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Ovo je nekako tipicno kineski. Samo se pitam da li su vec razvili sistem konsultanata i seminara koji objasnjava rezimima od Venecuele do Kazahstana kako se to radi


brate :lol:



sima i mićan da odrade neki jv sa pekingom




Hiljade i hiljade sendviča. Da li rade po narudžbini i za klijentelu sa drugih govornih područja? Koja distopijska budućnost, milijarda ljudi je zaposlena da preko interneta laže drugu milijardu ljudi.  :(


Hiljade i hiljade sendviča. 


Shanghai China State Catering Company svakako zadovoljno trlja ruke  ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...

kinez ljulja čamac



June 5, 2016 9:36 am
China and US trade barbs over South China Sea
Ben Bland in Singapore

China and the US clashed over the South China Sea at a defence forum this weekend, with a Chinese admiral warning Washington that “we have no fear of trouble”.



Tensions surrounding these contested waters have been rising amid island-building by Beijing, increased naval and air patrols by the US and the expectation that an international court will soon rule on an arbitration case brought by the Philippines against China’s expansive maritime claims.

China has been trying to find other nations such as Russia that are willing to support its rejection of the legitimacy of the permanent court of arbitration in The Hague. Meanwhile, the US, the EU and Japan have said they support the right of the Philippines to bring the case under the provisions of the UN law of the sea, which the US itself has not ratified.

Admiral Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of the joint staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, on Sunday blamed the US for exacerbating the disputes by “openly showing its military muscle” and supporting “allies that are confronting China and forcing China to accept any arbitration award”.

China firmly opposes such behaviour,” he told an audience of defence ministers, generals and analysts at the Shangri-La Dialogue, an annual security forum in Singapore. “We do not make trouble but we have no fear of trouble.”

He also hit back at the claim made in Singapore a day earlier by Ashton Carter, the US secretary of defence, that China was building a “great wall of self-isolation” because of its aggressive approach to the other claimants to these waters, including the Philippines and Vietnam.

Some countries are still looking at China with a cold war prejudice,” said Adm Sun. “They may build a wall in their mind and end up isolating themselves.”

But it was not just the US raising concerns about China’s assertive stance and its opposition to involvement of The Hague court, which is expected to rule within months on the Philippines’ case against Beijing’s “nine-dash line” claim to almost the whole South China Sea.

A succession of defence ministers and senior officials from Vietnam, Japan and other Asian nations as well as outside powers such as the UK and France repeated Mr Carter’s call for China and other nations to respect the outcome of the arbitration process and act in accordance with international law.

“This is a matter of the utmost importance,” said Jean-Yves Le Drian, France’s defence minister. “If the law of the sea is not respected today in the China seas, it will be threatened tomorrow in the Arctic, the Mediterranean or elsewhere.

Michael Fallon, the UK defence secretary, said it would be a “mistake” for China to defy the tribunal.

“We need to keep working to show China that its position is relatively isolated,” he said. “And one day, as China rises as a world power and develops ambitions for its blue-water navy, the time will come when China needs to rely on the provisions of these international conventions.”


  • 3 weeks later...

U.S. sails carriers near South China Sea in bid to reassure Asian allies

by Jesse Johnson
Staff Writer
Jun 19, 2016
In a massive show of strength that analysts said was meant to reassure nervous allies in the Asia-Pacific region, the U.S. Navy deployed two aircraft carrier strike groups for an exercise in the Philippine Sea on Saturday.

The exercises, which came ahead of a key international court ruling on China’s claims in the disputed South China Sea, brought together the USS John C. Stennis and USS Ronald Reagan, and featured over 12,000 sailors, 140 aircraft and six other ships, according to a statement released by the U.S. Pacific Command.

“This is a great opportunity for us to train in a high-end scenario,” Rear Adm. John D. Alexander, commander of the Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture-based Carrier Strike Group 5, said in the statement. “We must take advantage of these opportunities to practice war-fighting techniques that are required to prevail in modern naval operations.”

