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Iron Maiden + Ghost (17.06) loženje


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Фризуре са репићима, кожне лоне, атлетске маје, тексас прслуци са нитнама и белим кићанкама... О, да, то је тај аутентични стајлинг из природњачког дела моје гимназије који је све будуће математичке сараднике претварао у одбијене кандидате за статисте у Глуварењу. :rolf:  

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Ja ne vidim šta fali Bostonu, mada je Blue Oyster Cult definitivno mnogo prikladnije poređenje. A ne razumem ni ovo ljutkanje -metal treba da bude ovakav-onakav, ovo nije metal itd. Kao da imaju obavezu da ispune neke standarde težine. Meni su i BOC metal, a super mi je i što Ghost vraća melodičnost u savremeni metal. Obično kad pogledam one liste na kraju godine, mrtva trka između blek metala, grajnd kora i death-core-a.


Mada nije hazard prvi kojem je Boston pao na pamet:


Moving right along, Jigolo Har Megiddo sounds like something you would hear on a FM classic rock station. Where Ghost has drawn plenty of comparison to Blue Öyster Cult in the past, Jigolo Har Megiddo sounds like a long lost recording from the first Boston record. The organ is absolutely perfect much like that debut Boston record and it truly makes the song that comes just before the band takes flight for the most ambitious track in their brief career.



Eto lepo rekoh Boston :D Ne fali nista Bostonu (mislim malo su kdp al ok), nego je presmesno upariti to sa ovakvim tekstovima. More than a sacrificial feeling? I see my Magdalene walkin' away? Mislim super je melodicnost i sve to (ako mene neko pita to je pravi mijetal™ tj. nema pravoga mijetala™ bez melodicnosti) ali ovi duhovnjaci su ipak smesni. Ne znam sta Mejdenima treba da se s njima asociraju.


Inace da kontriramo sa malo sveckog hriscanskog mijetala!




A moze i americki :D



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ako ćemo da se ložimo, bolje da ne gledamo ove snimke :( nema više tog ludila

Vaso, nekada smo i mi bili ludji... tako da mislim da nije problem u Maidenima :D


meni je i ovo sasvim dovoljno ludo




Фризуре са репићима, кожне лоне, атлетске маје, тексас прслуци са нитнама и белим кићанкама... О, да, то је тај аутентични стајлинг из природњачког дела моје гимназије који је све будуће математичке сараднике претварао у одбијене кандидате за статисте у Глуварењу. :rolf:  

ako nisi imao dugu kosu i nosio prsluk s nitnama, nisi ni ziveo!

srecom, ja sam u gimnaziju isao '90ih, pa nije bilo koznih pantalona :D

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sto mislis da se asociraju? sviraju srodne zanrove i to je to, a Ghost moze da poveca posetu posto je aktuelan.


pa ako su im predgrupa (?) ili sta vec onde se asociraju na neki nacin - mada naravno to je u cist marketing, ko dolazi zbog mejdena doci ce, boli ih uvo za ghost, tako da ako neko dodje zbog Duha pre Hrista cist car za celicnu djevu

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Eto lepo rekoh Boston :D Ne fali nista Bostonu (mislim malo su kdp al ok), nego je presmesno upariti to sa ovakvim tekstovima. More than a sacrificial feeling? I see my Magdalene walkin' away?


Pa ne kapiram kakva je to kritika - presmešno. Nije presmešno, nego je baš u tome fora. A nije baš ni bez presedana.



Edited by Turnbull
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ghost B.C. Is a Mystery, But It's a Goddamn Entertaining One

By Gavin Cleaver Mon., May 5 2014 at 4:50 AM
Categories: Last Night


10344937_10200998052033518_1280489335_n. Ed Steele Papa Emeritus II

Ghost B.C.

With King Dude

House of Blues, Dallas

Saturday, May 3, 2014

What do you get if you combine Scandinavian metal, Satanic chanting, 1970s shock-rock pageantry and exhibitionism, the best parts of an American classic rock radio station, and some of the tightest funk-rock licks to emerge from a non-American band? You have something that's far more entertaining than it has any right to be, given those constituent elements. You have the mystery that is Ghost B.C.

