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Premier League 2019-20


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5 minutes ago, ArleKino said:

Nego, Pep je malo izgubio iz vida da je City u sezoni 2018-19 titulu osvojio sa nesagledivih "pola koša" razlike dočim je Liverpool 1 Hende nakon solidnog opuštanja i pada u formi pao na neoprostivih 18 bodova razlike.


jedina ekipa u istoriji pl koja je osvojila 100+ bodova može da se ravna samo sama po sebi. kad igramo na svom nivou i čuva nas zdravlje ostali su vazda nebitni.


4 minutes ago, Zlurad said:

Ruxine čisto da ne patiš mnogo za Lovrenom, seti se budućeg najboljeg igrača Bundeslige koji je sa svojih 24 godina prodat za 45 miliona evra, jedno 45 manje nego što vredi.

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fun fact: pošto siti posluje vrlo racionalno i odbija da preplaćuje igrače i sjebava tržište na saneu smo zapravo zaradili pare. iako je očigledno cena takva kakva je (do 60m sa klauzulama) zbog isticanja ugovora.

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Hahaha. Sve je kako si rekao. Pep kad zavrsi trenersku karijeru moze lagano na neki prestizni univerzitet da predaje ekonomiju jer je već doktorirao na temu "kako bez para napraviti ekipu koja osvaja ligu za ligom"

Baš Radiša, smeši mu se štopersko mesto. Taman tu ne mora mnogo da trči

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pa ne znam šta da ti kažem druže, vrlo je prosto izguglati najveći sitijev transfer u istoriji. da je siti klub koji želi da prodaje/nije sposoban da zadrži najbolje igrače profit na transferima bi bio stvar rutine, ali srećom ne igramo fudbal zbog net spendinga nego zbog trofeja.

Edited by Pokojni Ruxin
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4 minutes ago, Zlurad said:

Pep kad zavrsi trenersku karijeru moze lagano na neki prestizni univerzitet da predaje ekonomiju jer je već doktorirao na temu "kako bez para napraviti ekipu koja osvaja ligu za ligom"

Ruxin je mislio na period prije Pepa..

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Frank has to learn” – Jurgen Klopp issues Lampard advice after “arrogant” claim


Jurgen Klopp has outlined the flaw in Frank Lampard’s approach as a “young coach,” after the Chelsea manager labelled the Liverpool staff “arrogant” on Wednesday night.


“Frank was obviously in a really competitive mood, I respect that a lot. You can pretty much, from my point of view, say what you want in a situation like this.

“It’s pure emotion, we’re really involved. He came here to win the game, or to get a point, to make Champions League qualification happen finally.

“I respect that a lot, but what he has to learn is to finish it at the final whistle, and he didn’t do that.

“Speaking afterwards about it like this, that’s not OK. That, Frank has to learn.

“He has a lot of time to learn, he is a young coach, but that is what he has to learn.

“During the game, the words he used, no problem at all, but final whistle, as a real sportsperson, [it’s over].

“Because all the things he said, we are not arrogant, we are pretty much the opposite—but in a moment like this, how it is in all arguments, if you say something you want to hurt the other person, that’s how it is in arguments.

“No problem with that, but final whistle: finish the book, or close the book in this moment.

“And he didn’t do that, and that’s what I don’t like, honestly.

“By the way, that is the only reason why I speak about it now, otherwise from my point of view there would be absolutely no word about it.

“But because he spoke afterwards I think it makes sense to explain what I mean.”


At 52, Klopp has been in management for 19 years now, so is well-placed to pick out the flaws in Lampard’s approach, no doubt having found himself in similar situations in the past.

Asked if he could remember a particularly case in his career, however, Klopp said it had “probably” happened to him, but again leaned on his wisdom.

“I don’t remember it, but probably yes. I really don’t know, but how I said, I respect all the other coaches,” he continued.

“If you have a little look at yourself you’ll see how outraged you can be in situations, because we all have our subjective view, personal view on the situation.

“Foul, no foul, handball, no handball, stuff like this, and you feel that’s not fair or whatever. You cannot then wait until after the game and say ‘oh my god, it was not that nice today’.

“That happens. I’ve probably had it, but I don’t remember. During the game, for sure; after the game, I don’t remember.”



Gospodin Klop stavlja na mesto patetičnog trenera Čelsija :hail:


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Milneru bi leglo kad završi karijeru da negde radi sa mladima, njijma bi bio blagoslov samo da se očešu o njegove radne navike.

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Dosta on vremena na trenzima provodi sa omladincima, mislim da je to jedan od razloga sto ga I dalje drze u klubu (na stranu to sto moze sa igra 11 pozicija na terenu)

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Na koga tipujete? Pitanje je koliko WHU ima motiva danas, pa je Vila u najboljoj poziciji. Arteta će igrati za gornji dio tabele, a Everton slabo igra neko vrijeme. Igraće se na pobjede, pa bi trebala biti kiša golova. Za top4 Junajtedu igra bod i to me strašno plaši. Ole voli zakljucati 16 u 70. min pri min vodstvu, plasim se da ce i danas glumiti nekog klasnog stratega. Doduse, protiv Hodzsona je proslo a Lester će vjerovatno morati napasti. Bila bi prava žurka da Vulfsima igra top4.

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Ma igraće WHU normalnu utakmicu. Zna i Moyes da je bitno graditi pobednički duh. Može naravno Vila da pobedi, ali nije nedostatak motiva faktor koji će imati ulogu. 


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