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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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2 hours ago, Kelt said:

to svakako, ali posto se ovde radi o matematici velikih brojeva, kakva god da je klinicka slika, brzi prenos = vise umrlih i novi sojevi:vesala:




2 cents:


Medjutim ima i logika da posto ce ionako svi da se zaraze bolje da je laksa klinicka slika. Ovo da ce svi da dodju u kontakt je neminovno i bili spremni ili ne, jer u Zapadnom svetu (sve osim Afrike) je vakcinisan svako ko je to mislio da uradi tako da protok vremena nece promeniti nista u tom smislu.

7 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Upravo zbog takvih attention-whoring zloduha bez trunka etike, morala i ljudskosti, koji hrane glavne anitvaxxerske mitove da je ''prirodni imunitet'' a) bolji od onog stečenog vakcinom, b) da za razliku od onog stečenog vakcinsanjem, traje cijeli život, gdje ni a) ni b) nije istina, imamo ''Zaražavajmo se'' grupe na Fejsbuku

najbolji prirodni imunitet protiv covida je da se samoubiješ, onda nema šansi da te zarazi a ni da preneseš drugima. 

Kakvi debili a i mediji što po svaku cenu prenose razne gluposti. 

  • +1 3
23 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Upravo zbog takvih attention-whoring zloduha bez trunka etike, morala i ljudskosti, koji hrane glavne anitvaxxerske mitove da je ''prirodni imunitet'' a) bolji od onog stečenog vakcinom, b) da za razliku od onog stečenog vakcinsanjem, traje cijeli život, gdje ni a) ni b) nije istina, imamo ''Zaražavajmo se'' grupe na Fejsbuku

a i nekako na forumu isti ljudi prenose ista sranja (pozdrav za nurse johna).

  • +1 2

Nekako smo na pocetku pandemije imali i ono upozorenje moderacije da ce biti banovan svako ko uporno lupeta i iznosi nepotvrdjene vesti, za sad je izgleda samo virus gluposti postao otporan na vakcinu

  • +1 1

I meni smeta blebetanje medija (donekle i defetizam na forumu) o varijanti o kojoj realno još uvek ništa ne znamo. Juče zatičem baku kako plače. Naime baka je već izgubila sina od ove bolesti i onda je nazove mama i kaže joj da dolazi nova opasnija varijanta koja se brzo širi i zaobilazi vakcine. I baka zabrinuta da ne umre još neko od nas.


Pa jebemu, koliko je takvih koji su u panici zbog neodgovornih medija i koliko će njih sutra kad se ova blebetanja ispostave kao preuranjena biti u fazonu - ma nemaju oni pojma - sto je na korak prema antivakserstvu i nepoverenju prema zdravstvenom sistemu.

  • +1 1

Nažalost, članak je (još) pod paywallom, ali ovo je ilustracija koliko su US big pharma specifično u SAD uvijek instinktivno beskrupulozna pohlepna zločinačka žgadija, jer im se tamo može i tamo im prolazi

  • +1 1

Incidenca u Hamburgu. kod:


- Nevakcinisanih = 898,2

- Vakcinisanih = 24 


a ima i ovo, šta god značilo:



  • +1 1
  • Hvala 1

Otprilike oni koji su rešili da prave novu vakcinu tvrde da će ona biti potrebna, a oni koji neće - da neće.

  • +1 2
17 minutes ago, vememah said:

Otprilike oni koji su rešili da prave novu vakcinu tvrde da će ona biti potrebna, a oni koji neće - da neće.

Upravo tako, CEO Moderne osvaja danas nagradu za pokvarenu gnjidu dana.


s druge strane, CEO BioNTech-a šalje reči (relativnog) optimizma:



  • Hvala 2
4 hours ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Nažalost, članak je (još) pod paywallom, ali ovo je ilustracija koliko su US big pharma specifično u SAD uvijek instinktivno beskrupulozna pohlepna zločinačka žgadija, jer im se tamo može i tamo im prolazi

Ako vas zanima, mogu okačiti cijeli članak. Excerpt:


Production capacity is key Pfizer’s vaccine success has been built not on research brilliance, but on manufacturing nous. As Pfizer’s production capacity soared in 2021, the company grabbed market share from cheaper rivals AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer’s strategy to keep more of its production in-house paid off. Along with BioNTech, they had nine of their own facilities, with the largest in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and Puurs, Belgium, as well as 20 contract manufacturers. It went to extraordinary lengths to secure production. When Pfizer was unable to find appropriate ultra cold storage for its vaccines while in transit, it designed a thermal container itself. In order to secure dry ice to cool them, it built its own dry ice factory. This combination of control and expertise enabled a dramatic productivity leap. When Pfizer first began to supply the vaccine, it took an average of 110 days from the start to putting vaccine into a vial. Now, it takes an average of 31 days. In January, it said it could deliver 2bn doses this year but by August, it said it was on track to manufacture 3bn. Next year, it plans to make 4bn doses. In contrast, AstraZeneca struggled to scale up production. The Anglo-Swedish drug company, which had partnered with the University of Oxford, had planned to deliver 300m doses to the EU in the first six months of this year. But after a series of problems, it cut its deliveries dramatically, to just 100m. EU politicians were so irate they took AstraZeneca to court.


The problems were replicated at J&J, which at one stage paused its EU rollout. EU leaders needed vaccines to keep their people safe — and to restore their own reputations — and Pfizer looked like the only reliable supplier in the room. “Politicians have been badly burnt. The few of them who have tried to negotiate on price or other forms of access have been politically hurt, particularly in the EU where after the early rollout there were enormous recriminations,” says Gostin. “People asked ‘Why didn’t you give companies what they are asking for?’” Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, began calling and texting Bourla in January 2021. When, in the spring, it became clear Pfizer would have more doses available, she began to negotiate a mega-deal of up to 1.8bn shots to be delivered all the way until 2023. “The member states wanted access to the vaccine for the next few years and to lock that down early,” says Sean Marett, BioNTech’s chief commercial officer, who adds that price was not the critical issue in the talks. “I think what was important was reliability and dependability. People were scared. You could feel it. Europe was worried about lockdowns and variants and wanted to reassure people.”


41 minutes ago, barrcode said:

Ae važi


Po istom izveštaju omikron je navodno 30% zarazniji od delte.




Later in the evening, a report by Channel 12 said the Pfizer vaccine is just slightly less effective in preventing infection with Omicron than with Delta – 90% as opposed to 95% – while it is as effective – around 93% – in preventing serious symptoms at least for those vaccinated with a booster.
According to the report, the ability of the variant to infect is higher than Delta but not as much as feared – around 1.3 times higher.



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