I can honestly say to you I have no damn idea what this band's deal is. Not a single clue. They're from Sweden, and that's about all I've got. The cynical side of me says it's a ploy to grab the hearts and minds of America's metal fans, who would obviously love a combination of anonymous Satan-worshiping demons and double pedals. But if that's the case, why does it sound like a minor-key Beach Boys sometimes? Why is the singer so darn tuneful? Why does it sound nothing like Satanic metal?

Undeniably, there's just something about the whole setup that works. It's kind of difficult to explain, but it's at turns cartoonish and serious. Sometimes it's generic metal and sometimes they take Satanic chanting and put an honest-to-God four-to-the-floor funk beat underneath it. Surely no one can take "Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer," sung by an invisible choir, and with an entirely straight face put a drumbeat beneath the chant that wouldn't sound out of place in the latest stab by the Killers at becoming an electro-funk band.

Quite aside from all this hand-wringing about artistic merits and what in the hell is actually going on in front of you, Ghost B.C. (it's just Ghost everywhere outside the U.S.) puts on a show that's so very entertaining that you forget all about the questions for an hour and a half. "Ritual" is a slice of 1970s retro-metal that wouldn't sound out of place in the Blue Oyster Cult back catalog (apart from the amazing couplet "Invoking our master/to procreate the unholy bastard"). It's so inhumanly catchy that you'll forget that when you're bellowing out the chorus along with ol' Papa Emeritus II (yes, that's the name of the singer), you're exhorting Satan to have a baby outside of wedlock.

The double-punch of "Con Clavi Con Dio" and "Elizabeth" from Ghost's debut (the wonderfully named Opus Eponymous) would be good enough to grace the middle of any other concert, but wouldn't sound at home in any concert apart from this one. It's at turns danceable, riff-laden, silly, singalong, funky, and full-throated metal.


10318806_10200998051993517_399374366_n.j Ed Steele

The apex of this ridiculousness comes in the form of the first tune of the encore, a song called "Ghuleh/Zombie Queen." I swear to God (or possibly Lucifer) that it contains an actual surf guitar over a tremolo that would get any other metal band laughed out of the building -- which itself comes after three minutes of slow-building piano and organ. 3:04 of the linked YouTube video there was my biggest musical WTF moment of last year. Oh, and this comes in the set after a cover of the Beatles' "Here Comes The Sun." Of course it does.

Rounding off with a "Hey Jude"-esque singalong that goes "Come together/together as one/come together/for Lucifer's son" under the all-time great song title of "Monstrance Clock," Ghost B.C. is one of the most riotously entertaining bands you'll see all year. Take it all away -- all the costumes, the anonymity, the tounge-in-cheek Satanism, everything apart from the music itself -- and they're still a great band. They're not leaning on that gimmick at all. These are tunes that do more than stand up by themselves.

Put it all back in, with the silly gimmick and the pretty impressive stage presence, and the band are almost comedically fun. You will be, like my group was, giggling across the whole concert -- not ironically, but amazed at what a good time you're having.

If you like classic rock, and you think the idea of worshiping Satan would be pretty hilarious, this is the band you've been waiting for. Really. Just don't try to think too hard about what the hell is actually going on.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Iron Maiden: Србија ће после непогоде изаћи јача


Вођа и оснивач чувене групе Iron Maiden, басиста Стив Харис (Steve Harris) сматра да ће Србија после непогоде која је задесила Србију изаћи јача и у име бенда пожелео свим угроженим грађанима да буду добро.

"Не можемо да дочекамо да вас све видимо 17. јуна у Београду, а у међувремену се надамо да ће се погођена подручја што пре обновити", поручио је Харис.


Део прихода од концерта чувених Мејдена, али и познатог рокера Били Ајдола (Billly Idol), чији ће концерт бити 25. јуна такође на Калемегедану, биће уплаћен у фонд за санацију штете, рекли су Танјугу организатори концерта.

Мејдени ће наступити у Београду у оквиру велике светске "Maiden England" турнеје. Поред многобројне публике у Србији, у Београду се очекује и долазак хиљада фанова из целог света и региона, будући да је овај концерт једини на подручју бивше Југославије, те један од тек неколико концерата популарне групе ове године.

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