namenski Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Australijancima su kinezi najvazniji ekonomski partner i oni se nece sa njima kaciti. Nije ovde - ni za jednu stranu - u pitanju ko ce se s kime kaciti, mada se nikad ne zna :D Stvar je u cinjenici, a mozda i poruci da kinesko pomorsko prisustvo dobija novu dimenziju, projektuje se daleko, sve dalje od Juznokineskog mora i kineskih voda uopste. Tehnoloska dimenzija na stranu: brod pripada vrsti onih za takozvano elektronsko izvidjanje, pokazuje da su se Kinezi uspeli jos jednu tehnolosku stepenicu vise. I, konacno, klasicnim politickim recnikom receno: Australiji Kina jeste najvazniji ekonomski partner, a svoje ekonomske interese - mislim na Kineze - treba i stititi :D Ili, barem, pokazati da se to hoce, moze i/ili priprema: Kina po svoj prilici nece da ponovi gresku pokojnog CCCP kada je izgradnja ratne mornarice sposobne da globalno deluje u pitanju - radi se o procesu cije se trajanje meri decenijama i koji CCCP nije uspeo da dovrsi do svoje smrti.
jms_uk Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 solarna elektrana u Kini Za ovu okačenu fotku piše da je "artist impression" i zaista ne deluje kao da je prava. Ima još par fotki u tekstu koje su dobijene od kompanije koja ovo radi i uopšte nije jasno da li je bilo koja od njih prava fotka napravljena iz vazduha ili gomila sličnih "impression" uradaka.
Lord Protector Posted July 31, 2017 Author Posted July 31, 2017 (edited) poruka nebeskog mira i kosmičke harmonije iliti kako je panda otišao u Šaolin 'The world's not safe': Chinese President Xi Jinping tells his troops 'a strong army is needed now more than ever' as he shows off new missile launcher in huge military parade China put on huge show of force in a parade to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Chinese President Xi Jinping told troops 'strong army is needed now more than ever' and 'the world's not safe' The display featured 12,000 troops, 570 vehicles and 129 jets - including China's latest J-20 stealth fighter Edited July 31, 2017 by slow
Lord Protector Posted October 1, 2017 Author Posted October 1, 2017 (edited) World View: Steve Bannon and Henry Kissinger Form Project to Sound Alarm on China Henry Kissinger shares a meal with Chinese premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, 1972 According to an interview in Bloomberg Businessweek, Steve Bannon and Henry Kissinger have had several meetings and are preparing a project to sound the alarm about what Bannon views as the primary economic threat to America: This is a bit of hyperbole, referring to England’s Jamestown Colony of Virginia, formed in 1607, but it illustrates the fear that Bannon is presenting of a reversal of roles between China and America, with China becoming the dominant world economic power. If we don’t get our situation sorted with China, we’ll be destroyed economically. The forced technology transfer of American innovation to China is the single biggest economic and business issue of our time. Until we sort that out, they will continue to appropriate our innovation to their own system and leave us as a colony — our Jamestown to their Great Britain, a tributary state. Henry Kissinger, 94, was the Secretary of State in the administration of Richard Nixon whose “secret meeting” with China in 1971 permitted Nixon to “open China to the West” and invigorate US-China relations. As an international consultant, Kissinger has visited China more than 80 times since then. He is considered by many to be the most brilliant geopolitical strategist of our time. Most recently, Bannon met with Kissinger twice in September at Kissinger’s country home in Connecticut. Both Bannon and Kissinger are experts on world and military history, and Bannon is also an expert on Generational Dynamics, so he understands that a new war between China and the US is approaching. As regular readers know, I’ve worked with Steve Bannon off and on for almost ten years. Bannon frames the conflict with China in economic terms. He says that China is harming the U.S. by engaging in unfair trade practices, such as the forced transfer of U.S. technology to Chinese companies. According to Bannon, China’s historical disposition toward trading partners is exploitative and potentially ruinous: What does Henry Kissinger think of all this? As it happens, Kissinger spoke at a Columbia University conference earlier this week. Possibly with his meetings with Bannon in mind, his speech emphasized that America and China must have been economic relations to avoid World War III and global destruction: There have been 4,000 years of Chinese diplomatic history, all centered on ‘barbarian management,’ minus the last 150 years. … It’s always about making the barbarians a tributary state. Our tribute to China is our technology — that’s what it takes to enter their market, and [they’ve taken] $3.5 trillion worth over the last 10 years. We have to give them the basic essence of American capitalism: our innovation. Bannon and Kissinger share the view that China and America are headed for a world war, and both are them are (in my view) desperately looking for a way to avoid it, by means of an economic alliance. China’s Belt and Road Initiative, in seeking to connect China to Central Asia and eventually to Europe will have the practical significance of shifting the world’s center of gravity from the Atlantic to the Pacific and will involve the cultures of Eurasia, each of whom will have to decide what relationship to this region they will see, and so will the United States. It is said by many scholars that