October 8, 201311 yr OK, dodao sam NHL tag u BBC code. Samo ubacite link sa NHL-a u [ NHL ]http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/embed?playlist=2013020036-530-h[ /NHL ](ovo je primer, da bi radilo sklonite razmake u [])Nadam se da je OK.
October 8, 201311 yr Oilers’ Mike Brown nominated for Mustached American of the Year AwardThe National Hockey League has been blessed over the years with a heap of hairy masterpieces adorning the upper lips of its members. Like The Lanny McDonald duster or Paul MacLean’s broom head or George Parros’s signature ‘stache.What Mike Brown of the Edmonton Oilers lacks in mustache substance he makes up for in style, fashioning his follicles like those of an old timey bare-knuckle boxer and/or silent movie villain.For his dedication to facial hair sculpting, Brown has been nominated for the 2013 Robert Goulet Memorial Mustached American of the Year Award, given out by (who else?) the American Mustache Institute.From the AMI, which announced the nomination this week:A Chicago-area native and forward for the Edmonton Oilers, Mike Brown’s commitment to the sexually dynamic Mustached American lifestyle has continued the deep connectivity between sports excellence and facial hair. One of the few Jewish players in the National Hockey League, Mr. Brown continues to exhibit the undeniable performance enhancing powers of the mustache as his career continues to thrive on the ice.
October 9, 201311 yr Author Šarksi ne samo da su ponizili Rendžerse, nego je i mali Hertl dao četiri gola za 11 minuta na ledu. Ima na hajlajtsima s kojom lakoćom i rutinom završava situacije kad je sam pred gošom, svaka čast stvarno.
October 9, 201311 yr Šarksi ne samo da su ponizili Rendžerse, nego je i mali Hertl dao četiri gola za 11 minuta na ledu. Ima na hajlajtsima s kojom lakoćom i rutinom završava situacije kad je sam pred gošom, svaka čast stvarno.Uuuuuuu.. Vidi četvrti gol... :ziga: :ziga: :ziga:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-7NgESsc5Y Edited October 9, 201311 yr by zoki82
October 9, 201311 yr auuu ja gledao Pitsburg sinoć i došao da hvalim Pitsburške Fince, ali sad pored Hertla baš i nema smisla... inače, zna se ko je klinji uzor:
October 12, 201311 yr Author Malkin skinuo mrak ove sezone, ali džaba, pocepaše ih Panteri k'o svinja masno ćebe. Onaj mali Barkov, 18 godina, 3 poena. Deca se lepo pokazuju na početku sezone, a još pršte golovi skoro svako veče, zadovoljan sam za sada.Nego Seguin cveta u Dalasu, dva gola sinoć u dominaciji na Džetsima, a i Benn je dao jedan. Još malo da odmakne sezona, pa ću da zaređam sa gledanjem nekoliko njih da vidim kako to deluje.
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