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Tomorrow, We SaveLanguage offers a clue to countries' economic behavior.BY JOSHUA E. KEATING | SEPT/OCT 2012Why do Germans revere austerity and fiscal discipline, while Greeks spend like there's no tomorrow? Why can't the United States convince China to consume more and save less? Yale University economist Keith Chen thinks part of the answer may be in language -- particularly in how different languages treat time.Languages differ in the degree to which they distinguish future events from the present. For example, in what linguists call strong future-time reference (FTR) languages like English, a speaker says, "It will rain tomorrow." In a weak-FTR language like German, one simply says "Morgen regnet es"-- literally, "Tomorrow, it rains." Mandarin Chinese has similarly weak time construction. Strong-FTR speakers have to do a little more verbal work to make it clear they're talking about the future. Chen, who grew up in a Chinese-speaking household in the United States, thinks this subtle difference actually changes the way speakers of different languages conceive of time -- which affects how people act in the present.Extensive psychological research shows that linguistic differences actually do affect the perception of external phenomena. A 2007 study in the National Academy of Sciences journal noted that Russian speakers, who have separate words for "blue" (siniy) and "light blue" (goluboy), have a better ability to distinguish between similar shades of the color than English speakers. When it comes to gauging time, Chen's hypothesis is that weak-FTR speakers see the future as less distant and therefore engage in fewer behaviors with negative future consequences."Every time your language forces you to specify that you're talking about the future, it's a little nudge that this is something different than the present," Chen says. "It's something that you do to yourself thousands of times a day."Weak-FTR languages include German, Mandarin, Japanese, and the Scandinavian languages, while English, Greek, Russian, and Spanish are strong-FTR. In a recent paper, Chen compared European families of similar education, income, and religion and found that speakers of weak-FTR languages on average save more for retirement, smoke less, and are less likely to be obese. "Every one of the countries that we think of as an outlier in terms of savings is also an outlier in terms of how they speak about the future," Chen says.So it's not just that the Chinese and Northern Europeans are better at planning for the future: They're already living -- or at least speaking -- in it.
Edited by buffalo bill
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Ne znam gde bih drugde ovo, pa hajde ovde.Prekjuče je otvoren KSEVT (Kulturno središče evropskih vesoljskih tehnologij, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies), a od juče imaju i stalnu izložbenu postavku.


Herman Potočnik Noordung:100 MONUMENTAL INFLUENCESHerman Potočnik Noordung is, with his book The Problem of Space Travel - The Rocket Motor, regarded as one of the pioneers of spaceflight. Discover his influences on the development of existing space programmes.

At the outset of the comprehensive permanent exhibition about the Slovenian and European pioneer of space technologies there are one hundred freehand drawings, made by Potočnik for his 1929 book. The drawings are both didactic and visionary.Exhibition topics are:

  • Potočnik’s biography outline,
  • the time and context of Potočnik,
  • early rocket technologies,
  • space architecture,
  • the use of Earth’s orbits,
  • spacesuits,
  • the Treasures of Modernity collection,
  • Slovenia in space.

The exhibition is designed for elementary and high school students, families with children and for all those interested in Potočnik, his work and the far-reaching influence of The Problem of Space Travel – The Rocket Motor on the development of space technologies.An exhibition will be on display from the September 7th on.

... ili ako preferirate na slovenačkom i sa praktičnim informacijama tipa pošto ufur i slično:Herman Potočnik Noordung:100 MONUMENTALNIH VPLIVOVHerman Potočnik Noordung se s svojio knjigo Problem vožnje po vesolju - raketni motor (1929), umešča med pionirje vesoljskih poletov. Spoznajte njegove vplive na razvoj obstoječih vesoljskih programov.

Napovedujemo veliko stalno razstavo o slovenskem in evropskem pionirju vesoljskih tehnologij Hermanu Potočniku Noordungu. Razstava za svoje izhodišče jemlje sto risb, ki jih je Potočnik prostoročno narisal za svojo knjigo leta 1928. Risbe so tako didaktične kot vizionarske.Teme razstave so:

  • oris Potočnikove življenjske poti,
  • Potočnikov čas in kontekst,
  • zgodnje raketne tehnologije,
  • vesoljska arhitektura,
  • uporaba Zemljinih orbit,
  • vesoljska oblačila,
  • zbirka Zakladi modernosti,
  • Slovenija v vesolju.

