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Gromoglasno najavljivana Tata Nano se pojavila. Auto za sirotane ali istovremeno i prometalo koje zadovoljava 90% potreba većine korisnika, dovoljan za odlazak na posao, odvoženje klinaca iz škole i prenos zembilja sa pijace. tatacheapcar1po5.th.jpg 20080108indiacargraphicwh6.th.jpg snn1121gx1682417235asb4.th.jpg Sam koncept nije ništa revolucionarno. Ovde ima zanimljivo poređenje cena:Compare the Tata Nano with the Ford Model T which was introduced in 1909. According to the Kansas City Star, it cost $825, had a 4-cylinder, 20 horsepower engine with a top speed of 45 mph. The Model T had fuel economy between 13 to 21 miles per gallon. It had no seatbelts, air-conditioning was provided by lowering the top, but it did feature acetylene headlamps. Nearly a century of technological progress makes things a lot cheaper and vastly more functional. In inflation-adjusted terms, a Model T would cost about $18,000 today. Conversely, a Tata Nano would cost only $115 in 1909 dollars.Now that's progress! Update: I can't resist comparing the Tata Nano to the 1960 VW Beetle. The 1960 Beetle had a 34 horsepower engine and got 30 miles per gallon. It had no pollution controls or seat belts. The big news is that the Beetle got an actual gas gauge in 1961. It cost $1,565. So today, a 1960 VW Beetle would cost about $10,500 in inflation-adjusted dollars. A Tata Nano would cost only $375 in 1960 dollars.And what about the 1985 Yugo?In 1985, it cost $3,990. Today, that would be about $7,500. And a Nano would cost around $1,350 n 1985 dollars.Lično, volio bih nešto slično ali manje zagađujuće (alkohol, hidrogen, struja..).

Za te pare i ne izgleda loše. Ima čak i petora vrata.

Sir Leonard Lord, head of Austin, had a pet peeve: "Damn these bloody awful bubble cars. We must drive them out of the streets by designing a proper miniature car!"He selected Alec Issigonis, a gifted and individualistic designer, previously responsible for the successful Morris Minor of the early fifties, to do the job. The Mini would go on in the next four decades to become one of the world’s best-known, best loved cars, and would be at the heart of a technical and social revolution.authimini00xy6.th.jpgMini svakako nije bio prvi auto pristupačan (skoro) svima, on je samo prekretnice posle koje je postalo jasno da kupci žele nešto što liči na "normalni" auto, makar i umanjeno. Razni Meseršmiti i Isete su otišli u istoriju, ostali su bube, fiće i slični. Hrabrih pokušaja sa nečim novim je bilo kao npr. C5 Klejva Sinklera (sećate li se Spektuma?):sinclairc500vn0.th.jpgSir Clive Sinclair was a very rich, eccentric genius who amassed a fortune in the manufacture of revolutionary- indeed visionary- electronic devices and products. These include calculators, watches, meters, pocket TV's(1975), micro computers (1980), and home computers (1982- when computers were still in dedicated rooms).Like TV and computers, the idea of producing an electric vehicle had been a constant preoccupation for him. In the '70's, ecological issues were in the forefront, and the British government passed legislation that allowed electric-assisted cycles to be used without a license, as long as they didn’t exceed 15mph.The much-publicized launch was an unqualified disaster. It was held in the middle of winter and the C5's bodies skated on the snow. The press was merciless. Safety and Advertising Standards organizations got involved. Sales and production nosedived, and the company was wound up in October of the same year, with an unfazed Sir Clive out of pocket some 8.6 million pounds.Mikro auti su , ipak, bili proizvod ratovske/posleratovske bede kada se pokazalo da je nužda majka inventivnosti. Ovo je zanimljiv proizvod poznatog prizvođača u teško vreme:peugot00ea2.th.jpg Like the rest of France's auto industry, Peugeot was forced to turn its plants over to German war production. The drawing office hummed with secret projects, among them the Voiture Legere de Ville (Light City Car). 377 were made. Speed from its electric motor, supplied by four 12V batteries under the hood, was 20 mph, and the range was 50 miles.Meni ne zvuči loše za nešto napravljeno pre 66 god.izvor

