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Hannibal (2013, NBC)


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Ahhaha provaljujem da sam se ispalio sa Jackom, mesam ga sa Hopkinsom... Nego uzeo sam da gledam Dead like me i Pushin daisies of Fullera, skroz su dobre i jedna i druga, u obe serije je odlican humor, doduse Dead like me me mrzelo da gledam posle 4. epizode jer mi se cinilo da epizode nisu mnogo povezane a to ne volim. Dead like me mi je malo bolja, bas je gotivna i od samog starta me je odusevila ista stvar kao i kod Hannibala - prelepe boje! U iscekivanju nove sezone Hannibala sam se postao polu-covek polu-serija, gledam 5 serija u isto vreme da bih prekratio vreme do juna, cak sam i The Wire poceo opet da gledam.


Realno, serijski lupetaš na sve strane, ali si sledbenik velikog :Hail: El Choloa :Hail: tako da ti je sve oprošteno.

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J*bi ga brate... je l' to kazes zbog ovoga sto sam napisao za Dead like me? Nisam strucnjak za serije, jednostavno zapratim sve na sta se izlozim, ali kapiram da drugima moze da zvuci glupo moj razlog zbog kog sam prestao da je pratim.

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J*bi ga brate... je l' to kazes zbog ovoga sto sam napisao za Dead like me? Nisam strucnjak za serije, jednostavno zapratim sve na sta se izlozim, ali kapiram da drugima moze da zvuci glupo moj razlog zbog kog sam prestao da je pratim.


Ma zato što si stavio Džeka Nikolsona u seriju iz 21. veka. Ali, nebitno, nemoj ovde piskaranja da shvataš ni malo ozbiljno. Kao da sa klošarima iza drakstora piješ pivo, pa šta oni lupetaju. Kako njih ozbiljno shvataš, tako i ovde.


Ali Cholo :Hail:

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 We're slightly over a month until the third season of Hannibal is upon us and I couldn't be more excited. The show recently wrapped up production and creator Bryan Fuller is dropping details about the upcoming season. There's a lot riding on the success of this third season as NBC has moved the show back to its Thursday night time slot with the hope that the increased hype leading up to it will finally give Hannibal the viewership it deserves.

The move to a summer time slot had many fans upset as we'd typically be mid-way through the season by now, but Bryan Fuller offered up an explanation as to why the show was pushed back:

We barely, by the skin of our teeth, were able to produce the first two seasons with a lot of hard work, and a lot of people bending over backwards and contorting, because it’s so hard to do a crafted television show in eight days [per episode]. It was eight-day episodes, and then an additional day or two of second unit, and massive overtime. But coming into the third season, which is our most ambitious yet, it was essentially trying to squeeze all of that into seven days, with no second unit, and it blew up in everybody’s faces.


Hannibal's head honcho also spoke with Digital Spy and offered up a few details on what we can expect once Hannibal returns on June 4th. The most surprising reveal was that the season premiere, titled Antipasto, will focus solely on the "years-long relationship" between Hannibal and Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson).

It really does feel like "What are we watching?" Will Graham isn't in it, none of the other familiar characters are in it, it's just Hannibal and Bedelia and their history over three different periods of time.

The audience won't be the only ones missing Will Graham, Lector himself will spend at least one of those time periods pining for the one who got away.

In that first episode all about Bedelia and Hannibal, there's just a hint of "Wouldn't this be better if it were me and Will Graham?" in terms of Hannibal thinking that, and what he misses. Because Bedelia will always be Hannibal's psychiatrist, she'll never be necessarily as intimate and passionate in her relationship with Hannibal as Will and Hannibal are.

Last month we learned that episode eight of the third season is titled The Great Red Dragon, which left us wondering whether the show would be dropping their cuisine-based titles for the second half of the season; turns out, they are. Episodes eight through thirteen will be named after William Blake's series of Great Red Dragon paintings. Bryan Fuller revealed that episode nine will be titled ...And the Woman Clothed in Sun, episode ten will be ...And the Woman Clothed with the Sun, with episode eleven going by ...And the Beast from the Sea. Fuller didn't reveal the final two titles but they will likely be And the Number of the Beast is... and ...666.

We all know that Richard Armitage will be playing Francis Dolarhyde in the second half of season three but what we don't know is that Dolarhyde will be treated more like a third lead character than a mere supporting player. We can expect to see as much of him as we do Will Graham and Hannibal Lector.

He is in the show almost as much as Hugh and Mads are in the second half of the season. So we really spend a lot of time with Dolarhyde, in a way that neither of the movies have had the real estate to. A lot of what we see with Dolarhyde is just him alone in a room struggling with his insanity. I wanted the audience to be so confused with this character because we get to know him, and we get to see this man who is suffering, from his mind eating him alive from the inside out.

Speaking of Will Graham, Fuller teased that his inevitable reunion with Hannibal Lector might be a little more emotional than we would think:

There's a scene that is so touching, when they're finally reunited and able to have a conversation. Mads and Hugh and their friendship are such amazing assets to the show, and you see all of that. It's like "It's really good to see you, but this is a terrible situation that we're in, and you're actually a terrible person, but I've found a way to forgive you in the way you forgive a shark for being a shark."

It's no secret that Hannibal has struggled in the ratings department; the chances of its renewal has always been up in the air but thankfully we've been fortunate enough to have the show return each time. While Hannibal obviously hasn't been renewed for a fourth season yet (fingers crossed) Bryan Fuller suggested that we pay very close attention to the first seven episodes of season three if we'd like to get a sense on how a possible fourth season would look.

It felt like a breath of fresh air not being in Quantico, and not having FBI scenes talking about the murder clues. It was so liberating that if we do get a fourth season, there's going to be a lot more of that than there will be anything FBI-oriented. It will probably be our most serialized season thus far, and the first half of season three was really an experiment of "does this work on our show?"

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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  • 4 weeks later...

^ Kazu da ce i u seriji izmedju prvog dela sa Hannibalom u Italiji i Tooth Fairyja postojati vremenska razlika od par godina (s' tim sto evidentno po knjigama prvo ide Red Dragon, a ovde je to obrnuto).

U seriji me je odusevilo sto do sada ti tajmlajnovi nisu uopste bili postovani, naravno ima mnogo scena koje su uzete iz knjige ali nikad nisi mogao da znas kad ce i po kom redosledu da se dogode. Dok me sad vec malo brine to sto mi unapred izgleda da ce ga uhvatiti, bar po dosadasnjim informacijama o trecoj sezoni, a to nisam morao da znam.

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Kakva radost. Kakva, kakva radost.


Hanibal je još barokniji, još sporiji, još okrutniji i još teatralniji nego pre. :Hail:


Ovo definitivno nisam mogao da čekam da se nakupi. A i ova je teška da se gleda u komadu.

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