Razstava je namenjena učencem osnovnih in srednjih šol, družinam z otroki ter vsem, ki jih zanima Potočnik, njegovo delo ter daljnosežen vpliv knjige Problem vožnje po vesolju - raketni motor na razvoj vesoljskih tehnologij.Razstava je za odprta od srede do nedelje med 9.00 in 17.00.Vstopnina je 7 EUR. Za obiskovalce, ki pridejo v Vitanje s kolesom je vstopnina 5 EUR. Vstopnina je brezplačna za mame, otroke do 3-eh let, brezposelne in občane občine Vitanje.

Ako neko ode da vidi pre nego što ja budem sledeći put bio u Ljubljani, neka postuje na šta liči izložba. :)

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na potočnika se pozivao onaj lik što je radio "dokumentarac" o jugoslovenskom "svemirskom" programu na željavi. :s_p: :lala:
Znam, razlog više da se ode i vidi ovo. :D
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Jeste da je članak malo nepismeno napisan, ali znam za ovu priču i sa druge strane, ovo je katastrofa kakav je odnos države prema sasvim upotrebljivom izumu.

Srbiju ne zanima besplatna strujaIako je još prošlog novembra profesor dr Vladan Petrović u Badnjevcu kod Kragujevca postavio solarno postrojenje bez panela, koje sakuplja i skladišti sunčevu energiju koja cele zime može da se koristi, niko u Srbiji nije zainteresovan za njegov izum. S druge strane, predstavnici 19 zemalja, poput Indije, Švedske, Nemačke, Norveške, Škotske, Engleske, Italije, Turske, dolazili su da se uvere u snagu postrojenja. Profesor svakog dana pregovara sa njima i, ukoliko niko iz naše zemlje ne bude zainteresovan, on će postrojenje prodati najboljem ponuđaču iz inostranstva.279642_111202c2_iff.jpg
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Jeste da je članak malo nepismeno napisan, ali znam za ovu priču i sa druge strane, ovo je katastrofa kakav je odnos države prema sasvim upotrebljivom izumu.
Ko za ovo da se zainteresuje u Srbiji? Možda neki fakultet/institut može da mu pomogne u razvoju. Proizvodnja u Srbiji je u ovom trenutku je naučna fantastika. Za to su potrebna velika materijalna ulaganja, a moralo bi se poraditi i na kadrovima.Što se tiče samog izuma mislim da ima malo preterivanja:
On dodaje da bi to postrojenje omogućilo da sve toplane u Srbiji rade na sunčevu energiju tako što bi je sakupljale preko leta, a koristile zimi.
Još kad se ima u vidu da je u pitanju solarno postrojenje bez panela deluje mi neverovatno da se toplana zameni za par dan, sve da se energija akumulira cele godine u nekoliko ovih postrojenja i to bez gubitaka.
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Ignition of a deuterium micro-detonation with a gigavolt super marx generatorFriedwardt Winterberg(Submitted on 1 Dec 2008)The Centurion-Halite experiment demonstrated the feasibility of igniting a deuterium-tritium micro-explosion with an energy of not more than a few megajoule, and the Mike test, the feasibility of a pure deuterium explosion with an energy of more than 10^6 megajoule. In both cases the ignition energy was supplied by a fission bomb explosive. While an energy of a few megajoule, to be released in the time required of less than 10^-9 sec, can be supplied by lasers and intense particle beams, this is not enough to ignite a pure deuterium explosion. Because the deuterium-tritium reaction depends on the availability of lithium, the non-fusion ignition of a pure deuterium fusion reaction would be highly desirable. It is shown that this goal can conceivably be reached with a "Super Marx Generator", where a large number of "ordinary" Marx generators charge (magnetically insulated) fast high voltage capacitors of a second stage Marx generator, called a "Super Marx Generator", ultimately reaching gigavolt potentials with an energy output of 100 megajoule. An intense 10^7 Ampere-GeV proton beam drawn from a "Super Marx Generator" can ignite a deuterium thermonuclear detonation wave in a compressed deuterium cylinder, where the strong magnetic field of the proton beam entraps the charged fusion reaction products inside the cylinder. In solving the stand-off problem, the stiffness of a GeV proton beam permits to place the deuterium target at a comparatively large distance from the wall of a cavity confining the deuterium micro-explosion. Comments: 14 pages, 7 figuresSubjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph); Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph)Cite as: arXiv:0812.0394 [physics.gen-ph](or arXiv:0812.0394v1 [physics.gen-ph] for this version)Submission historyFrom: Friedwardt Winterberg [view email][v1] Mon, 1 Dec 2008 23:59:52 GMT (1571kb,X)http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.0394Deuterium microbomb rocket propulsionFriedwardt Winterberg(Submitted on 2 Dec 2008)Large scale manned space flight within the solar system is still confronted with the solution of two problems: 1. A propulsion system to transport large payloads with short transit times between different planetary orbits. 2. A cost effective lifting of large payloads into earth orbit. For the solution of the first problem a deuterium fusion bomb propulsion system is proposed where a thermonuclear detonation wave is ignited in a small cylindrical assembly of deuterium with a gigavolt-multimegampere proton beam, drawn from the magnetically insulated spacecraft acting in the ultrahigh vacuum of space as a gigavolt capacitor. For the solution of the second problem, the ignition is done by argon ion lasers driven by high explosives, with the lasers destroyed in the fusion explosion and becoming part of the exhaust. Comments: 12 pages, 4 figuresSubjects: General Physics (physics.gen-ph); Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph)Cite as: arXiv:0812.0397 [physics.gen-ph](or arXiv:0812.0397v1 [physics.gen-ph] for this version)Submission historyFrom: Friedwardt Winterberg [view email][v1] Tue, 2 Dec 2008 00:20:42 GMT (594kb,X)http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.0397