never before has a power grown in one region as China is doing and that its interaction will lead to tensions and maybe even war. We do not have this choice. That would be a road to the disaster and would do to the world what World War II did to Europe. From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, avoiding this world war is impossible. In every century for millennia, every continent of the world has had massive wars that have killed half the population. In the last century, there were two world wars, plus additional massive wars in Africa, China, South America and South Asia. That this will happen in this century is 100% certain. Taiwan’s prime minister says that Taiwan is an ‘independent sovereign state’ With the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) 19th Party Congress set to begin in Beijing on October 18, China’s president Xi Jinping is facing a new embarrassment, as Taiwan’s prime minister William Lai Ching-te said on Tuesday to Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan (Parliament) that Taiwan is an “independent sovereign state.” Lai, 57, took office on September 8. His long-held views on Taiwan’s independence from China were certainly well known to Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen when she appointed him, and it’s even possible that the timing was chosen now, just before the Party Congress, to annoy Xi Jinping. Lai delivered his first policy report to the legislature on Tuesday and said: There was immediately a great deal of media speculation, in Taiwan and in China, as to what this means, and whether it indicates a change in Taiwan policy. I am a political worker who advocates Taiwan independence, but I am also a pragmatic pro-Taiwan independence theorist. We are already an independent sovereign nation called the Republic of China. We don’t need a separate declaration of independence. President Tsai Ing-wen issued a statement saying that her administration has never changed its position that “the Republic of China is a sovereign independent country,” nor has it changed its dedication to peace in the region and maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. However, both Lai and Tsai have refused to endorse the “One-China policy,” also called the “1992 Consensus,” which states that there is only one China, and leaves some ambiguity as to what that means. Furthermore, Tsai has said in the past that “We won’t allow our sovereignty to be challenged or be exchanged for anything.” It was Tsai’s implicit support for independence that allowed her pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to win decisively in January 2016. China’s government responded on Wednesday: This threat of “consequences” is based on China’s “anti-secession law.” This law, passed by the Chinese Communist Party in 2005, requires China to invade Taiwan if Taiwan makes any move toward independence, whether by word or by deed. Arguably, the preconditions for such an invasion have been met repeatedly since Tsai took office. The mainland and Taiwan belong to China, and their relations are never state-to-state relationships, nor one China, one Taiwan. As an inseparable part of the Chinese territory, Taiwan is never a country, and can never become one. Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory, has never been a country and can never become a country. The mainland side resolutely opposes any form of ‘Taiwan independence’ words or action, and will never allow the historical tragedy of national separation to repeat itself. The consequences will be reaped for engaging in Taiwan independence separatism. As the 19th Party Congress approaches, Xi Jinping has suffered several recent humiliations and setbacks, including the decision for China’s army to stand down from invading Bhutan’s Doklam Plateau, rather than risk a war with India at this time. Perhaps even more significant, the belligerent actions by North Korea have forced Xi to take actions that support the United States over North Korea. This new humiliation over Taiwan certain cannot be pleasant, and he may feel forced, after the Party Congress, to take some action over the political need to score a win. Edited October 1, 2017 by slow
namenski Posted March 29, 2018 Posted March 29, 2018 Snimak je satelitski, a ovi beli tragovi su kineski ratni brodovi: kraj marta, njih poprilicno, juzno od Hajnana, za nauk Vijetnamu ali i Filipinima, Maleziji, Bruneju i, naravno, Tajvanu. Kome se gviri moze da u koloni prepozna i Liaoning, prvi kineski nosac aviona. Naravno da dvostruka linija brazde kako se nekada govorilo prikazana na fotografijama veze nema sa pomorskom taktikom: svrha je - i to Kina ne krije - gola i sirova propaganda. Ipak, naveliko se spekulise o razlozima za isterivanje na debelo more ovolikog broja brodova: najblizi su mozda oni analiticaritm koji tvrde da Kinezi isprobavaju kompatibilnost i mogucnosti saradnje svojih pomorskih snaga stacioniranih na severu i jugu svoje obale, inace strateski poprilicno nepovoljne za razvoj velikih pomorskih snaga. Ima jos nesto: niko, ni izbliza, ne moze da proceni mogucnosti narastajuce kineske pomorske moci. U nedostatku boljih, da ne kazem novijih i vremenima prilagodjenijih alatki pribegava se oprobanim receptima iz Hladnog rata i suceljavanja sa pokojnim CCCP, pa se tako, na primer, kineski Ro-Ro brodovi 'ladno i bez imalo stida racunaju u desantne kapacitete. Najnoviji hit je jednoglasna osuda uslovno receno militarizacije kineske obalske straze: Amerika je silno zabrinuta da se stavljanjem obalske straze pod direktnu vojnu nadleznost povecava rizik sukoba...
