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pizda švapska neće da bude biznis frendli i ne deli entuzijazam breksitera :mad:



German industry chief backs Berlin’s tough stance on Brexit
BDI president quashes idea industry will seek flexible deal to protect business ties
A leading German industry chief has warned the UK against expecting any softening of Berlin’s increasingly tough stance on Britain’s plans to leave the EU. Dieter Kempf, who took over this month as president of the BDI, the German employers’ federation, told journalists on Tuesday there could be no question of Europe bowing to British demands for immigration controls, saying the EU’s four freedoms — including the freedom of movement — must not be “put into danger”.
His message appears to damp any hopes held by UK “soft” Brexit supporters that German industry could press Chancellor Angela Merkel for a more flexible approach to protect business ties, under which the UK might be allowed to combine migration control with single market access. “In the European family we must now share a bitter reality after the Brexit referendum,” said Mr Kempf. “For politicians in Brussels and Berlin there should be only one motto — keep Europe together and make it stronger. The four basic freedoms of the EU are fundamental — there must be no borders for goods, services, capital and workers.”
Mr Kempf’s tough line echoes Ms Merkel’s insistence this week that the UK would not be allowed any “cherry-picking” in its access to the single market.
She said in a speech: “We have to be clear . . . that joining or having access to the joint market can only be possible on the condition of conforming with the four freedoms.” The view in German industry has hardened markedly since the immediate aftermath of the referendum, when BDI leaders argued against “punishing” the UK and favoured negotiating a market-access deal similar to that held by Switzerland or Norway.
The harder line comes amid growing signs that Theresa May, UK prime minister, is ready to introduce migration controls even at the price of leaving the single market. Mr Kempf urged Mrs May not to delay the start of Brexit negotiations, which she plans to announce by the end of March. “The ball is in London’s court,” he said. “It is necessary that the British government sets out its position by the end of March . . . recent weakening of German-British trade shows that the uncertainty over the coming process is poison for the economy.”
Mr Kempf, a 64-year-old former accountant and IT industry executive, also warned Donald Trump against attacking world trade. He said the US president-elect’s “Make America great again” slogan “definitely does not fit with isolation”. He added: “We see two risks: first that the cancellation of existing [trade] agreements heralds a trend change away from free trade towards isolation. This would damage the whole world economy and especially the export-oriented German economy. Secondly, that market access for our businesses could deteriorate, whether through more ‘buy American’ rules or through extra hurdles for foreign investment.” Despite his concerns, Mr Kempf forecast further economic growth of 1.5 per cent in Germany this year, similar to 2016’s, with exports rising 2-3 per cent.
Asked about the bulging German current account surplus — criticised by trade partners long before Mr Trump’s political ascent — Mr Kempf argued it would not necessarily remain so high in the light of rising oil prices and possible interest rate increases that could damp investment in export-oriented German companies.
However, the BDI president also warned that the economic outlook could be overshadowed by political crises that were “moving ever closer to the EU”, including those in Syria, Ukraine and Turkey. The refugee crisis, which has seen more than 1.2m people come to Germany since early 2015, was also “in no way resolved”, he said. Mr Kempf urged European countries to respond with more co-operation. “Only together can we Europeans still be successful in the world. If we are again divided, we will rapidly sink in significance. That is especially true for [Germany].”


Očekujem ilustraciju u Daily Mail-u sa Angelom i Diterom i krupnim Mein Kempf naslovom. :fantom:


ma što će im Švave dupli luzeri, odušuvavljeni su s Rentijerom s vjetrom u kosi skoro koliko i njegovi dežurni advokati na obližnjem topiku !



bole đonson, je valjda jedini člavjek u u svet koji ima gluplju frizuru od trampa


tu oxcam, pablik skul družinu, treba nukovati


The Sun & the Orcling strike again, u novoj epizodi starih majstora kuhinje:


Millions of Brits face higher car premiums because of an EU law forcing firms to compensate uninsured drivers if they are hit by another uninsured driver

Furious Transport Secretary Chris Grayling last night said he had no choice but to apply the Brussels diktat – but vowed the Government “will come back to this” after Brexit

MILLIONS of Brits face higher insurance bills because of “crazy” EU laws demanding uninsured drivers get compo if their cars are pranged.

Furious Transport Secretary Chris Grayling last night said he had no choice but to amend UK regulations as he was “bound” by Brussels – and Britain could be fined.

But he vowed Britain would look to scrap the rule once we complete Brexit – storming: “We will want to come back to this.”


Ostavljam vam kao intelektualnu vježbu da sami iskopate što je točno prešućeno u ovoj novoj stilskoj vježbi... :fantom:


All fine & dandy on the deck of the Brexitanic!


While the right trade agreement would be beneficial, it has to be one that works for the UK and not one that just works to the EU. To ensure that is the case it is necessary to prepare a fall-back provision for what happens if the EU does not wish to negotiate. Fortunately this already exists – under WTO rules, the EU would have to grant us the status of Most Favoured Nation. With a fall-back position prepared that is far more advantageous than EU/EEA membership:lol:  our PM can negotiate from a position of strength to conclude an agreement that is in both ours and the EU’s interests.



Uf, Tereza počeo jako. "I want this, I want that..."



Yeah well, ja želim da opalim Evu Mendez, ali jebigica.


jel ona to rece nesto o glasanju u parlamentu o Brexitu?


Jeste. To je za mene najveće iznenađenje, do sada je to bilo nezamislivo, samo su SNP i LibDems gurali za to. Ako bih morao da nagađam, možda su Škoti pritegnuli više nego što se čulo.


Samo taj mali deo je bio dovoljan da funta ohoho skoči.


Inače, većina govora je bila "Ako EU ne prestane da vodi računa o svojim sopstvenim interesima, neću imati izbora osim da uništim UK ekonomiju".


Jeste. To je za mene najveće iznenađenje


Mada ono, šta ja znam:



Yeah well, ja želim da opalim Evu Mendez, ali jebigica.




Ma ne bi bre, i ona bi.


Dobro, sad su stvari jasne i ciljevi su dostizni.

Single market, naravno da nikada nije mogao da bude ozbiljna opcija.




  • Maintaining the common travel area between the UK and Irish Republic
  • Tariff-free trade with the EU
  • A customs agreement with the EU
  • New trade agreements with countries outside the EU
  • Continued "practical" sharing of intelligence and policing information
  • "Control" of immigration rights for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU
  • A "phased approach"

Meni je neverovatno da se na pocetku tj pre pocetka pregovora trazi ovako malo. Mislim, zasto se unapred odreci pristupa single-marketu?

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