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naravno da ima težinu i stvarno čisto sumnjam da će ga osporavati ali to ne menja činjenicu da pojedinci o tome razmišljaju.


pa i Džonson je pričao ranije o drugom referendumu koji je trebao da usledi kada rezultat prvog natera EU da se usere od muke... i Faraž je ranije izjavio da rezultat od 52-48 za remain daje legitimitet drugom referendumu.

Nije sporan referendum, ova je debata krenula od priče da pojedini u parlamentu razmišljaju da prenebregnu rezultat referenduma.

Posted (edited)

^^ Pa to možeš da kažeš za sve pollstere, osim možda za Opinium ako se dobro sećam. Nema crno-belog.


Jedino da ih nateramo da glasaju o tome kako se osećaju pa da prebrojimo...

Edited by Prospero

Nije sporan referendum, ova je debata krenula od priče da pojedini u parlamentu razmišljaju da prenebregnu rezultat referenduma.


pa imaju pravo na to, zakonsko.


Nije sporan referendum, ova je debata krenula od priče da pojedini u parlamentu razmišljaju da prenebregnu rezultat referenduma.

Što je legalno, a upitno sa strane političke mudrosti, ali to nisu isti nivoi rasprave.

Posted (edited)

sad im treba jebeno jedinstvo,priznati gresku,posrati se po sebi i politickoj karijeri,objasniti malo bolje koliko je stvarno stetan neki brand new paki i koliko sta kosta ingleze..

da vidimo tu zrelost

ako u medjuvremenu ne dobiju brzi nogobulj od nekog ksistofa

Edited by bradilko

Kratak podsetnik za Manča :D



Posted (edited)



Jedno je kad promašiš za par procenata, a drugo kad promašiš ovako kao ComRes, gori od njih bio je samo Populus koji je gađao +10 za Remain.


I nije tačno da su svi drastično mašili, TNS je imao +2 za Leave.

Edited by vememah

Kratak podsetnik za Manča :D




dok su jos koliko-toliko znali sta rade


upravo zbog tabloid jeftine polticke elite.za malo rejting poena vise.nisu ni briti imuni.i pored masovnog interneta,tradicije i slicnog.to za ove sto potcenjuju i precenjuju olako narode,nacije i tako to..

opet bi ovo ponistio u parlamentu.veci belaj je stovanje ovog neizmerno glupog referenduma.

ovaj referendum je rezultat politickog beznadja,prostakluka,jurenja rejtinga..

Ne možeš tek tako poništiti iskazanu volju naroda na referendumu koji je održan mirno, bez krađe glasova, uz adekvatnu kampanju i na kome je odziv preko 70%, čoveče.


Na stranu lične želje i preferencije, to bi bio opasan presedan, plus šamarčina ideji demokratije samo takva.

Posted (edited)

Ne, sad im treba isposlovati što bolji dil sa EU, da ostanu u zoni slobodnne trgovine što je na obostrani interes i što će, uz malo Faražovog gunđanja, proći. Da ne trpi ekonomija a da se ispoštuje i volja građana, da budu kao Island ili Norveška i sve bi bilo ok, zapadnoj civilizaciji se ništa strašno desiti neće, evo već treći dan svi živi i zdravi, prilika da se i EU zagleda u sebe, sredi i sve. 

Edited by dillinger

Ne, sad im treba isposlovati što bolji dil sa EU, da ostanu u zoni slobodnne trgovine što je na obostrani interes i što će, uz malo Faražovog gunđanja, proći. Da ne trpi ekonomija a da se ispoštuje i volja građana, da budu kao Island ili Norveška i sve bi bilo ok, zapadnoj civilizaciji se ništa strašno desiti neće, evo već treći dan svi živi i zdravi, prilika da se i EU zagleda u sebe, sredi i sve. 


znaci slobodan protok radne snage :D 


ubice ih elektorat na sledecim izborima, UKIP ce dobiti 15 miliona glasova u tom slucaju


Koji mess


Ako Scottish Labour i SNP zajedno podrze nezavisnost Skotske, Skotska je bye bye dok si rek'o keks


Nema veću težinu, nego je procedura takva - jednom izabran, parlament je suveren do kraja mandata i to je ok. Samo pokušavam da zamislim situaciju da je Putin npr raspisao referendum po pitanju Krima i da recimo rezultat glasanja bude da ga Rusi vrate, a on reši da se ogluši o rezultat - šta bi se za njega pisalo sa pravom ovde...

jednostavno, ne ide da u uk ignorišu glasanja, ma koliko rezultat bio pogrešan, to ignorisanje je daleko veća greška

Pa neće ga ignorisati, samo će ga elegantno ponoviti i za taj ponovljeni će se svi koliko ih ima zagrliti i zajedno sa tabloidima zapevati gradjanima: "O-sta-ni, da mi opet snage daš..."


