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Twin Peaks nova sezona, vreme je za hajp


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Zanimljiva teorija o "dva Twin Peaksa" (koju sam našao ispod YT videa sa pitanjem "šta se to događa sa Odri")...

Artimidor Federkiel1 day ago (edited)
Here's my basic thought: The Audrey situation clearly is existential. And the whole season 3 is existentially motivated (remember: even the evolution of the arm says NON-EXISTENT, whatever exactly he's referring to). The question of season 3 is as far as I'm concerned: What is real? And the Audrey situation is part of a bigger picture.

I reckon there are several indicators now that a sort of timeline thing is going on where scenes are mirrored, e.g. Dougie with fork vs. woman crawling in the Roadhouse. But also for example scenes like Ed/Norma --> bad end, Ed/Norma --> good end. I assume some scenes are alternate scenes rather than scenes in the same timeline. Indicated also by the shifting Double-R "Have you seen Billy?" scene.

Very, very simplified: There's a world tainted by Bad Coop, and one tainted by Good Dougie. In Bad Coop Twin Peaks people seem to be locked in their existential loops or downward spirals (Sarah, Audrey, Richard etc.). Also in this timeline: the zombie kid, Bobby's marriage going downhill etc. Simpleton Dougie on then other hand made everyone happy. Even in episode 15 Janey-E says "It's like a dream world". That's true, it is too good to be true. He's luck personified. ("Heeelloooo!") In this context I assume that Audrey is unable to escape in one timeline and probably is dead in the other, which is why we have never seen any proper interactions of her. Richard probably is Bad Coop's son in one timeline, and another reality bleeds into her in her comatose state, like a dream.

Similar things happen in both worlds, and both worlds are fighting for supremacy. I assume both "realities" might turn out to be illusions and Bob/Dougie will eventually merge into a final timeline, comprising parts of both worlds. The "Dreamer" is the one watching the show, seeing both versions that will turn out as non-existent, but the final result will be only possible because the timelines split.



Izgleda je Crna loža dobra za ten (i kosu...)




Izgleda da ima nešto u Odri u komi teoriji, mada možda nije koma u pitanju, već neko od tih mesta s druge strane


Uz sve nedostatke koje serija ima, fenomenalno je kako je meta- u odnosu na danasnju televiziju, cak i vise nego sto je to bio stari Twin Peaks.


Dve u ovoj sezoni, ali obe idu sledeće nedelje. 


Showtime pre te dve reprizira svih 16 u cugu :)


Kako u ovoj sezoni? Rekli su da je ovo kraj serije


Koliko sam pratio po twitterima, Showtime je zainteresovan za četvrtu sezonu. Ne znam šta su Lynch i Frost odlučili, tj da li uopšte dolazi u obzir...

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