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Nas takve kakvi smo je mogao voleti tek pokoji desničar i naravno Tony Benn.


Da ne idemo previse u offtopic, zbog ove posete je najvise zajebao Amere i Bosnjake, jer je 5. flota bila spremna da podigne avione i probije obruc na barem jednom mestu oko Sarajeva. Ova poseta je to efektivno zaustavila.


Ništa nije naš specijalitet, čak ni sarma.

Sarma nas je održala, zato njojzi fala. Pa i ako nije naš specijalitet, šta sad. :fantom:


Ja sam imao (očigledno) pogrešnu predstavu, posebno o Englezima, držeći ih mnogo politički zrelijim. A i nije da takva slika, o nama samima doduše, nije pothranjivana ovde dugo, barem do pre koju godinu dok su autošovinisti zauzimali širi prostor po medijima i među elitom.


No ovo je još jedan dokaz da je sve stvar spleta okolnosti i dugogodišnjih procesa, te da pri odgovarajućem poklapanju faktora niko na gluposti nije imun.

Posted (edited)

Ja sam imao (očigledno) pogrešnu predstavu, posebno o Englezima

Zato sto je cesto bazirana na (uspesima iz) proslosti. I sami Englezi umeju da pogrese.



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Edited by jms_uk

Niko nije imun na zablude koje donosi (pod)svest o izgubljenoj veličini. Ali ovde se baš skupilo svašta. I indoktrinacija i frustracija i kriza i austerity, svega ima. 


Niko nije imun na zablude koje donosi (pod)svest o izgubljenoj veličini. Ali ovde se baš skupilo svašta. I indoktrinacija i frustracija i kriza i austerity, svega ima. 


Mark Price, the UK trade and investment minister and former Waitrose boss, is very upbeat about Britain’s future. 

Speaking on an official visit to Hong Kong and China, Lord Price said the outcome of the referendum handed the UK and rest of the world the opportunity “to create a second Elizabethan Golden Age” of trade and investment.

    A fresh start gives a unique opportunity to shape a bright future for the UK as a global trading nation and open economy.

    The key message is that we have a strong economy: we remain a fantastic place to invest, and have plenty of innovative, successful businesses. I have every confidence we will make this work.

    I’m optimistic about the future: particularly in helping create a second Elizabethan Golden Age. The first Golden Age was based on peace, prosperity, new trading markets and a flourishing of the arts.

    The prize that now awaits us is a continued close trading relationship with Europe... There’s also a prospect for striking new deals with Canada, New Zealand and Australia which could form the beginning of a Commonwealth trading pact.

    The exciting prospect of continuing trading relations with Europe and enhancing trading relationships East and West provides the UK with an opportunity to be a super connected trading hub.

    Reinforcing democracy, British rule of law, and tolerance through these enhanced business connections is how we will build trust which in turn leads to peace and prosperity.

    I am optimistic that we can seize the opportunity to create a second Elizabethan Golden Age.



Ne tražimo ništa novo...


I am optimistic that we can seize the opportunity to create a second Elizabethan Golden Age.

me like it.  :s_dj:


Razumem ja da on ne može da se pojavi tamo i kaže "jbg, ko zna šta će da bude". Ali ovo je definitivno previše. Novi Zeland i Australija su toliko jedva čekali da se formira novi Komonvet trejding pakt da su ih postojano savetovali da ne prave Brexit. Neveruem šta rade. 


Izgleda da je poceo totalni raspad posto ovo moze lako da predje na ostale fondove:



Ako se nastavi, bice strasno a recesija nije jos ni pocela...

Ni onaj Ozbornov preteci budzet nece biti dovoljan da zakrpi.

Posted (edited)

Dobar Stiglitz:




From Brexit to the Future

NEW YORK – Digesting the full implications of the United Kingdom’s “Brexit” referendum will take Britain, Europe, and the world a long time. The most profound consequences will, of course, depend on the European Union’s response to the UK’s withdrawal. Most people initially assumed that the EU would not “cut off its nose to spite its face”: after all, an amicable divorce seems to be in everyone’s interest. But the divorce – as many do – could become messy.

The benefits of trade and economic integration between the UK and EU are mutual, and if the EU took seriously its belief that closer economic integration is better, its leaders would seek to ensure the closest ties possible under the circumstances. But Jean-Claude Juncker, the architect of Luxembourg’s massive corporate tax avoidance schemes and now President of the European Commission, is taking a hard line: “Out means out,” he says.

That kneejerk reaction is perhaps understandable, given that Juncker may be remembered as the person who presided over the EU’s initial stage of dissolution. He argues that, to deter other countries from leaving, the EU must be uncompromising, offering the UK little more than what it is guaranteed under World Trade Organization agreements.

In other words, Europe is not to be held together by its benefits, which far exceed the costs. Economic prosperity, the sense of solidarity, and the pride of being a European are not enough, according to Juncker. No, Europe is to be held together by threats, intimidation, and fear.

