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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)


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Odspavaj i drugu polovinu, mozda ti se bolje svidi.

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Odspavaj i drugu polovinu, mozda ti se bolje svidi.


mislim da će tako i biti

Posted (edited)

apsolutno mi je nejasan forumski hajp. možda zato što sam odustao(zaspao) na pola. ludi maksara kec, pa i dvojka su remek dela za ovo.


možda ga i odgledam do kraja. nekada.






jedna velika gomila skupog ničega.


Fotografija kida, produkcija najbolja moguca, kasting (sem samog MAX-a sa onim blentavim licem) sjajan, ama gledacu ga ponovo sigurno, vizuelni spektakl.


Kada su ga planirali, bilo je tipa "ajde da udarimo na receptore gledalaca u svakom mogucem smislu, ono, burning men estetika, manekenke u providnim velovima, boginja Sharliz, kamioni avioni prasina trka krv lom ludilo"


Onda neko dobacio "ali gledaoci nemaju samo reecptore, imaju i ono iza njih, mozak na primer". E tome su odmah urucili otkaz.


Najbolji opis je dao neko ovde: kao da je gledao dvosatni trejler za neki giga mega film.

Edited by Caligula

vizuelni spektakl


Meni, recimo, The Last Wave, čak i užasnobudžetni The Cars That Eat People, koje eksplicitno refenciraju, izgledaju mnogo bolje od ovog cgi smeća...

  • 9 months later...

Ide sad po milioniti put na HBO HD, pa da i ja dam svoje mišljenje.




Uopšte ne razumem hype oko ovog filma, vizuelno jeste lep, ali previše je koreografisan i stilizovan.



Isto tako, barem za mene, sve je predstavljeno kao neka vrsta bajke, nema ni primesa realizma kao u starim Mad Maxovima. Tom Hardijev Pobesneli Maks je dosta bled na odnosu na Mel Gibsonovog, i absolutno ne dolazi do nikakve identifikacije gledalaca sa njim, tako da film postaje prilično neinteresantan. I pored preterivanja i grotesknih momenata, to je i glavni problem filma. Jednostavno karakterizacija likova nije dovoljno ubedljiva, mislim da na mene lično ni jedan karakter nije ostavio utisak sem Nuxa koga je maestralno odigrao Nicholas Hult.



O  "feminističkoj ikoni" Imperatorki Furiozi kao jakom ženskom liku koji je veštački i neuverljivo gurnut u ceo ovaj milje, kao i o ženama žrtvama koje su kao danas u svetu popularna tema isto artificijelno, i čini se bez potrebe ugurane u svet Mad Maxa ne vredi trošiti ni reči.




Nisam čitao ranije komentare da ne bi (makar podsvesno) uticali na ono što ću napisati, ali me ovaj film strašno podseća na pasivno posmatranje video igara, ili na one trejlere za Marvelove filmove, samo što se u ovom slučaju sve to odužilo na preko 2 sata, i uopšte ne drži interes.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)
You never storyboard?
Steven Soderbergh: No. The ability to stage well is a skill and a talent that I value above almost everything else. And I say that because there are people who do it better than I'll ever be able to do it after 40 years of active study. I just watched Mad Max: Fury Road again last week, and I tell you I couldn't direct 30 seconds of that. I'd put a gun in my mouth. I don't understand how [George Miller] does that, I really don't, and it's my job to understand it. I don't understand two things: I don't understand how they're not still shooting that film and I don't understand how hundreds of people aren't dead.
I could almost see that's kind of possible until the polecat sequence, and then I give up. We are talking about the ability in three dimensions to break a sequence into a series of shots in which no matter how fast you're cutting you know where you are geographically. And each one is a real shot where a lot of things had to go right. I'm going to keep trying; I'm not going to keep trying in the sense that I'm going to volunteer to direct the next Mad Max movie. I'm going to keep trying in the sense that when I have sequences that demand a certain level of sophistication in terms of their visual staging, I'm going to try and watch the people who do it really well and see if I can climb inside their heads enough to think like that.
But he's off the chart. I guarantee that the handful of people who are even in range of that, when they saw Fury Road, had blood squirting out of their eyes. The thing with George Miller, it's not just that, he does everything really well. The scripts are great, the performances are great, the ideas are great. He's exceptional. I met him once for about 30 seconds at the Directors Guild Awards in Los Angeles the year of Fury Road. But you don't want to say that stuff to somebody's face; it's embarrassing.


Edited by Sludge Factory

lepo rekao, bas divan kompliment, svaka mu cast (stevenu na iskrenosti)


Ceo intervju je dobar, vredi procitati. 

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