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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Ovaj, jesi li ti ikad cuo za tekucu istragu i kako to funkcionise u ozbiljnim institucijama? Takodje, jel znas sta ce se desiti sa ljudima u tim institucijama ako su slagali oko tako neceg ozbiljnog na stetu jedne od partija? 

odgovorio Weenie, bas me interesuje tvoj komentar 

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Sigurno funkcioniše tako što otpušteni istražitelj javno saopšti rezultate u koje se ne sme sumnjati pre kompletiranja istrage. Jebiga, standard. Ali ima to čak i kod nas neozbiljnih, rekao svojevremeno Gospodar Premijer da će ubica pevačice biti uhapšen do utorka.

Ovo drugo, desiće im se ravno ništa jer 1) se radi o nedokazivim tvrdnjama either way, i 2) imaju pokriće u vidu bezbroj educated guess procena bezbednosnih agencija.


Opet, ne razlikujes istrazne institucije od suda - naravno da recimo policija ili tuzilastvo mogu da informisu javnost tokom istrage. To se desava cesto ali obicno bez detalja. Nesto si pomesao.

Odakle znas da se radi o nedokazivim tvrdnjama? Iskljucujes mogucnost snimljenih razgovora ili svedocenja. Dobro, vidim da se razumes u materiju.

Mislis pokrice kao Bus ili Pauel kad su slagali i sada je ta blamaza deo americke istorije zauvek? Ne lupetaj. 

Ovakvo javno prozivanje ne mogu izmisliti tek tako tamo neki cinovnici da bi iznervirali trenutnog predsednika i jednu od partija - to bi im pre ili kasnije bio kraj.

Edited by Anduril
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Are We Nearing Civil War?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
President Trump may be chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, but his administration is shot through with disloyalists plotting to bring him down.
We are approaching something of a civil war where the capital city seeks the overthrow of the sovereign and its own restoration.
Thus far, it is a nonviolent struggle, though street clashes between pro- and anti-Trump forces are increasingly marked by fistfights and brawls. Police are having difficulty keeping people apart. A few have been arrested carrying concealed weapons.
That the objective of this city is to bring Trump down via a deep state-media coup is no secret. Few deny it.
Last week, fired Director of the FBI James Comey, a successor to J. Edgar Hoover, admitted under oath that he used a cutout to leak to The New York Times an Oval Office conversation with the president.
Goal: have the Times story trigger the appointment of a special prosecutor to bring down the president.
Comey wanted a special prosecutor to target Trump, despite his knowledge, from his own FBI investigation, that Trump was innocent of the pervasive charge that he colluded with the Kremlin in the hacking of the DNC.
Comey’s deceit was designed to enlist the police powers of the state to bring down his president. And it worked. For the special counsel named, with broad powers to pursue Trump, is Comey’s friend and predecessor at the FBI, Robert Mueller.
As Newt Gingrich said Sunday: “Look at who Mueller’s starting to hire. … (T)hese are people that … look to me like they’re … setting up to go after Trump … including people, by the way, who have been reprimanded for hiding from the defense information into major cases. …
“This is going to be a witch hunt.”
Another example. According to Daily Kos, Trump planned a swift lifting of sanctions on Russia after inauguration and a summit meeting with Vladimir Putin to prevent a second Cold War.
The State Department was tasked with working out the details.
Instead, says Daniel Fried, the coordinator for sanctions policy, he received “panicky” calls of “Please, my God, can you stop this?”
Operatives at State, disloyal to the president and hostile to the Russia policy on which he had been elected, collaborated with elements in Congress to sabotage any detente. They succeeded.
“It would have been a win-win for Moscow,” said Tom Malinowski of State, who boasted last week of his role in blocking a rapprochement with Russia. State employees sabotaged one of the principal policies for which Americans had voted, and they substituted their own.
Not in memory have there been so many leaks to injure a president from within his own government, and not just political leaks, but leaks of confidential, classified and secret documents. The leaks are coming out of the supposedly secure investigative and intelligence agencies of the U.S. government.
The media, the beneficiaries of these leaks, are giving cover to those breaking the law. The real criminal “collusion” in Washington is between Big Media and the deep state, colluding to destroy a president they detest and to sink the policies they oppose.
Yet another example is the unfolding “unmasking” scandal.
While all the evidence is not yet in, it appears an abnormal number of conversations between Trump associates and Russians were intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies.
On orders higher up, the conversations were transcribed, and, contrary to law, the names of Trump associates unmasked.
Then those transcripts, with names revealed, were spread to all 16 agencies of the intel community at the direction of Susan Rice, and with the possible knowledge of Barack Obama, assuring some would be leaked after Trump became president.
The leak of Gen. Michael Flynn’s conversation with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, after Obama imposed sanctions on Russia for the hacking of the DNC, may have been a product of the unmasking operation. The media hit on Flynn cost him the National Security Council post.
Trump has had many accomplishments since his election. Yet his enemies in the media and their deep state allies have often made a purgatory of his presidency.
What he and his White House need to understand is that this is not going to end, that this is a fight to the finish, that his enemies will not relent until they see him impeached or resigning in disgrace.
To prevail, Trump will have to campaign across this country and wage guerrilla war in this capital, using the legal and political weapons at his disposal to ferret out the enemies within his own government.
Not only is this battle essential, if Trump hopes to realize his agenda, it is winnable. For the people sense that the Beltway elites are cynically engaged in preserving their own privileges, positions and power.
If the president cannot rewrite Obamacare or achieve tax reform, he should not go around the country in 2018 wailing about Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer. They are not the real adversaries. They are but interchangeable parts.
He should campaign against the real enemies of America First by promising to purge the deep state and flog its media collaborators.
Time to burn down the Bastille.