  • 2 weeks later...
Aptera:aptera1.jpgPretpostavljam da električni model pati od standardnih problema (npr. vreme potrebno da se baterija napuni da bi se mogla nastaviti vožnja), ali zato hibridni model zvuči zaista zanimljivo za cenu od oko $30K.Reklamni spot:Popular Mechanics test drive:
1.jpgjuce je luxembourska vlada pocela kampanju za promociju ekoloskih vozila:
750 euros de prime attendent ceux qui choisiront une voiture qui consomme cinq litres d'essence pour 100 km (4,5 litres de diesel) ou 120 grammes de CO2. Les familles de six personnes ou plus peuvent demander la prime pour des v?hicules pouvant transporter six personnes et ?mettant jusqu'? 160 grammes.
ko izabere automobil koji trosi manje od 5l/100km benzina ili 4.5l dizela dobice od drzave 750e pomoc
ko izabere automobil koji trosi manje od 5l/100km benzina ili 4.5l dizela dobice od drzave 750e pomoc
U praksi nijedan automobil ne trosi manje od 5l. :wink:

Edited by Mrva

U praksi nijedan automobil ne trosi manje od 5l. :wink:
sa nasim gorivom, sigurno ne...., u Jevropi mozda
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Ovaj ne troši ništa.
sa nasim gorivom, sigurno ne...., u Jevropi mozda
Mozda taj sa tvog avatara. Jbg, prednji pogon na 1 tocak. :D

Ovo je veliki presedan:image_36270599.jpg

Le tribunal correctionnel de Saverne a condamn? jeudi le constructeur automobile su?dois Volvo ? 200.000 euros d'amende
Volvo osudjen da plati kaznu od 200 000EMotiv: Ubistvo i povrede bez predumisljaja. 1999 vozilo kojim je upravljala vozac(ica) nije odgovorilo kada je zena pritisla kocnicu i pokusala da zakoci. Tada je njen Volvo 850 TDI usmrtio dvoje dece od 9 i 10 godina juna 1999 u Wasselonne. Zena je osucena na 6 meseci uslovnog sluzenej kazne , godinu dana oduzimanje dozvole i 300E kazne.Posle dodatnog sudjenja proslog novembra osudjen je i Volvo zbog toga sto je indirektno izazvao dramu zbog problema u sistemu kocenja.Kompletna vest
Motif: homicides et blessures involontaires. La conductrice, qui dit avoir frein? sans que la p?dale ne r?ponde, a ?cop? de 6 mois de prison avec sursis, un an de suspension de permis et 300 euros d'amende pour d?faut de ma?trise de son v?hicule.Sa Volvo 850 TDI avait mortellement fauch? deux enfants de 9 et 10 ans, le 17 juin 1999 ? Wasselonne.A l'issue du proc?s en novembre, le minist?re public avait requis une amende "dissuasive" de 150.000 euros contre Volvo, estimant que la "cause indirecte" mais "certaine" du drame relevait d'une "d?faillance du syst?me de freinage" imputable au constructeur.
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Bruka i sramota! A toliko su izvikani da su najbezbedniji...eh ni Volvoi nisu kao što su nekad bili.

2009 Mitsubishi Gallantmitsu-galant-1.jpgmitsu-galant-3.jpgmitsu-galant-4.jpg

Iako volim Mitsubishi (posedujem ga), ovaj novi Galant mi više deluje kao model za 2004, nego model za 2009.

Novi minivan iz Volkswagena uradjen u saradnji sa Chryslerom. Prodavace se samo u Americi. Model ce se zvati Routan i imace 2 motora kao opcije - 3.6L V6 sa 197 hp i 4.0L V6 sa 251 hp.vwroutan128005ua2.jpgvwroutan128004az6.jpgvwroutan128002ji1.jpgvwroutan128001ml7.jpg

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Čudno mi je da Chrysler nije tu s Mercedesom ostvario saradnju.

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