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Jbg, sam parlament odredio pravila, ljudi ispostovali  -_-

"Bilo je snobizma, ljude koji su glasali za izlazak su posmatrali kao da su glupaci. To je neke nateralo da se povedu za onom engleskom: Ma, nosite se", kaže on.



Glupi Englezi, danas jedan u HN-u kuka na rezultate, a glasao je za leave da bi zajebao Kamerona. Mislio je da leave neće proći. Mentol.


Glupi Englezi, danas jedan u HN-u kuka na rezultate, a glasao je za leave da bi zajebao Kamerona. Mislio je da leave neće proći. Mentol.


Da, ima ih. Da "posalju poruku". 


White ballots ™


Igra je provaljena







Posted (edited)

:0.6: "brace rusa"  :isuse:





Jean-Claude Juncker, the European commission president, has called for Brexit negotiations to start straightaway, arguing that there is no need to wait until October.

He told Germany’s ARD television station:

Britons decided yesterday that they want to leave the 
European Union
, so it doesn’t make any sense to wait until October to try to negotiate the terms of their departure. I would like to get started immediately.

He said the EU would pursue a “reasonable approach” in negotiating the separation. “It’s not an amicable divorce, but it was not exactly a tight love affair anyway.”

Edited by MancMellow

O da, hoće samo 1 quicky za kraj:

European Parliament to Britain: Don’t let the door hit you as you Leave
Top MEPs call for Brexit divorce to begin ‘now.’

Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Alliance of liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) group | Thomas Samson/AFP via Getty Images

By Hortense Goulard
6/24/16, 3:09 PM CET

The leaders of three of the European Parliament’s largest groups have called for exit talks with Britain to begin immediately, and Members of Parliament are likely to vote on a resolution on the matter at a voting session on Tuesday, sources told POLITICO.

European People’s Party (EPP) Chair Manfred Weber said it was important “not to allow any kind of uncertainty,” in a video posted on the EPP’s website. “That means we have to go on with a swift procedure on negotiations, so we want to start immediately [with the negotiations], on Tuesday, when there is a council meeting,” Weber said.
Negotiations should be concluded “within two years at max,” Weber wrote on Twitter, adding: “There cannot be any special treatment. Leave means leave.”

Manfred Weber @ManfredWeber
Exit negotiations should be concluded within 2 years at max. There cannot be any special treatment. Leave means leave. #Brexit 4/4
6:52 AM - 24 Jun 2016

We need an Article 50 notification now,” Guy Verhofstadt, the head of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, said in a statement, referring to the rules for exiting the EU contained in Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
“We should now aim to ensure a quick and friendly divorce, in order to avoid unnecessary unrest on the financial markets, negative impacts on trade and job losses,” Verhofstadt said.

Guy Verhofstadt @GuyVerhofstadt
The EU cannot be taken hostage by a Tory leadership wrangle. We need an article 50 notification now.
11:42 AM - 24 Jun 2016

Gianni Pittella, the chair of the Socialists and Democrats group, echoed the sentiment, saying the EU needs to start negotiating for the U.K. to exit the EU “as soon as possible.”
“We will immediately ask the British government to formally state their will to leave so that Article 50 of the treaty can be triggered,” Pittella said in a statement.


To malo poručuju BoJo-u da mu ne pada napamet da mulja sad neka srednja rešenja nego da se isprsi ko čovek.

Posted (edited)

Najače je što će sad svi krenuti da jebuckaju na sitno. Junker je bio meta kritike iz Londona od kad je došao kao federalista-militarista, glupo bi bilo da omaši zicer sad.

Edited by Tribun_Populi

Pa zar ne bese tako s lisabonskim sporazumom ili nest sl. ?Ne pamtim bas najbolje detalje yebe mi se za istoriografiju failed projekata.

Danci su 1992. odbili mastrihtski sporazum na referendumu, šok je bio otprilike u rangu današnjeg jer je sporazum išao u kantu ako ga bilo koja potpisnica odbije. Onda su ih sledeće godine ponovo izveli na referendum nakon dobre kuknjave o propasti koja ih čeka ako se ne urazume, pa su glasali u skladu sa očekivanjima™.


Tako će biti i u UK, ova današnja šok-kampanja je najbolji pokazatelj toga. Bez veze trošimo vreme na apokaliptične scenarije, koliko do ponedeljka će prestravljena britanska javnost na čelu sa tabloidima plebiscitarno biti za ostanak i tražiće novi referendum da to pokažu. I dobiće ga sledeće godine.


I dobiće ga sledeće godine.

No way, Jose.


^^ Nakon dodatnih pregovora Danci su dobili su 4 izlazne klauzule u odnosu na originalni sporazum i prihvatili su to na drugom referendumu.


Dopada mi se ova odlucnost EU bez UK, samo da nije ovo sto beowl kaze.


Brzo i kratko.

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