The strike groups conducted air defense and sea surveillance drills in the Philippine Sea, in the Western Pacific, near the South China Sea.

U.S. Navy aircraft carriers have conducted dual carrier strike group operations in the Western Pacific, including the South and East China seas and the Philippine Sea for several years, the statement said.
“As a Pacific nation and a Pacific leader, the United States has a national interest in maintaining security and prosperity, peaceful resolution of disputes, unimpeded lawful commerce, and adherence to freedom of navigation and overflight throughout the shared domains of the Indo-Asia-Pacific,” the statement added.

As part of its “pivot” to Asia, the U.S. has strengthened security alliances and beefed up its ties with nations in the region. Beijing has slammed the moves as part of a U.S.-led “China containment policy.”
The timing of Saturday’s operations comes as Washington’s Southeast Asian allies eagerly await a ruling from the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague on a case filed by Manila against Beijing’s so-called nine-dash line claim to much of the South China Sea.

The arbitration court is widely expected to rule in favor of the Philippines in the coming weeks or days. China has not taken part in the case and has vowed to ignore the ruling, saying the court does not have jurisdiction over the issue.

An unidentified source told The Manila Times on Wednesday that the court would announce its ruling in the case July 7. Observers had initially said the ruling was likely to come at the end of May.
China claims almost all of the energy-rich waters of the South China Sea through which more than $5 trillion in trade passes each year. Aside from the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia and Taiwan have overlapping claims.
Beijing’s massive land-reclamation program in the contested waters, and U.S. claims that it is militarizing its outposts in the area, have prompted Washington to conduct what it calls “freedom of navigation exercises” near the Chinese-controlled islands.

“Combined exercises by two carrier strike groups certainly send a message about America’s strategic commitment to the Asia-Pacific region and its unrivalled capacity to project naval power,” said Ashley Townshend, a research fellow at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney and visiting fellow at Fudan University’s Asia-Pacific Center.

Townshend said that drills such as this and recent military deployments to the Philippines and Singapore, as well as the normalization of U.S.-Vietnam defense ties, signal to Beijing that Washington is serious about upholding freedom of navigation for military ships and aircraft.

“This large-scale show of American power is also about reassuring anxious Asian allies and partners about Washington’s resolve and security guarantees in the region,” he said.
Still, analysts including Townshend say too much should not be read into the timing of the latest drills.
“They’re not explicitly tied to the arbitration at The Hague,” Townshend said.

Rather, said Euan Graham, director of the International Security Program at the Lowy Institute in Sydney, the U.S. Navy is attempting more complex “big unit” maneuvers in the Pacific for strategic reasons — including practicing ways to better integrate the 7th and 3rd Fleets.

“The Philippine Sea is where U.S. carriers are more likely to operate under real crisis or wartime conditions, safely out of range of China’s ballistic missiles and other coastal-based area-denial capabilities,” Graham said.
“If there is a political ‘signaling’ element to such an intense level of exercise activity, it is more likely to be intended to pre-empt any opportunism by China and all-comers now that the U.S. has entered the lame duck period of (Barack) Obama’s presidency,” he added.

By contrast, analysts say the U.S. deployment of “Growler” electronic warfare fighters to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines last week, and its placement of A-10C “Warthog” attack planes there in April, are a more direct signal of Washington’s commitment to Manila ahead of the court verdict.

Four of the A-10Cs flew through international airspace in the vicinity of the disputed Scarborough Shoal — just 230 kilometers west of the Philippines — in April.
The shoal, a key flash point, is seen as a site where Beijing may carry out further land reclamation in the event of an unfavorable ruling by the arbitration court.
But instead of deterring such a move by China, the recent deployments and exercises by the U.S. could have unintended results.

“These signals … have not been accompanied by explicit assurances by Washington that the Spratly Islands and Scarborough Shoal fall under the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty — raising the possibility of mixed messages in American signaling to China about its red lines in the South China Sea,” Townshend said, referring to the Spratly archipelago, parts of which are claimed by six nations.

