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Аврам Гојић

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nemacka je na liniji smanjivanja broja umrlih od korone, pa je i rujevic, kao nemacki drzavni novinar, na toj liniji. verovatno i ne moze drugacije.

Edited by Nikodije
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ako je ovo dole tačno,

mogao bi Rujević i ostali, "koliko inače ljudi umire dnevno", da objasne da li i inače vojska raznosi mrtve po Italiji, kad nema corone



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3 hours ago, levi said:

ako je ovo dole tačno,

mogao bi Rujević i ostali, "koliko inače ljudi umire dnevno", da objasne da li i inače vojska raznosi mrtve po Italiji, kad nema corone




Nažalost jeste tačno, evo pratećeg teksta Repubblice uz tu sliku:



BERGAMO - A theatre of war image: in the centre of Bergamo. A long column of military vehicles stops in Via Borgo Palazzo - a few hundred metres from the cemetery. These are the army vans used to transport the coffins from the cemetery in Bergamo to the crematoria in other regions.

The reason, as is now known, is that the mortuary in Bergamo is no longer able, for days, to accommodate the coffins of coronavirus victims. And the same goes for the crematorium (there is only one in town, it is active 24 hours a day). Since Covid-19 began to cut the Italian Wuhan - Bergamo remains the most affected province in the country so far - cemetery services and funeral agencies have gone haywire.
In order to relieve the cemetery mortuary - with no more space available - it had been necessary in recent days to line up the coffins of the deceased in the church of All Saints, inside the cemetery. Since yesterday, the solution found to deal with the emergency is the use of army means. The victims of the coronavirus are being transported to other regions: from Emilia Romagna. The first coffins were sent to Modena.


https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2020/03/18/foto/bergamo_non_c_e_piu_posto_70_mezzi_militari_portano_le_salme_fuori_dalla_regione-251650969/1/#1 (translation by Deepl)


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3 minutes ago, kud u maglu Simoviću said:

vice briljira, najnoviji tekst “zašto ne perem ruke uprkos korona virusu”



ah, taj buntovni mladalacki duh najbolje se leci pendrekom po ledjima

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