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zanimljivo kako belolistićari lamentiraju po internetu zbog bregzita a ne vide da su pre 4 godine ispali još gore balvančine  :fantom:





ali, ionako znamo da živimo u licemurnom svetu.

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Nakon današnjeg sastanka ministara spoljnih poslova zemalja osnivača EU Francuz traži novog premijera i početak pregovora za nekoliko dana uz jasnu poruku Britancima da ne igraju mačke i miša sa EU, a Nemac mu tercira:


French minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said it was a "matter of respect" that the UK did not "play cat and mouse" with its soon-to-be-former partners.
Mr Ayrault said: "There is a certain urgency ...  It is in Britain's interest and in the interest of Europeans not to have a period of uncertainty that would have financial consequences, and that could have economic and political consequences.

"Of course a new (British) prime minister must be appointed, that will probably require a few days but this is quite urgent."

Germany Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier added: "We join together in saying that this process must begin as soon as possible so we don't end up in an extended limbo period but rather can focus on the future of Europe and the work toward it."



Ni Junker nije nešto strpljiv i blagonaklon:


Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, says there is no reason to wait until David Cameron is replaced in October to begin negotiating Britain's exit from the European Union.

Speaking to Germany's ARD television station, Mr Juncker added that he wants to start negotiating the UK's reformed relationship with Europe "immediately".

"Britons decided (on Thursday) that they want to leave the European Union, so it doesn't make any sense to wait until October to try to negotiate the terms of their departure," he said.

"I would like to get started immediately."
Mr Juncker said the separation was "not an amicable divorce", adding that "it was not exactly a tight love affair anyway".



Merkelka je daleko pomirljivija:


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said there is no need to be "nasty" during talks to discuss Britain's exit from the EU.


She told a news conference it "shouldn't take forever" for Britain to deliver formal notification that it wants to leave the European Union but made it clear that the matter is in London's hands.


But Ms Merkel said: "To be honest, it shouldn't take forever, that's right — but I would not fight over a short period of time."


The German leader added that she wanted an "objective, good" climate for in talks on Britain's exit from the EU and that there was no need to make it a priority to deter other countries from attempting to leave the EU as well.


Ms Merkel said that there was "no need to be particularly nasty in any way in the negotiations; they must be conducted properly."



Ja ne vidim razlog zbog kojeg treba da ih štede, već su imali vrlo povlašćen položaj: Britanija doprinosi budžetu EU tek nešto više od 4 puta ekonomski slabije Holandije.

Edited by vememah
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Btw, nisam na forumu skoro video ovoliko patosa, kao na ovom topiku od juče ujutro. Dajte se saberite malo ljudi, kao da vam je deda ostavio u amanet EU ili UK. Neće svet stati zbog ovoga, mnogo su se gore stvari događale u proteklih 100 godina. Štaviše, ništa se naročito bitno neće promeniti.

Istorijski gledano, ostrvljani vs germani do sad je bar 5:0 ako ne i vise.

Jesce oni govna price balkanske emigrantske gologuzije ne deluju mi kao neka garant prognoza bas naprotiv.

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Ni Junker nije nešto strpljiv i blagonaklon:



Merkelka je daleko pomirljivija:



Ja ne vidim razlog zbog kojeg treba da ih štede, već su imali vrlo povlašćen položaj: Britanija doprinosi budžetu EU tek nešto više od 4 puta ekonomski slabije Holandije.




Ovaj Junker je smeće jedno neviđeno! Za vrijeme migrantske krize, i to u najvećem talasu, trebalo im je 20 dana da se prvi put sastanu i (ne)dogovore oko ničeg. Ali valjda na greškama se uči, pa sad nešto kao požuruje. A i boli ga qrc, plata 300 000 evra. Možda je samo malo nervozan jer mora doći do rezanja. 


Merkelka je naravno uzdržanija, jer kakav god scenario da bude, Rumuni, Srb i Bugari ne mogu ni prismrditi uk tržištu bmw i mercova.


Koliko god UK doprinosila ili ne, sada je ogromna rupa za koju ne vjerujem da će nadomjestiti nekim eventualnim stezanjem kaiša.

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Kako god bilo... populističke parole "let's fund our HNS instead" i "I would spend it on HNS" ima prilično drugačije značenje od petparačkog novinarskog lupetanja sa jutarnjeg programa. 

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Philip Stevens u Financial Timesu. Odlican tekst ako mene pitate


Yes, of course one can produce endless statistics showing how open global markets are a stimulus to growth and prosperity. But as true as they are, these are abstract, aggregate figures. They do not reflect the experience of the majority.





...Neka konvergencija EZ koja je vidljiva običnom puku (a ne kroz složene mehanizme koji se biraču ne mogu objasniti) će morati da postoji ako se želi očuvanje same Unije.


Ovo mi se ne sviđa:


What Americans call the “takeaway” from the referendum can be summarised in one short phrase: globalisation is not working.



Globalizacija ne radi za neke, recimo nižu srednju klasu u Evropi i delom u S. Americi, oni su relativni gubitnici. Globalizacija izvesno radi za Kineze i mnoge druge.


Ne sviđa mi se zato što odaje jedan uski fokus na zapadnja društva pa ispada da događanja u njima imaju neku univerzalnu, globalnu simboliku, a nemaju. Globalizacija radi, samo ne kako su mnogi priželjkivali, ali ti nisu sad po nečemu posebni da bi bili glavni/jedini merodavni.

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