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Porn stars and the naked truthWomen in the industry are healthy rather than exploited, claims new studyFemale porn stars are psychologically as healthy or healthier than other women, according to a new study, which challenges widely held views about women in the adult entertainment business.Adult entertainers were found to have higher self-esteem, a better quality of life and body image, and to be more positive, with greater levels of spirituality. They also had higher levels of sexual satisfaction and, perhaps unsurprisingly, many more partners than other women.The American researchers, who report their findings in the Journal of Sex Research, said they found no evidence to support the "damaged goods hypothesis" that actresses involved in the porn industry come from desperate backgrounds and are less psychologically healthy compared with typical women."Some descriptions of actresses in pornography have included attributes such as drug addiction, homelessness, poverty, desperation and being victims of sexual abuse," they said. "Some have made extreme assertions, such as claiming that all women in pornography were sexually abused as children. Stereotypes of those involved in adult entertainment have been used to support or condemn the industry and to justify political views on pornography, although the actual characteristics of actresses are unknown because no study on this group of women has been conducted."The psychologists compared data taken from 177 adult entertainment actresses with a sample of women matched for age, marital status and other factors. The actresses, all of whom had been paid to work on at least one X-rated movie, ranged in age from 18 to 50, with an average career in the industry of 3.5 years. More than one-third were either married or in a serious relationship, and 44 per cent were single.One of the main claims by commentators on the industry has been that actresses have frequently experienced sexual abuse in childhood, but the results show no statistically significant difference between the two groups of women.The study also shows that the actresses sleep better and have more energy. Almost 70 per cent gave enjoyment of sex full marks, compared with 33 per cent of the other women; and they had first had sex at a lower age: 15 rather than 17. On the negative side, industry workers had a history of more drug and alcohol use, and problems possibly linked to sensation-seeking personalities. The study was undertaken by researchers at Shippensburg University, Texas Woman's University and the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation.Cynthia Graham, senior lecturer in health psychology at Southampton University, said: "This study really challenges views about women who engage in sex work and the porn industry. Although the study had limitations, it is one of very few that has included matched controls."The feminist commentator Dawn Foster criticised the study: "It is dangerous to generalise about a huge industry: women who are successful and in control of their careers in one pocket don't speak for women in the less scrutinised parts. The study's main objective seems to be to prove that not all women in porn are exploited: no one has argued that. But glossing over the exploitative aspects helps no one."
Edited by buffalo bill
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