Posted (edited)



Пут свиле вреднији од Маршаловог фонда
Када би се вредност америчке помоћи за обнову Европе после Другог светског рата исказала у данашњим вредностима, износила би 130 милијарди долара, док Кинези улажу билион долара
Политика: Бошко Јакшић четвртак, 30.06.2016.

Уз улагања од билион долара, Кина обнавља древни Пут свиле, отварајући на широким пространствима Евроазије простор за економску, финансијску и инвестициону сарадњу, енергетско заједништво, културне трансфере и интелектуалне фузије.

Откако је 2013. најављен под именом „Један појас, један пут”, овај план поморског и копненог повезивања два континента по угледу на древне трговинске руте претворио се у најзначајнију глобалну економску иницијативу савременог света.

Нови Пут свиле протеже се на простору 60 држава са 4,4 милијарде људи, које представљају више од 40 процената светског бруто производа. Копнена компонента плана позната је као економски појас Пута свиле, за разлику од поморског Пута свиле. „Појас” обухвата мрежу путева и железница, „пут” развој лука и бродских линија које ће кинеске луке повезивати са Европом и Јужним Пацификом.

Пекинг је стартовао са 40 милијарди долара убачених у фонд Пута свиле из кога су већ финансирани хидроелектрични пројекти у Пакистану (где се у инфраструктурне пројекте укупно улаже 46 милијарди долара) и пројекти течног гаса у Русији. Потом је формирана Азијска инфраструктурна инвестициона банка са капиталом од 100 милијарди долара у којој Кина контролише 26 одсто гласова. Коначно, овог месеца је Кинеска банка за развој саопштила да ће у више од 900 различитих пројеката у 60 земаља инвестирати 890 милијарди долара.

Стручњаци ове гигантске инвестиције тумаче двоструко: први се тиче успоравања кинеског раста и економских рањивости, други чине геополитичке амбиције Пекинга.

Кина је данас суочена за знатним вишком капацитета у секторима челика и грађевинарства, па градња путева, лука, пруга и остале инфраструктуре треба да ангажује постојећи вишак капитала и радне снаге. Инвестиције у иностранству истовремено би требало да ојачају привреде кинеских партнера – што на дужи рок обезбеђује тражњу кинеске робе и услуга.

Истовремено, снажнија трговинска мрежа треба да помогне подизању ефикасности кинеских фирми, што ће све ојачати трговинску и енергетску сигурност јер Пут свиле чува тржишта за кинеску робу и обезбеђује приступ толико важним изворима енергије.

Ради се о правом инвестиционом буму на широком пространству од централне и јужне Азије, преко Русије до Пиреја, од централне и источне Европе до Ротердама. Кинези истовремено нуде кеш под условима који су знатно повољнији од Светске банке.

Кина је са Казахстаном потписала 22 споразума, махом енергетска, вредна око 30 милијарди долара. Са Узбекистаном постоји 31 споразум чија је укупна вредност 15,5 милијарди долара, укључујући и градњу новог нафтовода. Са Туркменијом постоји уговор од 7,6 милијарди долара који такође предвиђа градњу нафтовода. Са Киргизијом је Пекинг потписао осам споразума у вредности од пет милијарди долара, укључујући и зајам од 1,4 милијарде за нов нафтовод.

Гради се пруга од западне Кине до Техерана како би се олакшало снабдевање иранском нафтом. Кинески председник Си Ђинпинг био је први од најутицајнијих светских лидера који је посетио Иран после укидања санкција. Две земље потписале су уговор о међусобној трговини у вредности од 600 милијарди долара у наредној деценији.

Администрација у Пекингу жели да обезбеди безбедно снабдевање енергентима и да отвори нова тржишта кинеским инвестицијама, роби и услугама.

Европа је, као тржише веће и богатије од централне Азије, несумњиво најатрактивнији изазов Кинезима. Кинеске мегакомпаније по Европи купују пољопривредне фирме, произвођаче машина или гума, али Пут свиле је колико трговински толико и геостратешки план ширења политичког утицаја.