Suviše krupna lova je u pitanju da bi se krmad iz city elite tu sad zamlaćivala sa praktičnim funkcionisanjem demokratije i sprovodjenjem instrukcija za koje su sami smarali gradjane da im ih daju. Mnogo je lakše prevaspitati gradjane.


GermanForeignOffice Verified account ‏@GermanyDiplo
"Watershed moment in history of #Europe": Joint statement by #EU founding members’ ForMins on #EUreferendum in #UK:

Common Statement by the Foreign Ministers of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands, 25/06/2016

  • date of issue
  • 25.06.2016

The Foreign Ministers of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands take note with regret of the fact that the British people have spoken out against EU-Membership. The decision of the British people marks a watershed moment in the history of Europe. The European Union is losing not only a member state, but a host of history, tradition and experience.

This creates a new situation. As a consequence of the decision of the British people, the agreement the European Council had found on 18/19 February ceases to exist. We now expect the UK government to provide clarity and give effect to this decision as soon as possible. The relevant provisions of the Lisbon Treaty (article 50 TEU) provide for an orderly departure.  We stand ready to work with the institutions once the negotiations in order to define and clarify the future relations between the EU and the UK will start.

We remain of the firmest belief that the European Union provides a historically unique and indispensable framework for the pursuit of freedom, prosperity and security in Europe, for shaping peaceful and mutually beneficial relationships amongst its people and for contributing to peace and stability in the world.

Since its creation in 1957 by the six founding Members, the EU has gone a long and successful way. It has reunited Eastern and Western Europe and it has brought about the longest period of peace on our continent in modern times. Moreover, it has been a driving force to bring the people of Europe together and thereby delivered on its promise that we have committed ourselves to in the treaties: To create an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe. We will continue in our efforts to work for a stronger and more cohesive European Union of 27 based on common values and the rule of law.

It is to that end that we shall also recognize different levels of ambition amongst Member States when it comes to the project of European integration. While not stepping back from what we have achieved, we have to find better ways of dealing with these different levels of ambition so as to ensure that Europe delivers better on the expectations of all European citizens.

It is in this light that we strongly reaffirm our joint commitment to the European Union. However, we are aware that discontent with the functioning of the EU as it is today is manifest in parts of our societies. We take this very seriously and are determined to make the EU work better for all our citizens. Neither a simple call for more Europe nor a phase of mere reflection can be an adequate answer. We have to focus our common efforts on those challenges which can only be addressed by common European answers, while leaving other tasks to national or regional levels. We must better deliver on those issues that we have chosen to tackle on the European level. And we must accept our responsibility to reinforce solidarity and cohesion within the European Union.

Today, Europe is faced with huge challenges in a globalized world that require a better European Union: We must further concentrate the EU’s activities in today’s main challenges: ensuring the security of our citizens in the face of growing external and internal threats; establishing a stable and cooperative framework to deal with migration and refugee flows; boost the European economy through promoting the convergence of our economies, a sustainable and job-creating growth and advancing towards the completion of the European Monetary Union. These challenges take place against a backdrop of growing instability and geopolitical changes at our European borders.

We express our confidence in our common European future.



Ovde su na kraju faktički najavili EU u više brzina

Posted (edited)

Pa neće ga ignorisati, samo će ga elegantno ponoviti i za taj ponovljeni će se svi koliko ih ima zagrliti i zajedno sa tabloidima zapevati gradjanima: "O-sta-ni, da mi opet snage daš..."


Suviše krupna lova je u pitanju da bi se krmad iz city elite tu sad zamlaćivala sa praktičnim funkcionisanjem demokratije i sprovodjenjem instrukcija za koje su sami smarali gradjane da im ih daju. Mnogo je lakše prevaspitati gradjane.


Ja mislim da ovi iz Cityja sad uzimaju brojeve za red po kome ce se cuti sa ovom dvojicom da im se najebu majke

Edited by MancMellow
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