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double-double bluff

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mozda ce i njega neko da bachi u Temzu, iz protesta...


The new UK passport to be issued after Brexit will be made in France, according to the current British manufacturer.
The current burgundy passport, in use since 1988, will revert to its original blue and gold colour from October 2019.
The boss of UK supplier De La Rue told the BBC that Franco-Dutch firm Gemalto had won the £490m contract.

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5 hours ago, Marvin (Paranoid Android) said:

Pa i nije, potpuno je normalno da Norveška kaže "Čekajte, što bi oni imali bolji dil od nas?". Potpuno je logično da će EU ili EFTA prevashodno braniti interese onih koji ostaju u njoj.

То није у интересу Норвешке, може пореметити односе између Велике Британије и Норвешке и није баш паметно на такав начин водити вањску политику. То све са задршком да је то стварно неко и рекао. Овдје стижу деманти да то није тачно. 

  • 3 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, MancMellow said:

Sta je customs partnership?


a proposal that has emerged in Whitehall for a new customs partnership, in which the UK would collect the EU's tariffs on goods coming from other countries on the EU's behalf. If those goods didn't leave the UK and UK tariffs were lower, companies could then claim back the difference. 

Business doesn't like the fact that this could mean far more bureaucracy and cost; and anyway there are plenty of people, both within the government and outside, who simply don't think the system will work. It has never been done anywhere in the world on the kind of scale proposed.

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