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Ryan Franco

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Сталин – это имя штурмовое,

Коротко зовущее вперед,

Сталин – это ритмы Днепростроя,

Сталин – это Чкаловский полет!


Сталин – в темпах первых пятилеток,

В лозунгах: «Догнать и перегнать!»

Сталин – главный Вождь страны Советов,

Божий бич и Божья благодать. 


Сталин – это пламенный звезды

Над седыми стенами Кремля,

Сталин – в шуме тракторов колхозных,

С ним цветет Советская земля!



Сталин – это наше, корневое.

Это русский радионапев.

Это – уважение к героям,

А к врагам – презрение и гнев!


Это – танкодромы и причалы,

Тысячи тоннелей и мостов,

Волго-Дон и Беломорканалы,

И рожденье новых городов! 


Племя непокорных – это Сталин!

С Ним навеки Брест и Ленинград

С стойкостью своей, что тверже стали

Доблестью, не знающей преград!



С Ним навеки роты фронтовые,

Где солдат солдату друг и брат.

Он их вел сквозь бури огневые,

С ними шел под грохот канонад. 


За Него на смерть вставала Зоя,

На Него равнялся Кошевой,

Вместе с Ним советские герои

Заслонили Родину собой!


Сталин – это знаковое имя

В грозный час сплотившее народ,

Это воля Матери России,

Разгромившей чужеземный сброд!


Сталин – это взлет родной державы

От сохи до ядерный высот!

Сталин – это путь Великой Славы!

Сталин – это вера в свой Народ!


Сталин – это музыка Победы

Это – мирных планов громадье,

Это – пробуждение планеты

И высокий промысел ее!


Сталин – знамя будущих сражений,

Символ самой правильной страны,

Лучезарный и суровый гений!..

Патриоты Сталину верны!


Сталин – это наш Советский Гений!

Патриоты Сталину верны!

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Banned Chechen Movie Screened At Moscow Film Festival



A screen grab of the film "Ordered to Forget," which looks at a reported atrocity that occurred during the Chechen-Ingush deportation of 1944.

June 23, 2014



The Chechen film "Ordered To Forget" («Приказано забыть») which tells how some 700 residents  of the Chechen village of Haybakh were burned alive at the time of the February 1944 deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush nations on Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's orders, was screened on June 20 at the Moscow International Film Festival.


The premiere had originally been scheduled to take place in Grozny last month, but Russia's Ministry of Culture refused to certify the film for public distribution on the grounds that, since the archives of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD, the forerunner of the present-day Interior Ministry) contain no evidence that the atrocity ever took place, the film constitutes "a falsification of history" that  could give rise to interethnic hatred, according to its Chechen producer Ruslan Kokanayev.


According to Kokanayev, it was intended to give an impression of life in the Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR) during the period 1939-1945, i.e. at the height of the Stalinist terror. "We try to show that the story of Haybakh is interwoven human tragedies," he explained. "Some were forced to give orders, others to carry them out. A few tried to resist, a few refused to kill [people]." 


WATCH: A trailer for the film "Ordered to Forget"




Sulban Khasimikov, director of the Grozny film studio, said the movie, which was financed by Chechen businessmen, is not about the 1944 deportation as such. He said it is in part a love story, which at the same time showcases the customs and traditions of the Chechen people and the "difficulties" of life at that time.


Kokanayev says the Ministry of Culture did not raise any objections when he first submitted the scenario for approval, and that, when the finished film was first screened in Moscow in early February, Union of Cinematographers of Russia First Deputy Chairman Sergei Lazaruk praised it and said he hoped it would be a success. Kokanayev plans to contest the ban in court.


The rationale for the Haybakh killings was shockingly banal: Stalin's Mingrelian henchman Lavrenti Beria had issued orders that the entire Chechen and Ingush nations (an estimated 485,000 people) were to be rounded up, loaded onto trains and deported to Kazakhstan and Central Asia within 15 days (February 23-March 9).  Some local officials realized that they would be unable to meet that deadline due to logistical constraints (inclement weather conditions, lack of transport or gasoline), and so, rather than incur the wrath of the regime by failing to comply, they simply killed the population of some villages on the spot.


In Haybakh, some 700 people, including twin infant boys born that morning, were herded into a barn that was set alight. Those who tried to escape the flames were mown down by mortar fire. Some 200 people died on the same day in the Ingush village of Targim. Similar mass killings took place in the Chechen mountain village of Melkhesty and at Kezenoy-Am, the mountain lake that Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov is transforming into a resort.


In his landmark "secret speech" to the 20th congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in February 1956, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev denounced Stalin's crimes,  including the deportations of the Chechens, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Balkars, Karachais, Kumyks, and other ethnic groups, and gave the green light for their rehabilitation and return home. 


It was Khrushchev, too, who ordered the first investigation into what happened in Haybakh after meeting with Dziyaudin Malsagov. As a senior official in the Checheno-Ingush ASSR Justice Ministry, Malsagov had witnessed the events first hand and subsequently submitted written reports, first, in January 1945, to Stalin, and then  to U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers Chairman Georgy Malenkov.