That position ignores a lesson seen in both the Brexit vote and America’s Republican Party primary: large portions of the population have not been doing well. The neoliberal agenda of the last four decades may have been good for the top 1%, but not for the rest. I had long predicted that this stagnation would eventually have political consequences. That day is now upon us.

On both sides of the Atlantic, citizens are seizing upon trade agreements as a source of their woes. While this is an over-simplification, it is understandable. Today’s trade agreements are negotiated in secret, withcorporate interests well represented, but ordinary citizens or workers completely shut out. Not surprisingly, the results have been one-sided: workers’ bargaining position has been weakened further, compounding the effects of legislation undermining unions and employees’ rights.

While trade agreements played a role in creating this inequality, much else contributed to tilting the political balance toward capital. Intellectual property rules, for example, have increased pharmaceutical companies’ power to raise prices. But any increase in corporations’ market power is de facto a lowering of real wages – an increase in the inequality that has become a hallmark of most advanced countries today.

Across many sectors, industrial concentration is increasing – and so is market power. The effects of stagnant and declining real wages have combined with those of austerity, threatening cutbacks in public services upon which so many middle- and low-income workers depend.

The resulting economic uncertainty for workers, when combined with migration, created a toxic brew. Many refugees are victims of war and oppression to which the West contributed. Providing help is a moral responsibility of all, but especially of the ex-colonial powers.

And yet, while many might deny it, an increase in the supply of low-skill labor leads – so long as there are normal downward-sloping demand curves – to lower equilibrium wages. And when wages can’t or won’t be lowered, unemployment increases. This is of most concern in countries where economic mismanagement has already led to a high level of overall unemployment. Europe, especially the eurozone, has been badly mismanaged in recent decades, to the point that its average unemployment is in double digits.

Free migration within Europe means that countries that have done a better job at reducing unemployment will predictably end up with more than their fair share of refugees. Workers in these countries bear the cost in depressed wages and higher unemployment, while employers benefit from cheaper labor. The burden of refugees, no surprise, falls on those least able to bear it.

Of course, there is much talk about the net benefits of inward migration. For a country providing a low level of guaranteed benefits – social protection, education, health care, and so forth – to all citizens, that may be the case. But for countries that provide a decent social safety net, the opposite is true.

The result of all this downward pressure on wages and cutbacks in public services has been the evisceration of the middle class, with similar consequences on both sides of the Atlantic. Middle- and working-class households haven’t received the benefits of economic growth. They understand that banks had caused the 2008 crisis; but then they saw billions going to save the banks, and trivial amounts to save their homes and jobs. With median real (inflation-adjusted) income for a full-time male worker in the US lower than it was four decades ago, an angry electorate should come as no surprise.

Politicians who promised change, moreover, didn’t deliver what was expected. Ordinary citizens knew that the system was unfair, but they came to see it as even more rigged than they had imagined, losing what little trust they had left in establishment politicians’ capacity or will to correct it. That, too, is understandable: the new politicians shared the outlook of those who had promised that globalization would benefit all.

But voting in anger does not solve problems, and it may bring about a political and economic situation that is even worse. The same is true of responding to a vote in anger.

There are alternatives to the current neoliberal arrangements that can create shared prosperity, just as there are alternatives – like US President Barack Obama’s proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership deal with the EU – that would cause much more harm. The challenge today is to learn from the past, in order to embrace the former and avert the latter.

Edited by Anduril

moze size?

al da nije softver

mene interesira tvoje misljenje a stiglic kao ilustracija


Izgleda da je poceo totalni raspad posto ovo moze lako da predje na ostale fondove:



Ako se nastavi, bice strasno a recesija nije jos ni pocela...

Ni onaj Ozbornov preteci budzet nece biti dovoljan da zakrpi.


S tim sto ovo nema veze sa 2008.

Tj. nije strukturnog vec spekulativnog karaktera.


Plus, neizvesnost kao takva (DB, CS down; gold, UK gilts up).

Posted (edited)
The British pound could slump to parity with the US dollar unless UK politicians get their act together over the Brexit vote, a top financial figure has warned.


Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser to investment giant Allianz, says the UK government urgently needs to start developing a credible “Plan B” to European Union membership, that gives British firms a free trade agreement with the bloc.


Speaking to Reuters, El-Erian warned that sterling is very vulnerable, as:


“After the Brexit referendum, the UK has to urgently get its political act together, including a new Prime Minister who can negotiate effectively with the EU.


Plan B depends on the politicians in London and across the Channel, but so far they have not stepped up to their economic governance responsibilities.”


UK negotiations with Brussels are effectively in limbo now, while the Conservative Party choose a new leader to replace prime minister David Cameron.




Kasno Janko na Kosovo stiže...


Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)

Englezi se uzdaju u babu, da ce preko nje da izboksuju new deal.


Mozda to babi i odgovara. Na taj nacin moze da iskoristi nezadovoljstvo visegradske ekipe i da bez po muke napravi EU u dva prstena.

Edited by Friend
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