Више најутицајнијих европских земаља, укључујући Немачку, Француску, Британију и Италију, подржало је кинески пројекат формирања нове међународне развојне банке – упркос отвореном противљењу Сједињених Држава.

Амбициозни пројекат „Новог пута свиле” омогућио је Кинезима да контролишу луке од Грчке до Холандије и да инвестирају у пруге у Грчкој, Србији и Мађарској. Кина је формирала посебну групацију „16 плус 1” која окупља земље централне и источне Европе где Кинези највише улажу у енергетске и инфраструктурне пројекте.

У августу 2014. склопљен је уговор о градњи термоелектране у Тузли. Крајем 2015. са Румунијом је потписан меморандум о нуклеарној електрани Чернавода, највећи пројекат у региону који је овог маја влада у Букурешту прогласила за национални приоритет.

У априлу је потписан 46 милиона евра вредан споразум о „Железари Смедерево”, а у мају је отварањем канцеларије у Београду једна кинеска фирма прва ушла на тржиште енергије ветра у Србији и на читавом Балкану.

Поређења ради, када би се вредност америчке помоћи за обнову Европе после Другог светског рата исказала у данашњим вредностима, износила би 130 милијарди долара. Кинези улажу билион!

То само појачава закључак да кинески план „Један појас, један пут” има потенцијал да промени свет барем онолико колико га је пре седам деценија променио Маршалов план.




Edited by slow
Posted (edited)

‘Belt and Road’ takes new route

April 16, 2015  

Chen Jia Updated: Apr 15,2015 8:50 AM, China Daily


South Pacific finds its place on official TV demonstration map of trade, investment plan


China’s efforts to map new directions for its trade and investment and enhance its global standing got a further boost on April 13 after the government included the South Pacific in the latest official route demonstration map of the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

The map, released by China’s national television CCTV, shows the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road starting from Chinese coastal ports and running through the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean and then Europe. The south line of the Maritime Silk Road extends eastward to the South Pacific.

In conjunction with the land route of the Silk Road Economic Belt, the whole picture is completely consistent with the government’s action plan, jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce on March 28.

The on-land belt showed three directions: from China to Central Asia and Russia, then to Europe; via Central Asia and Western Asia to the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea; and via Southeast Asia and South Asia to the Indian Ocean.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, vice-chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, a government think tank, said that “the Belt and Road will become the world’s longest, most potential and most active economic corridors”, as they link the economic circles of East Asia, Europe and North America and account for about 75 percent of the global economy.

After unveiling the principles, framework and cooperation priorities and mechanisms of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, in a bid to enhance regional connectivity, the government is going ahead with the implementation of the plan, and it said more significant construction projects will be released “step by step”.

Ou Xiaoli, an official from the State Council’s special working group on the initiative, said on April 10 at a seminar that every province, autonomous region and municipality will participate in the blueprint.

“The next step is to make specific plans by local governments guided by the general framework, and the whole progress will be pushed by the cooperation among different regions,” said Ou.

The key infrastructure construction projects are the “breakthrough point” of the overall plan. Enterprises, other than the government, will push forward the development, he said.

A primary project list has been approved by the leadership, according to Ou, but it is still confidential. He said the “Belt and Road” summit forum would be the main information platform and dialogue mechanism for leaders from more than 60 countries and regions involved.

“Bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the region is expected to speed up,” said Ou.

The “Belt and Road Initiative” was put forward by President Xi Jinping in 2013, with the purpose of rejuvenating the two ancient trading routes and further opening up the markets in a mutually beneficial manner.

The president also highlighted the strategy while addressing the opening ceremony of the 2015 annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia in the southernmost island province of Hainan.

The China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will provide financial support to relevant projects, and so far 52 countries and regions have joined or applied to join as founding members of the bank.

Report: Companies must be aware of risks, rewards

Companies from China should be aware of the significant risks and the considerable opportunities as the government implements a strategy to revive the historical trading connections along the ancient Silk Road, said a report from a United Kingdom-based think tank.

