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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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Svi prostoji imaju svoj Informer...

I svoj Kurir.


Наравно, али медији на нашим просторима, осим пар часних изузетака имају срамну историју потпиривања мржње и пласирања лажи, нарочито у току рата.
Posted (edited)

umro zbignjev bzezinski


U Rusiji će biti proglašena trodnevna žalost      



Edited by slow

Ma bude on i iz groba organizirao antiruske zavjere, vampir je to. PPP zna.

Posted (edited)

in memoriam





Arming the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to bleed the Soviets, transforming Iran into an anti-Western republic, and the brokering of the Camp David Accords – are among the best known outcomes of his strategies.

“We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would,” he said in a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur. Brzezinski inadvertently helped create Al-Qaeda, when he convinced President Carter that running a secret CIA program to launch a proxy-war against the USSR-backed Afghan government was going to “induce a Soviet military intervention.”

“The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: 'We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.'"

“That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it?” he told the interviewer.

“What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”

Less than four years later, those “agitated Moslems” would destroy the World Trade Center and damage the Pentagon, setting off the endless “war on terror” that continues to this day.


Edited by slow

Nevezano za topic, pokusavam da zamislim koliko bi nekom Miltonu, Bajronu, Džefersonu ili Fokneru (da kojim slučajem vaskrsnu) ili nekom vanzemaljcu koji uči engleski glupo izgledale ove rečenice sa po deset besmislenih "#".


Covek koji je delom sjebo SSSR zlo. Slava mu.


I delom stvorio Al Kaidu.


Covek koji je delom sjebo SSSR zlo. Slava mu.


isto to i hitler uradio (delom) samo jos bolje.


Hitler je i jeo dorucak pa ljudi i dalje jedu dorucak.


Elem, konacno dobra vest


#Breaking: President Donald Trump refused to join his counterparts in the G7 Saturday in a pledge to uphold the 195-nation Paris accord on climate change, breaking the unified front of the world’s most exclusive geopolitical club.


Covek koji je delom sjebo SSSR zlo. Slava mu.

opet nisi dobro razumeo.nije bitan sssr nego sjebati rusiju.mali zbig iz polanda je imao to u sebi.

Američki predsjednik Donald Trump ponovo je, tokom samita u Briselu, upozorio zemlje članice NATO-a da moraju povećati izdavanja za odbranu na 2% bruto društvenog proizvoda. Među 23 od ukupno 28 zemalja koje ne uplaćuju koliko je dogovoreno za NATO je i Hrvatska. Iz te zemlje poručuju da će se izdvajanja sa dosadašnjih 1,23% BDP-a povećati na 2% tek za sedam godina.


sto bi se reklo, ne jebu trampa ni dva posto.


U, oladiše ga Vučićevskom mantrom "za dvije i po godine", i to na kvadrat 


Ruku na srce to da svi dostignu 2% do 2024 je dogovoreno pre Trampa, 2014 u jeku krize s Rusijom oko Ukrajine.

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