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Bajden - jedno staro i očekivano presidency?


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1 minute ago, Weenie Pooh said:

čijoj opciji bi bili inclined da daju glas



Dobra ti je ova brate, izuva

3 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:



Dobra ti je ova brate, izuva


Ne znam o čemu pričaš, ko su ti stealthy GOP pro-Palestinci protiv čijeg se perfidnog uticaja boriš? 


Od koga tačno braniš milu ti Sandy, ozbiljno pitam? 

11 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Od koga tačno braniš milu ti Sandy, ozbiljno pitam?

Od sektaša koji na kraju neće ostvariti nijedan svoj cilj, osim owning the libs


Doduše, moram priznati da mi je malo drago što se stara Nensara sigurno smijulji dok gleda što priređuju Sandari :D


Pa to te pitam, identifikuj te sektaše. Ko je pro-Palestine a glasa za GOP, ima li ta sekta neko ime, neki website, nešto?


Missim, koožim, to su tvoji mladi padawani



Posted (edited)


Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)

"Ajde da glasamo za Tomu, pa će demokrate valjda da se opamete..." 

Edited by braca
  • +1 5
1 hour ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Missim, koožim, to su tvoji mladi padawani




Eto, lik eksplicitno kaže da je DNC glasač sa long-term strategijom a ti ga svrstavaš u GOP jer neće Dementora :blink: 


Chairman Daou je isto čuveni Republikanac, mal ne pogibe da dogura raspalu Hilari do cilja onomad.


(Ostale ne prepoznajem.)


Tramp bi bio optimalan izbor za USA, slično što bi Nestorović bio optimalan izbor za Srbiju. Prikladan predstavnik regardirane raspadajuće države. 


Amerikanci (još) nisu nacija dementnih deda koje unuci koriste kao marionetu; više su nacija debelih nabeđenih idiota nesposobnih da pojme išta osim popularnosti. 


  • +1 1

Bravo za Bajdena



High-ranking US diplomat Victoria Nuland, known for anti-Russia views, will retire soon


2 hours ago, vememah said:


Sumnjiv mi je taj Beginov ''citat'' Bidena u izgovorenom pamfletu bez ikakve bibliografije.


Čak i u stupu objektivnog novinarstva the Jacobinu taj se razgovor predstavlja drugačije.

Posted (edited)

Times of Israel u novembru 2020:


In June 1982, a few days after the start of the Lebanon War, known as Operation Peace for the Galilee, Begin met with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington. Several lawmakers grilled him over Israel’s alleged disproportionate use of force.

“A young senator rose and delivered a very impassioned speech — I must say that it’s been a while since I’ve heard such a talented speaker — and he actually supported Operation Peace for the Galilee,” Begin told Israeli reporters after he returned to Jerusalem.

The senator — Biden — said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children.

“I disassociated myself from these remarks,” Begin said. “I said to him: No, sir; attention must be paid. According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war… Sometimes there are casualties among the civilian population as well. But it is forbidden to aspire to this. This is a yardstick of human civilization, not to hurt civilians.”


Edited by vememah
  • Hvala 2

Bukvalno to piše na linku koji Skeptični Ruđer deli (s tim što Jacobin prepričava šta je Wall Street Journal objavio):


“If attacks were launched from Canada into the US,” Biden remarked, “everyone here would have said, ‘Attack all the cities of Canada, and we don’t care if all the civilians get killed.’”


"Everyone here would have said..." - treba čitati s razumijevanjem. Razgovor je točno prenesen bez Beginovog lažnog preseravanja



3 hours ago, braca said:

Ajde da glasamo za Tomu, pa će demokrate valjda da se opamete..." 



Živa je šteta što ti i Braca ne možete da se uhvatite pod ruku i zajedno zadovoljite svoju htonsku težnju glasajući Bidena za spas Palestine. 

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