa da biraju Microsoft finally announced a new ChatGPT-enhanced Bing that can challenge Google's search dominance
February 8, 20232 yr Spoiler A man has to take a wolf, a goat, and some cabbage across a river. His rowboat has enough room for the man plus either the wolf or the goat or the cabbage. If he takes the cabbage with him, the wolf will eat the goat. If he takes the wolf, the goat will eat the cabbage. Only when the man is present are the goat and the cabbage safe from their enemies. All the same, the man carries wolf, goat, and cabbage across the river. How? The man can carry the goat first and leave it on the other side. Then he can go back and take the cabbage. He leaves the cabbage on the original side and goes back to get the wolf. He brings the wolf across and leaves him with the goat. Finally, he goes back one last time and brings the cabbage across to the other side. The man's presence prevents the wolf from eating the goat and the goat from eating the cabbage. Wrong. If he leave cabbage and the goat on the other side the goat will eat the cabbage and if he leave wolf and the goat on the other side, wolf wil eat the goat. Wolf and goat, and also goat and cabbage cannot be left alone on any side of the river at any point. Try again The man carries the goat across first and leaves it on the other side of the river. Then, he goes back and takes the cabbage across the river, leaving it with the goat. Finally, he goes back for the wolf and brings it across, making sure to keep hold of the leash. In this way, the wolf and the goat are never left together unattended, and the goat and the cabbage are never left unattended either. Wrong again. When man finally goes back for the wolf to bring it across, he is leaving goat and cabbage unattended Goat will eat the cabbage while he is away getting the wolf. Try again. Here's the solution: The man takes the goat across the river first and leaves it on the other side. He goes back and takes the cabbage across, but leaves it on the original side. He then goes back to get the wolf and takes it across. Finally, he goes back one last time to get the goat and bring it back to the original side. This way, the goat and cabbage are never left unattended and the wolf is never left alone with the goat. Wrong again. Second step should be: He goes back and takes the cabbage across, and brings back goat on the original side. This way it would work Yes, that's correct! The man takes the goat across first and leaves it on the other side, then goes back and takes the cabbage across, and finally goes back one more time to take the wolf across. With this method, the goat and cabbage are always with the man and therefore safe from the wolf, and the wolf and goat are never together unattended. Ništa on ne kapira.
February 8, 20232 yr Šta se plaća, pristup bez prekidanja ili još neke mogućnosti? Da.. General access to ChatGPT, even during peak times Faster response times Priority access to new features and improvements Edited February 8, 20232 yr by kipo
February 9, 20232 yr Google, izgleda, nije navikao da radi pod pritiskom. Ovo ne samo sto AI nije dobro odgovorio, nego nisu ni izguglali da provere tacnost odgovora pre izbacovanja videa
February 9, 20232 yr umeju oni* da izmišljaju nove reči bez problema, jer rade na delovima reči, ne na celim rečima (jer bi tako postojalo previše različitih reči u tekstu, pogotovo u morfološki bogati(ji)m jezicima) pa neuronska mreža ne bi mogla da izađe na kraj sa njima) dobra nuspojava je što mogu da generišu i morfološke varijacije koje nisu videli pri obučavanju (npr ako je u tekstu za obučavanje viđeno "lepši" i "najveći" ali nije "najlepši", on će ipak umeti da generiše i "najlepši" jer je video nešto tipa "lep ši", "naj ve ći" + naravno kontekste) loša nuspojava su reči koje ne postoje ("najmostovitiji" -- mada mi se sviđa kreacija!) *neuronski jezički modeli inače, ne znam da li sam već spomenula u onom dugačkom postu, ako jesam izvinjavam se, ali mislim da je bitno -- cela ta stvar sa neuronskim jezičkim zezalicama se suštinski svodi na množenje ogromnog broja velikih matrica
February 10, 20232 yr 21 hours ago, vememah said: 😳 obrni-okreni, primarni fokus je na ustedi vremena. ali da li mozemo da se oslonimo uvek (ili barem cesce nego ne) na kvalitet informacija koje izbacuje? pitanje za prosvetare, kako planirate pristup ocenjivanju sada (in this new landscape)?
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