banecare1 Posted April 1, 2018 Posted April 1, 2018 6 hours ago, Host said: Bane, jesi gledao kineskog Ramba? Film broj jedan po zaradi u Kini prosle godine (800-900 miliona dolara) o kineskom vojniku koga naljute pobunjenici koji hoce da svrgnu vladu neke africke zemlje, pa ih on pokida braneci kineske radnike u obliznjoj fabrici. Dosta dobar dajdzest kineske spoljne politike i ciljeva u narednim godinama. evo odgledao sam trailer, dosta od mene
Redoran Posted April 1, 2018 Posted April 1, 2018 Kako može neki poluretardirani izdanak jeftine zabave da predstavlja dajdžest spoljne politike i ciljeva koje prva ekonomija sveta planira da ostvari u narednim godinama? To je kao kada bi neko krajem 80-ih rekao da "Rambo 3" predstavlja dajdžest američke spoljne politike i ciljeva u narednoj deceniji.
kipo Posted April 2, 2018 Posted April 2, 2018 10 hours ago, Redoran said: To je kao kada bi neko krajem 80-ih rekao da "Rambo 3" predstavlja dajdžest američke spoljne politike i ciljeva u narednoj deceniji. Da.
placenik Posted April 2, 2018 Posted April 2, 2018 21 hours ago, banecare1 said: evo odgledao sam trailer, dosta od mene A komandant placenickog tenaka komanduje "paljba'' :/
Redoran Posted April 3, 2018 Posted April 3, 2018 (edited) On 4/2/2018 at 8:01 AM, Host said: Tacno tako, ko je tada mogao i pomisliti da ce Amerikanci intervenisati u Avganistanu Elem, ovaj film je jos sugestivniji od Ramba koji je ipak snimljen u uslovima proksi sukoba. Kina je vrlo ukljucena u africka zbivanja i bice jos mnogo vise u narednom periodu pre svega zbog sirovina. Filmska industrija je inace dosta indikativna za raspolozenje u Kini - sve vise novca ulazu u tajvanske produkcije, a dosta filmova ima za temu sukobe iz proslosti sa susedima. "Rambo 3" ne prikazuje bilo kakvu američku intervenciju u Avganistanu već prikazuje solo misiju jednog domoljuba koji odlazi tamo i uz pomoć luka i strele sa eksplozivnim punjenjem uništava čitavu sovjetsku diviziju. U tom filmu nema apsolutno ničega što bi makar iz daleka moglo da nagovesti američke vojne intervencije iz 90ih ili invazije iz prve decenije ovog veka. To što Kina buši levo i desno po Africi ne znači da kineska verzija Ramba nudi bilo kakav dajdžest kineske politike u narednih 20 godina. Kinezi mogu da urade - i verovatno će uraditi - neke skroz desete stvari koje će možda šokirati čitav svet ali sigurno neće biti u pitanju tajne Rambo operacije po Africi. Kinezi preferiraju da tajne operacije završavaju šuškama a ne puškama i trenutno se u Africi vojno oslanjaju samo na svoju bazu u Džibutiju, a i ona je tu zbog pomorskih ruta i Sueckog kanala a ne da bi vojno obezbeđivala conflict minerals operacije. Rambo poduhvati su po pravilu rezervisani za The Exceptionals koji su se vojno razmahali uzduž i popreko Afrike tako da sve pršti, kao što je npr. prštalo u Nigeru prošle godine. Nijedan holivudski film nije ponudio dajdžest tog razmahivanja, što je i logično ako se ima u vidu sav besmisao hipoteze da je dajdžest spoljne politike najvećih svetskih sila moguće pronaći u filmovima C kategorije. Edited April 3, 2018 by Redoran
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