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Egipat - vojska, muslimanska braća, puč

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VD predsjednik je raspustio parlament. ocekivano, ali ipak da bude zabiljezeno.Edit: u spojleru je klip sa danasnjih demonstracija gdje se vidi kako vojnik ubija demonstranta sa udaljenosti od 2 metra. Oko 1.50

Edited by nautilus

a u kom su fazonu ti demonstranti? da li se zalažu za silovanja po trgovima i paljenje hrišćanskih kuća ili za ljubav i mir u svetu?

Tako je to kada demokratiju daš onima koji ne znaju šta će sa njom ...Najviše če profitirati CNN, da nema sranja u svetu, ugasili bi se brže nego Studio B ...Nisam srećan što to moram da kažem, ali najveću mudrost je izrekao Patak Dača:

Edited by stoka

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ako MB odluce da udju u klinc sa vojskom, bice zabavno. imaju organizaciju & dovoljan broj ljudi spremnih za mucenistvo.

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Mohamed Fadel Fahmy ‏@Repent113hJihadists surround Arish governorate building replace Egyptian flag with black flag associated with Jihad carrying La Ellah El Allah. #Sinai(s tim da zastave sa shehadetom vise ne koriste samo dzihadi ili salafi, vec islamisti. moguce je da su u ovom slucaju zaista dzihadi, obzirom da je Sinaj potpuno rasulo.)

mozda nakon ovoga. par islamista su okacili ovaj video, navodno je vojska pucala u Arishu:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UJaGDAUM34

Edited by Gandalf

potpuni raspad. direktni sukobi na ulici anti i pro morsijevaca, uz jedva primetnu vojsku i policiju.http://youtu.be/HiXzvq0FOYo

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^^ navodno, jutros su par Kopta izboli nekog klinca u nekoj vukojebini. nakon cega su rodjaci ili prijatelji ubijenog krenuli da pale kuce lokalnih Kopta. Kopti su jebena strana, kako god okrenes, ali mozda nema veze sa ovim drzavnim udarom & demonstracijama.taj Adham Hafez je linkovao clanak u kome se navodi ovaj scenario.

Edited by Gandalf

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Shami Witness ‏@ShamiWitness Everywhere else it's pro-Morsis agnst police,thugs,or army(Sinai).this shows lack of secular liberal influence beyond Cairo-Alex 2/2 Shami Witness ‏@ShamiWitness A very important point that jumps at your face is pro-Morsis had to fight with anti-Morsis mostly in Cairo and Alex tonight. 1/2

Edited by Gandalf

^^ navodno, jutros su par Kopta izboli nekog klinca u nekoj vukojebini. nakon cega su rodjaci ili prijatelji ubijenog krenuli da pale kuce lokalnih Kopta. Kopti su jebena strana, kako god okrenes, ali mozda nema veze sa ovim drzavnim udarom & demonstracijama.taj Adham Hafez je linkovao clanak u kome se navodi ovaj scenario.
Cini se da su Kopti nakon onih nemira prosle godine protiv MB, no cini mi se da nije bilo mudro sa njihove strane da se partijarh slika iza Sisija.
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In Turkey, the first transition to a true multi-party democracy took place in 1946 with the founding of the Democratic Party (DP or Demokrat Parti). This was after two experiments with controlled multi-party democracy, where even window-dressing opposition parties formed by confidants of the regime attracted so much support that they had to be closed by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the autocratic ruler of the country.In 1950, to the great disappointment and apprehension of military and state elites, the DP came to power with a landslide election victory, bringing voice for the first time to millions of Turks effectively disenfranchised until then. Inevitably, this involved a populist and Islam-tinged rhetoric.But DP elites themselves were no angels (is anybody surprised?). Once they saw their popularity slide, they just adopted part of the playbook of their rivals’ wholesale and augmented their huge corruption with repression and a thorough clampdown on the media.On May 27, 1960, the military engineered a coup, widely supported by the bureaucracy, the intellectual elites, and the supposedly pro-democracy Turkish “liberals”. After all, wasn’t the military just saving democracy from the DP and its populist leader, Adnan Menderes?The military swiftly moved to hang three of the leaders of the DP, including Prime Minister Menderes.Emboldened, the military would intervene three more times in Turkish politics in the next 40 years. The roots of the current problems in Turkey partly lie in the polarization that was much deepened by this coup that wrested power from the hands of those who had been made to feel disempowered for so long the first time they held it.What would have happened without the military coup? Nobody knows. Perhaps Menderes and other DP elites would irreparably damage the economy or somehow cow into a total submission before the next election to effectively set up their own dictatorship.Possible. But unlikely. Rather, they would have probably been kicked out of power in the next election, cementing Turkish democracy’s credentials.

Edited by Gandalf

Egypt: on the brink of disasterIt is, to say the least, ironic that the African Union called the coup for what it was and, notably, the European Union did nothttp://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jul/05/egypt-brink-disaster-editorial

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Cini se da su Kopti nakon onih nemira prosle godine protiv MB, no cini mi se da nije bilo mudro sa njihove strane da se partijarh slika iza Sisija.
Kopti imaju valjane razloge da budu protiv MB-a, ali je patrijarhovo prisustvo i aminovanje udara samoubilacki akt. time je postalo potpuno sigurno da ce islamisti okriviti i Kopte.

Edited by Gandalf

Auu a moja poznanica planirala da za par dana ode u egipat i dugu vezu sa jednim egipćaninom kruniše udajom.Još kao ide tamo to da obavi jer je manje zamlaćivanje sa administracijom nego ovde :-( .Bojim se da taj plan mora da pretrpi neke izmene.Ionako su mislili da žive ovde...Send from WC solja by BVK

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Rawya Rageh@RawyaRageh2h39-year-old Coptic priest shot dead in drive-by shooting as he was buying home supplies in North Sinai #Egypt

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