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Posted (edited)

Šta "to"?


Pa ono, nazi fazoni i ex-Yu zajebancije, sa naglaskom na HR


edit: pa da bre, nego koga će, "komuniste"? :D

Edited by MancMellow
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Baš se sporimo, sa li su Srbe videli kao komuniste, ili kao orijentalne varvare.


Baš se sporimo, sa li su Srbe videli kao komuniste, ili kao orijentalne varvare.


e ne znam, to moram da se podsetim :D davno bilo...ali mislim da je komunizam "pretežnjavao"


E; ako imaš neke linkove, skenove, fanzine, bilo šta, kači.

Posted (edited)

E; ako imaš neke linkove, skenove, fanzine, bilo šta, kači.


Nema šanse, zato što sam se ja sa tim upoznavao...hm, inokosno, odnosno nije bio moj lični predmet interesovanja, nego ljudi sa kojima sam provodio neko vreme, Ja nisam išao dalje od, recimo, Alien Sex Fiend. Čak se sećam jednom kad sam čuo Sunshine od Miranda Sex Garden bio sam u fazonu, jeee, super shoegaze, malo drugačiji, ali ok. Kad sam čuo ostatak....beži bre, ovo folk :D Ne volim ja proper Gothic, ako nešto mora od toga onda radije EBM :D


Edit: E da, Currenti su ok :)

Edited by MancMellow
Posted (edited)

Pa može i svedočenja, dnevnički zapisi, anegdote... :)


Mene recimo stvano zanima kako su od Crisis od pankera i marksista postali nacoši i neo-folkeri Death in June.

Edited by Turnbull



Odličan dokumentarac o black metal sceni i pratećim zbivanjima. Dosta referentan za temu topika u smislu Vikernesove priče. 




Jednako dobar dokumentarac o Mayhemu iz ugla originalne postave. Postoji osvrt na Juronimusove ekstremno leve političke stavove. Oslobođen Vikernesove priče. 



Ne tako dobar ali poučan dokumentarac o histeriji nastaloj u medijima nakon prvog intervjua. 



 od pankera i marksista postali nacoši 


Pa...mislim da je klasična SA priča  ^_^

Posted (edited)

Pa...mislim da je klasična SA priča  ^_^

jeste, upravo tako. sa tim da ima i ovo sto ne samo da objasnjava SA reputaciju kao gay havena vec i ujedno nam sluzi kao potencijalnu veza izmedju mansona / hipi kontrakulture / visoko-individualistickih oblika fasizma koji egzistiraju u USA (o kojima smo pricali na prethodnoj strani) sa ovim konvencionalnim (kolektivistickim) oblicima fasizma.


+ jebo mu mater, to sto se neko nominalno samoidentifikuje kao marksista to ama bas nista ne znaci. mislim vidis Sime na kom crtani film nivou on zamislja sebe kao anarhistu u onom delu koji si citirao i sad mi kao treba da se bavimo njegovim hipotetickim marksizmom :lol:

Edited by DarkAttraktor



Odličan dokumentarac o black metal sceni i pratećim zbivanjima. Dosta referentan za temu topika u smislu Vikernesove priče. 




Jednako dobar dokumentarac o Mayhemu iz ugla originalne postave. Postoji osvrt na Juronimusove ekstremno leve političke stavove. Oslobođen Vikernesove priče. 



Ne tako dobar ali poučan dokumentarac o histeriji nastaloj u medijima nakon prvog intervjua. 



To. Mek! Konačno da ređemo na blek metal!


Evo da i ja dodam nešto. Kao što rekoh, Vargec sad ima i blog i vlog, a žena mu isto ima neki blog na kojem razvija sopstvenu teoriju o tome kako su arijevci zapravo potomci nenadertalaca. Ludilo!



Ovo je sa njegovog bloga:

Why talk about the Neanderthal?
Posted on 08/07/2014

French. MagyarSerbianSpanish.

Much archaeological material has been destroyed, intentionally or by accident, or is being kept secret, or has been ‘lost’, or is deemed not important enough by the scholars to discuss. They ‘forget’ to mention so much to us, to the public.

It is no coincident that the first ‘archaeologists’ were all priests, who often systematically went forth to destroy all evidence suggesting that Europeans had had any type of culture prior to Christianity. Some were probably even doing this not at all because they had an interest in what we today call archaeology, but solely to destroy all evidence undermining their own version of the world’s history. “Quickly, dig up the grave and destroy everything you find, before somebody else finds it!”

When priests found Neanderthal skulls, they did the same. They found large skulls, that obviously had held brains larger than those of modern humans, so they had to do something! Both those believing in the theory of evolution and the Judeo-Christians claiming that Pagan Europe was primitive had a serious problem. So they intentionally misplaced the spinal column and the lower jaw, making the Neanderthal look ape-like. This image has been proven to be false already, but the image of the Neanderthal as some ape-like creature with a protruding face remains, and when you visit Neanderthal sites most (but thankfully not all) of the guides still talk about them as if they were like that. When you point at the fact that this is wrong, most of them already know, but for some reason keep telling the ‘well established’ lie instead. I don’t know why they still do, even when they know they are wrong, but they do. Yes, in reality the Neanderthal didn’t have a protruding face at all, and the supra-orbital ridge found (in adults only) can still occasionally be found in modern adult Europeans.


Gallic Coins with portraits of Gauls with clear Neanderthal features:


350px-coin_vercingetorix.jpg?w=300&h=145rrc-448-2-obverse.jpg?w=300&h=296 france11.jpg?w=300&h=291

They didn’t look like apes at all: they looked pretty much just like Nordic, Baltic, Finnish, Slavic, British and Gallic Europeans do today. And when I say this I am attacked from all directions, by those who have seen – over and over again, and for more than a hundred years – the ape-like images painted of our Neanderthal forebears by the Judeo-Christians priests. They don’t want to have such a forebear! A hairy ape!? No thanks! But they are wrong. They believe in lies. And instead of accepting the evidence provided to them they often just parrot the official lie. The lie has been told them too many times for there to be any room left for the truth. The Cro Magnon mulatto is hailed by them as the ‘proto-European’, and the proto-European Neanderthal is spat upon and called an ape…

Neanderthal-looking Neanderthal Descendant:


Before the Truth has had the time to put his boots on,

the Lie has already traveled twice around the world”.

The truth about the Neanderthal has been found, and is spreading. Eventually the truth will prevail, and we – Europe – will be much better off when it does.

A photo-shopped photo (the skull has been moved), showing the real facial angle of the Neanderthal

compared to that of Svante Pääbo. For more information on these angles click here:


PS. In France everything of metal from before the Christianization was defined as ‘Gallo-Roman’, suggesting that the Gauls themselves had nothing of interest, no culture, no technology, nothing, until the Romans arrived. It is only lately (the last few decades?), that they have begun to admit that almost all of the magnificent art they have found, stems from the pre-Roman era.




Ima i na srpskom! Pustiti ove na Obraz i slične  :happy:


Pa da, ima poneki i na mađarskom, ali svaki post ima i na srpskom. Da se zna gde je baza najjača :)


Nema, ne vidim da se bilo gde spominju "Arijevci". Ali kako su samo "mudri", više ne govore ni od "belcima" ni o "arijevcima", nego o "Evropljanima"  :happy:


Tačno, mea culpa, nema Arijevci, samo Evropljani.


Ma nije to nikakvo lukavstvo, nego on razvija neku svoju ličnu fiks ideju.


ja ne mogu da verujem koji typeface koristi za blog. stvarno je lud ko struja !

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