Though the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road offer many opportunities to boost trade, they also bring challenges due to the uncertain political, economic and regulatory conditions in the involved countries and regions despite their strategic importance to China’s foreign relations, the Economist Intelligence Unit said in its report.

Citing an example, the report highlighted the political stability risk in Kazakhstan and said popular protests could drive an increasingly nationalist agenda. Similarly, foreign firms may suffer unfair rulings on contractual disputes in the local courts in Vietnam. Labor market risks in Malaysia may increase as the labor shortages are likely to persist, it said.

In addition, security reasons, government effectiveness, tax policies and the standard of local infrastructure may also create barriers for China’s plan.

Liu Qian, director of China Forecasting Services at the EIU, said: “While there are opportunities, the strong policy support for the strategy may prove a weakness if Chinese companies fall into a false sense of security about the government’s scheme.”

The report also assessed credit risks in more than 60 countries and regions likely to fall under the “Belt and Road Initiative”, using quantitative and qualitative indicators across different categories, including sovereign, currency and banking.

Edited by slow
Posted (edited)
Passage to piraeus
Updated: 2016-04-15 08:52 By Maria Petrakis in Athens and Lyu Chang in Beijing(China Daily Europe)

Cosco navigates witches, dragons and heroes to harness ancient Greek port and link it to Belt and Road Initiative

On a sunny Friday in the Greek capital, politicians, shipowners, bankers and diplomats were celebrating the sale of Piraeus Port, the nation's ancient harbor, to another ancient nation, China.

Xu Lirong, chairman of China Cosco Shipping Corporation Limited, known as Cosco, extolled the benefits of the deal he had just signed with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in a 19-century exhibition hall and, referring to one of the most ancient Greek tales, says Piraeus can recover the Golden Fleece.





An aerial view of a container and car terminal in the port of Piraeus in Greece. John Kolesidis / Reuters



Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (left) meets with Cosco Chairman Xu Lirong during the signing ceremony for the sale of a majority stake in Piraeus Port in Greece on April 8. Xinhua Photo


Getting to this day, April 8, may have seemed to the Chinese a journey as fraught with peril and danger as in the ancient tale of Jason and the Argonauts, where the hero Jason dodges dragons whose teeth sow warriors and marries a sorceress to reclaim the Golden Fleece and his birthright, a throne.

But for the Chinese, Piraeus is more of a dragon's head - an emblem of power and leadership - than a dragon's tooth. Buying a majority stake in Piraeus Port, which the Chinese have already made one of the fastest-growing harbors in the world, ensures control over a key thoroughfare in the plan to recreate a commercial empire pumping Chinese goods throughout the continent, as well as trade heading for China.

For Cosco, Piraeus is the point at which China nudges into Europe as part of President Xi Jinping's vision of the Belt and Road Initiative, a modern-day Silk Road, as China's gateway to Europe.

Since the Chinese shipping behemoth agreed to take over container operations at two piers in Piraeus in 2008, traffic has surged at Greece's biggest harbor.

Piraeus, Xu says, will become the Mediterranean's largest container transit port, the international logistics distribution center of the eastern Mediterranean, and the southern gate of Central and Eastern Europe, and the Balkans.


Chinese money will be invested to restore ship repair facilities, boost jobs and provide key support to the booming cruise terminal business.

Greece has said the overall value of the agreement is about 1.5 billion euros ($1.71 billion), including investments, dividends and income from an existing concession agreement. Cosco will initially buy a 51 percent stake in Piraeus for 280.5 million euros and the additional stake in the next five years for 88 million euros after further investments.

That is already the Golden Fleece for Greece, says Sotiris Petropoulos, adjunct lecturer in political science and international relations at the University of the Peloponnese in Greece. Becoming a transit hub for EU-East Asia trade will help put the country back on the path to sustainable development and free it from public debt.