The findings of the Khrushchev-era probe were never made public, however, and Haybakh remained a taboo subject until the late 1980s, when then CPSU General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev launched his policy of glasnost. First to raise the issue was young journalist Said Bitsoyev, now deputy editor of the Moscow daily "Novye izvestiya." In response to his article, the prosecutor's office in Chechnya's Urus-Martan district opened a criminal case in 1989.


Ruslan Tulikov, former ideological secretary of the local Communist Party district committee, now deputy administrator of Urus Martan district, described in a recent interview how he and a group of others began digging in the ruins of Haybakh and found charred bones, together with coins, earrings and spent bullets. He recalls how Malsagov showed up a few days after they started digging and explained to them precisely what happened.


Both Kokanayev and the Chechen authorities have challenged the Ministry of Culture's claim that no documentary evidence of the mass killing exists.  Chechen parliament speaker Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov told the official Chechen daily "Vesti respubliky" in early June that "we have such documents and they will be made public in the next few days."  He mentioned in particular Malsagov's letter to Malenkov.  But neither that missive nor any other relevant materials have appeared in the Chechen press to date.


Kokanayev, for his part, told Caucasus Knot that, in writing the script for the film, he drew on the expertise of a group of Chechen scholars who co-authored a book on the Haybakh killings based partly on the testimony of witnesses. (One of those authors, Salamat Gayev, was five years old at the time; he, his mother, and three siblings managed to escape death by hiding in the surrounding forest.) Kokanayev further points out that the film includes at the very end footage of Mumadi Elgakayev, one of the last remaining eyewitnesses, a few months before his death. He is unable to speak for weeping.


-- Liz Fuller

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Operacija Чечевица (leča, sočivo).


U sedam dana preseljeno negdje oko 500.000 ljudi. Većina Čečeni, ali bilo je i nekih 7.000 Dagestanaca i oko 3.000 Osetina.


402.922  deportovano u Kazahstan, a 88.649 u Kirgistan. Za vrijeme operacije bilo ubijeno zbog pružanja otpora 50 ljudi, a uhapšeno 2016, dok je u toku transporta umrlo 1272 osobe.


- И. Пыхалов, А. Дюков, Великая оболганная война T-2. М. 2008.

- Витковский А. «Чечевица, или Семь дней чеченской зимы 1944 года// Служба безопасности, 1996 . № 1-2.

Edited by apostata
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8-ядерный микропроцессор Эльбрус-8С запущен в производство

Компания ЗАО «МЦСТ» запустила в производство опытную партию универсальных микропроцессоров Эльбрус-8С. Расчётная рабочая частота чипа — 1.3 ГГц, технология производства – 28 нм, вычислительная мощность составляет 250 гигафлопс. Получение готовых образцов микросхем ожидается в октябре 2014 года.


Intel najmodernije procesore radi na 22 nm, ako dobro znam. Znaci da su prakticno zatvorili tehnoloski jaz.

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Predsednik koordinacionog saveta sindikata policajaca je opravdao potez koleginica time da one žele da se udaju i da razmišljaju o demografskoj situaciji.
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Intel najmodernije procesore radi na 22 nm, ako dobro znam. Znaci da su prakticno zatvorili tehnoloski jaz.

Nisu oni još blizu, jer se procesor ne proizvodi u Rusiji nego na Tajvanu, koristeći komercijalno raspoložive fabrike i njihov, tajvanski proizvodni proces.


Jeste bitan taj proizvodni proces, ali moderni Intelovi procesori su praktično došli do maksimuma koji taj silicijumski način proizvodnje može da pruži, i svo ubrzanje se bazira na optimizaciji i mikroprogramiranju. Oni imaju već spreman određen broj mikroarhitektura i koda za njih, i čim otvore fabrike za novi proizvodni proces od 14 nm preći će na njega.


Rusi koriste jako dugu reč instrukcije, koja daje dobre performanse u specijalizovanim zadacima, i to je zaostatak iz doba Sovjetskog Saveza. Tada su oni umesto korišćenja komercijalnog procesora opšte namene, pravili od nule posebne procesore za posebne vojne i civilne podsisteme, što je kao rezultat imalo oko 300 različitih procesora najraznovrsnijih performansi, potrošnje struje i tipova, umesto jednog ali vrednog.


Elbrus je još jedan od takvih projekata koji će koristiti isključivo vojska za neku obradu signala i radare

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Koliko znam oni imaju tehnologiju za 64nm ili 48nm u Rusiiji, verovatno si u pravu za 28nm za sada. I tacno je da se oni nece komercijalizovati, nema ni smisla jer oni ne mogu da se nose komercijalno sa Intelom ili AMD, vec ce se koristiti za vosjku, svemirska istrazivanja i druga nacuna i tehnicka istrazivanja i specificne eksplatacije.

Zar nije Elbrus arhitektura komercijalizovana kroz pentium procesore? Koliko znam Intel je to preuzeo od Rusa. Sta kazes Filipenko?

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