Edited by slow
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Opet, ne razlikujes istrazne institucije od suda - naravno da recimo policija ili tuzilastvo mogu da informisu javnost tokom istrage. To se desava cesto ali obicno bez detalja. Nesto si pomesao.

Odakle znas da se radi o nedokazivim tvrdnjama? Iskljucujes mogucnost snimljenih razgovora ili svedocenja. Dobro, vidim da se razumes u materiju.

Mislis pokrice kao Bus ili Pauel kad su slagali i sada je ta blamaza deo americke istorije zauvek? Ne lupetaj. 

Ovakvo javno prozivanje ne mogu izmisliti tek tako tamo neki cinovnici da bi iznervirali trenutnog predsednika i jednu od partija - to bi im pre ili kasnije bio kraj.


Istražitelj koji kaže "istraga nije gotova, ali nema sumnje u njen konačan ishod" nije istražitelj nego dežurni propagandista. Comey je uzjahao anti-Trump fervor/Red Scare isto kao što je tokom kampanje tercirao lock 'er up ekipi - bez konkretnih osnova, ulažuči ugled institucije koju predstavlja umesto konkretnih tvrdnji, o dokazima da ne govorimo. Klasični obaveštajni oportunizam: gledam kako vetar duva pa ću danas da podbodem ovog, sutra onog, ni u čijem džepu nisam skroz a u svačijem sam pomalo.


Bush eno ga slika sve u šesnaest, a Powell ne znam čime se bavi ali definitivno ni on ne robija. Zebnja od nepovoljnog istorijskog konteksta nikad nije sprečila nikoga da laže i maže; zebnja od zakonskih reperkusija jeste, ali u ovom slučaju je apsolutno neprimenjiva. Svo ovo talambasanje along the lines of hacking-meddling-interference ne može se dokazati da nije tačno jer su u pitanju potpuno neodređene optužbe.


Kad bi se konkretno optužio neko iz Trampove kampanje da je uz pomoć magičnih ruskih hakera menjao izborne rezultate u ključnim državama i tako pokrao - to bi bila konkretna tvrdnja za čije bi iznošenje neko snosio posledice ako se ispostavi da nije tačna. Ali to se naravno ne radi. Sa razlogom se stvari drže na mutnom "ma ima tu nešto" nivou - tako se neće niko izvesti pred sud, ali će se zato u javnosti održati privid neviđenog skandala i zataškavanja izdajničke zavere. Nečija je ideja da se tako dobije 2018. i 2020., ali sramotno loša. Ako se Trampov clown show strmopizdi sa vlasti, za to svakako neće biti najzaslužniji duvači u red scare tikvu.

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Posle ovog sa Sessionsom jasno je da je najveci problem to sto se Trampovi ljudi ponasaju kao deca koja se pretvaraju da im prsti nisu prljavi od pekmeza. Kamila ga je dobro pritisla. Cak su morala ostali Republikanci da dignu glas.

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Nearly 200 Democrats in the US Congress have joined forces to file a legal case against President Donald Trump over receipt of payments from foreign governments via his businesses.

The plaintiffs accuse Mr Trump of violating the Constitution's emoluments clause, prohibiting receipt of gifts without congressional approval.


They say this is the largest number of legislators ever to sue a US president.

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Sinoć su bili primary izbori u Virdžiniji, koja uz NJ ima izbore za guvernera u novembru. Ono što je najzinimljivije je da je Tom Perielo bivši kongresmen koga su endorsovali Sanders i Voren glatko izgubio od establišment kandidata Nortama i da je razlika opet kažu bila u AA glasačima.  Na repulikanskoj strani se kandidat establišmenta provukao protiv Trump inspired challengera koji je imao neuporedivo manje para. I NJ i VA za sada izgledaju kao lagano D u novembru, sa tim da je NJ pickup a VA ostaje D.


Perielo je još jedan u nizu kandidata koje je endorsovao "our revolution" koja je organizacija koja je u suštini nasledila kampanju Sandersa za predsednika. 


Georgia 6th izbori su za nedelju dana, prva prava prilika za demokratsku pobedu na izborima od početka Tramp administracije. Osof ima 7% prednosti po poslednjem pollu, ali znamo kakvi su pollovi pogotovo za specijalne izbore. A i videćemo kako će današnje ranjavanje u VA da utiče na to.

Edited by theanswer
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Are We Nearing Civil War?
By Patrick J. Buchanan


Ako Jenkiji  opet pobede ovaj Hodgkinson će biti Žikica Jovanović Španac.                 

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Senate approves new Russia sanctions



In a rare moment of bipartisan unity, the Senate voted 97 to two to approve the sanctions, with only Republicans Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky voting against.
The Russia sanctions amendment was added to an Iranian sanctions bill on the Senate floor after a deal was struck earlier this week between the Republican and Democratic heads of the Senate Foreign Relations and Banking Committees.
The new Russia sanctions would create a congressional review process if the executive branch eases current sanctions. It also imposes new sanctions in a number of categories, including those "conducting malicious cyber activity on behalf of the Russian government" and "supplying weapons to the Assad regime."
Tramp ovo nece potpisati i evo haosa.  :jerry:
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Bernie: I strongly support imposing sanctions on Russia. It's unacceptable for Russia to interfere in foreign elections. There must be consequences.



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mogao si do kraja citirati, glasao je protiv jer su tu i sankcije protiv irana u istom billu

Citirao sam ceo njegov tvit. Inace, cela izjava je odlicna.

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Da li je unacceptable i da se US of A mesa u izbore druge drzave, volio bi znati.


pa naravno da nije. amerika se nikad ne meša u izbore drugih država oni samo podržavaju demokratiju i ljudska prava. režimi su ti koji su autoritatirni, america je 1 shining city on the hill

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