"Cosco, one of the largest container shippers and handlers in the world, will now be even more involved in the Greek transport networks," he says. "Piraeus Port will continue to play a major role as a transit hub between China and Europe - and Greece as a door to Europe."

Piraeus' relatively short distance from the main Mediterranean maritime route allows it to act as both a transshipment hub and gateway, according to a 2012 report by consultants McKinsey & Co, which said the country could transform itself into a regional cargo and logistics center as part of a 10-year plan.

There is serious Chinese interest in a plan to build a major freight and logistics center on the Thriasio plain, an expanse that's been described as the industrial backyard of Athens.

A major new airport planned for Crete would give the Chinese an additional foothold in the Mediterranean. Cosco is also thought to be among the suitors to purchase Greece's train operator, Trainose.

The Athens-based Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research estimated in March that the deal would add 0.8 percentage point to GDP growth by the end of 2025, create more than 31,000 jobs - in a nation with the EU's highest unemployment - and reduce public debt by 2.3 percentage points of GDP. It could draw 867 million euros in investments from other companies in the next 10 years.

"Greece eventually could become one of the major hubs of the Belt and Road Initiative, and if investments in logistics and infrastructure are complemented by a stable macroeconomic environment and regulatory predictability, it can attract many more investments in other sectors as well," says Vassilis Trigkas, a research fellow at the Center for China-EU Relations at Tsinghua University. "With Piraeus, China has acquired a very strategic port."

The deal, the first overseas investment after Cosco emerged from the merger of two major Chinese shipping companies in December last year, was followed by a slight surge in shares of China Cosco Holdings Co, a subsidiary, that witnessed a 2.13 percent increase to 6.24 yuan ($0.96; 0.84 euros) on April 11.

Zhou Mi, a senior research fellow at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, says the move would not only boost regional connectivity and cooperation between China and Europe, but also provide better services to Chinese companies.

"After gaining the majority stake in the port, I think that it will also help Cosco design customized services and better manage in terms of containers, routes and timetables to better serve the Chinese clients," he says.

Tu Xinquan, director of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics, says the agreement is a win-win situation for both countries.

"The port is of strategic importance for China and helps boost ties and trade between the two regions. But debt-laden Greece still needs the investment to boost its economy and generate local employment," he says.

The deal will be even more important for the countries in Central and Eastern Europe from the trade perspective, Tu adds.

"Those countries are banking on the Belt and Road Initiative to expand exports of agricultural products and other commercial goods to China, their major trade partner."


The acquisition was not done in a day, Tu points out, adding that the Chinese company been operating at the port for many years.

"The Chinese company is very experienced in terms of port management," he says. "I think after the transaction it will reduce the cost of transportation and trade."

The deal has been no small feat. On the day of the signing, apart from protesting dock workers in Athens, who scuffled with police, there were thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq camped on one of the piers of Piraeus Port, testimony to the geographical advantages of Greece that drew Cosco to Piraeus in the first place. Tsipras, whose election platform in January had initially included plans to put a brake on state asset sales such as Piraeus Port, is set to visit Beijing in June, in line with the new Greek foreign policy imperative of wooing China, prompted by important links between Greek shipowners - who still own one of the world's biggest fleets - and China, Petropoulos at the University of the Peloponnese says.

In the months before Cosco won the 2008 deal to operate two piers in Piraeus, Greek officials such as then- president Karolos Papoulias underlined that 60 percent of Chinese maritime import trade was conducted by Greek-owned cargo ships and that Chinese shipyards were planning to build a large number of Greek vessels.

Agence France-Presse reported in June 2014 that Chinese shipyards had received orders to construct 190 vessels for Greek owners.

"The links played a crucial role in mobilizing the Greek state to 'discover' China, which was developing exports and building on a mutually beneficial scenario of Greece being a door to Europe," says Petropoulos, who wrote a paper on the foreign policy shift with his colleague, Asteris Huliaras, in 2013.

