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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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mi sutra mozemo poceti sa radom, ali sam rekao mojima da sede kuci. ja cu prosetati do kancelarije da vidim kakva je sutuacija. koji moj smo sedeli po kucama ako treba sutra da stojim u liftu sa 15 ljudi na 5 kvadrata. 

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5 minutes ago, banecare1 said:

mi sutra mozemo poceti sa radom, ali sam rekao mojima da sede kuci. ja cu prosetati do kancelarije da vidim kakva je sutuacija. koji moj smo sedeli po kucama ako treba sutra da stojim u liftu sa 15 ljudi na 5 kvadrata. 

ne idi ni ti. nista nisi uradio ako izadjes

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izlazim do prodavnice svakako. bio sam i do ofisa par puta.


hocu da vidim koliko ljudi radi i kakva je temperatura u kancelariji. prosle nedelje zive duse nije bilo




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nije potrebna potpuna izolacija. svi izlaze u nabavku, moraju deca malo da se proluftiraju, setanje pasa i sl. radi 30-40% barova i restorana, prodavnice, taksi i gradski transport.  moj odlazak do ofisa je 10 min setnja. 


po slobodnoj proceni ima 15-20% ljudi od normalnog broja u zgradi. polovina kancelarija je zatvorena, ove sto rade vidi se da radi manji deo zaposlenih, grejanje je iskljuceeno.  


na ulicama sada vec svi sa maskama, primetio sam da cak i u koima ne skidaju. merenje temperature je norma prilikom ulazka u poslovne i stanbene zgrade. 


kada je neko fasovao virus u tvom kraju, svi dobiju poruku sa informacijom. kod nas nije bilo (pupupu), neki od poznanika su dobijali. 


danas sam na ulazu u stabmeni kompleks dobio ovaj papir 









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Kinezi su naprasno bez obaveštavanja SZO promenili metodologiju računanja broja obolelih i počeli da brišu laboratorijski potvrđene zaražene osobe koje nemaju simptome.






(na 39:00)

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(131.339,57 evra)



Superstar Jackie Chan has announced a reward of 1 million yuan (INR 1Crore) for those who develop a cure for the coronavirus.  He has already donated a large amount for masks and other essential supplies to China.  Chan has stated according to The Nation "Science and technology is key to overcoming the virus, and I believe many people have the same thought like me and hope that an antidote can be developed as soon as possible. I have a 'naive' idea now. No matter which individual or organisation develops the antidote, I want to thank them with 1 million yuan. 


Videh na FBu negde a nalazim vest samo na nekim indijskim i turskim sajtovima..

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34 minutes ago, banecare1 said:



in other news, danas skocio broj zarazenih sa 45K na preko 60K :blink:


ovo ima i objasnjnje 




A revision in the diagnosis criteria for the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Hubei province has resulted in a sudden surge in the number of confirmed patients in the province on Wednesday, the provincial health commission said on Thursday.


They can now give a diagnosis relying on a combination of factors, such as lung images, physical conditions and epidemiological history.

Among the 14,840 new cases in Hubei on Wednesday, there are 13,332 clinically diagnosed cases according to the revised diagnosis criteria.

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Zar nema nekakav test, iz krvi ili već čega, malo egzaktniji od "kombinacije faktora"?


U jednom tekstu pre par dana, doktor kaže da verovatno ima više zaraženih, ali ne mogu sve da ih dijagnostikuju jer odavno nestalo "test kits". 

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Kad smo kod novih bolnica koje je propagandistkinja spomenula:




What China’s empty new coronavirus hospitals say about its secretive system


China’s two new hospitals built in as many weeks were the official face of its fight against the coronavirus in Wuhan. As the city was locked down, authorities promised that thousands of doctors would be on hand to treat 2,600 patients on the facilities’ wards.
Four days after its opening, the larger Leishenshan hospital had only 90 patients, on wards designed for 1,600, but was reporting no spare beds, Wuhan city health data, first reported by the Chinese magazine Caixin, showed. The other facility, Huoshenshan, had not yet filled its 1,000 beds a week after opening.


Meanwhile, the city was setting up emergency hospitals in exhibition halls and a sports stadium, and medics were still turning some ill people away. China has the world’s largest army but it has not deployed any field hospitals to Wuhan.




Edited by vememah
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3 hours ago, Tihajeza said:

Zar nema nekakav test, iz krvi ili već čega, malo egzaktniji od "kombinacije faktora"?


U jednom tekstu pre par dana, doktor kaže da verovatno ima više zaraženih, ali ne mogu sve da ih dijagnostikuju jer odavno nestalo "test kits". 


Time lag od pronalaska do proizvodnje, najviše. Dakle, nema testova, ni u potrebnom broju ni u raznovrsnosti. Izvod:


"Within days of Chinese researchers releasing the sequence of the virus on 11 January, scientists developed tests capable of detecting genetic sequences that distinguish the new agent from other coronaviruses circulating in humans. By 28 January, China’s National Medical Products Administration had approved diagnostic test kits from five companies. It was an astonishing pace for the response to a pathogen never seen before—and yet it was only a beginning.


Today, there aren’t nearly enough test kits available to keep up with the skyrocketing case numbers, and some parts of the world may lack enough trained laboratory staff to apply them. And because the genetic tests look for snippets of viral genetic material in nose and throat swabs or fluid collected from the lung, they only work when somebody has an active infection. Scientists are still scrambling to detect antibodies against the virus in the blood, which could help find people who had an infection and recovered."


"...Testing in Hubei has focused on people sick enough to seek medical care, so tens of thousands of milder cases may not have been picked up."


"Even in the United States, test kits are in short supply. Regulations require that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supply all tests, but that agency only began to do so on 5 February and has shipped a mere 200 kits so far, each able to do at most 800 tests. U.S. officials still don’t test most people flying in from China but focus on those who have symptoms of the disease."


"Many labs, including Lipkin’s, are racing to develop antibody tests, which will do little to diagnose acute cases—it can take weeks for that immune response to kick in—but could help clarify mystifying questions about SARS-CoV-2’s spread. ... Antibody tests might help pinpoint where and when this outbreak began, and which animal was the original source of the virus: ... the “most useful application is to screen different age groups of humans,” Koopmans says, to determine how many people become infected with few or no symptoms. If indeed scientists discover many mild cases, the rates of severe disease (estimated at about 20%) and death (2%) among infected people will plummet"


(bold moj)




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