Greece aimed to conquer markets in Balkan countries before its debt problems caused an undignified retreat, primarily of its banks, from the region. But Tsinghua University's Trigkas says an often overlooked aspect of the Piraeus Port deal and accompanying infrastructure investments is the impact on regional integration.

The Hungary-Serbia Railway to connect Budapest with Belgrade is due to be completed in 2017. The bullet train, together with Piraeus, will be the European part of the China-Europe land-sea express route, consolidating Greece as a transportation hub, linking the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road with the Silk Road Economic Belt on land.

Economic integration between Central and Eastern Europe will unleash enormous economies of scale for European industry, Trigkas says. The recovery of the Mediterranean region and the economic integration between Africa and Southern Europe will provide enormous positive externalities for Northern Europe as well. In the overarching Silk Road project for the Mediterranean, Greece could play a catalytic role, Trigkas says.

"For the first time in history, the Balkans are being integrated economically to a great extent," he says. "China persisted with the port agreement even though demagogy from the Greek political class had been out of proportion. It is important for Greece at this moment to seize the opportunity."

For Greece, forced into humiliating negotiations with EU and global financial institutions for bailouts to resolve its debt crisis, the Cosco deal and its attendant Chinese interest have come as a shot in the arm.

The Piraeus deal is being seen as a catalyst in the so far lackluster sale of Greek state assets, as demanded by its creditors, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, in return for bailouts.

For China Daily.



Cosco containers at the pier in the commercial shipping area of Piraeus Port. Provided to China Daily





( China Daily European Weekly 04/15/2016)



Edited by slow
Posted (edited)

a svi putevi iz pirejske luke ka evropi vode kroz srbijicu :) eto prilike za ove nase mamlaze da budu malo manji mamlazi I da profitiramo konacno od polozaja pivota na balkanu koji realno imamo. jbt sramota na sta nam lice putevi i zeleznica, aerodrome I luke na dunavu ne vredi ni spominjati, a samo od tranzita bi srbija mogla lepo da zivi.

Edited by palikaris

Šta da profitiramo kad hoće da nam uvale kredit za prugu do Budimpešte? Što ne urade sami taj posao preko koncesije?


a svi putevi iz pirejske luke ka evropi vode kroz srbijicu :) eto prilike za ove nase mamlaze da budu malo manji mamlazi I da profitiramo konacno od polozaja pivota na balkanu koji realno imamo. jbt sramota na sta nam lice putevi i zeleznica, aerodrome I luke na dunavu ne vredi ni spominjati, a samo od tranzita bi srbija mogla lepo da zivi.

to toliko malo zavisi od srpskih mamlaza da covjek ni ne moze da gradi antimamlaski slucaj na tome


ma da, bas malo zavisi od srpskih mamlaza sto jebenih 50tak km koridora 10 ne mogu da zavrse vec 30 godina. a upljuvase se svi od price kako je to nas strateski interes i evo gradimo sve u 16.


@prospero: koliko sam shvatio za bg-bud prugu treba da nam daju neki low interest rate kredit, jeftine pare, uopste to nije losa opcija, plus sto bi ta pruga mogla biti profitabilna i da se sama otplati.


Pa nisi mi odgovorio na pitanje. Misliš da nam "čine" time što nam daju kredit? Ako je profitabilno i samootplativo zašto je ne grade sami?


ne kazem da nam cine, kazem da dobijamo jeftine pare da napravimo strateskutm infrastrukturu. naravno da tu oni imaju neki svoj interes. nego ne vidim trenutno drugi nacin da srbija zavrsi konacno te koridore posto ne vidim da iko drugi hoce da nam da kredit, a koncesije ocigledno nikoga ne zanimaju.


da profitiramo nisam mislio u bukvalnom smilsu, tipa da zaradjujemo pare od putarina, nego da se pozicioniramo kao tranzitna zemlja sa dobrom infrastrukturom kroz koju ce da prolazi ozbiljna kolicina ljudi I robe sa istoka na zapad I vice versa, sto za sobom povlaci I druge vrste investicija od kojih onda mogu da se zaradjuju pare.  

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