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Hannibal (2013, NBC)

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ja milioniti put da ponovim da ovaj covek izgleda dojajno...i ima najlepsi nos od sviju glumaca.
Ludilo koliko je sexy.

Odgledala. Savrseno.Nista lepse nego kad imas da gledas ovako izuzetne likove u seriji, tj Grejema i Lektora.edit: sad smo se kuckali na tviteru, brajanu je izgleda zapelo/frka oko gledanosti.edit2: sad malo citam na netu, on gradi fullerverse, univerzum u kome se sve njegove serije desavaju, tj on ima krosreference medju razlicitim serijama i sad kako streber u meni da ostane imun na to i uziva u samo ovoj jednoj?!

Edited by MayDay

ja milioniti put da ponovim da ovaj covek izgleda dojajno...i ima najlepsi nos od sviju glumaca.
Sad ti je isla serija sa njim na RTV1

Treba mi jos nekoliko epizoda da bih bio siguran, za sad samo umereno svidjanje. Lecter je odlican, ipak je to Mads car, a ne smem ni da kazem sta mislim o Hopkinsovom Hanibalu, streljali bi me verovatno. Ali zato mi se Grejem bas ne dojmi, preteran™ je.No, gleda ce se!

Bogami, ova serija ce se pratiti. Zaista odlican pilot. Steta sto ne ide na HBO-u ili nekoj drugoj kablovskoj mrezi, valjda NBC nece ukinuti pre vremena.Ono sto mi daje nadu da ce stvarno da bude posebna serija je uticaj koji na Fullera ima Kubrick. Vec u pilotu je bila lepa posveta Stanleyju, a po svemu sudeci bice ih jos kako vizuelnih, tako i dramskih.

NBC's 'Hannibal' contains 'The Shining' shout-outsSHINING-HANNIBAL.jpgHeeeeeeere’s Hannibal!Tonight’s premiere of NBC’s Hannibal is probably one of the most Stanley Kubrick-ian hours of TV ever made. Showrunner Bryan Fuller was heavily influenced by late filmmaker genius and has filled his new series with subtle (and not-so-subtle) homages to Kubrick’s work. Hannibal is particularly influenced by one of Kubrick’s most commercially successful films — 1980′s The Shining. In fact, there’s even one set (photos above) that’s directly inspired by a famous moment in the film. Below Fuller talks about Kubrick and the filmmaker’s influence on the show, a prequel series to the Hannibal Lecter novels by Thomas Harris.ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When you first saw The Shining did it leave a big impression?Fuller: It left a huge impression. As a child growing up in the Pacific Northwest who felt isolated, to see the isolation [in The Shining] and what that does to a person’s mental state, was fascinating … I was the youngest of five, so the idea of being separated from everybody and being driven mad by your own devices seemed like a vacation [laughter]. What struck me the most is [the film is] so visually distinctive. Everything about it is about the psychology of the frame… It was psychological storytelling as well as cinematic storytelling. … I know Stephen King would probably kick me in the teeth with his boot heel for saying this, but the movie had a greater impact on me as a storyteller. I still love the book and was a Stephen King obsessive. But there was something about the simplicity and elegance of the storytelling in the film. It was almost like a purer version of the story. I always associated The Shining as a Christmas movie. Because of the winter wonderland and the red and white. While everybody was doing the family thing, I hid in the basement and watched movies by myself.Why put The Shining homages in Hannibal?Fuller: I’ve been wanting to do the bathroom [set] forever. I tried to do it several times on Pushing Daisies but we always had budget restrictions and I wanted it to be exactly like that bathroom. Every show I’ve done I wanted to build a bathroom that looked like that space. What’s so remarkable about it is it’s a purely psychological space. You were inside this secret corner of Jack Torrance’s mind where the ghost of Overlook’s past has cornered him and is having a conversation about killing his family. It’s almost like a fantasy bathroom that actually doesn’t exist in reality because it’s anachronistic to the rest of the ballroom — it’s such a stark juxtaposition to everything else that we’re seeing at the hotel. It’s like they dipped the entire set in blood. Like it’s some symbolic weapon that hadn’t entirely penetrated the victim. That impressed me the most and had the biggest impression on me. I understood watching it as a 10 year old that this was psychological storytelling. He wasn’t concerned what was real or what was not real.There’s a Kubrickian vibe in general in the show too — the sound design, the symmetry of the shots, the long-held beats. Was that intentional?Fuller: Absolutely. [Director] David Slade and I had long conversations about the Kubrick-ian feel of this show. We are telling the story of a man who makes his living with his imagination who slowly loses his mind over the course of the season. We are telling a version of [The Shining], except the guy is not an alcoholic.In general, what fascinates you most about Kubrick?Fuller: It’s the simplicity of his filmmaking that allows the camera to tell the story. The camera is doing as much as the actors in order to convey emotion. I’ve always appreciated the symmetry [of his shots], it’s very pleasing to the eye. There’s something so direct and storybook about the way he presents images to his audiences. They’re unfettered by complicated camera moves. The moves of his camera are graceful and have their own unique rhythm. The beauty and symmetry of the images always keep the audience in a point of view where you’re sitting up straight and looking directly down the barrel of the story. It’s very enveloping. When I see a Kubrick film I feel I am cocooned in his story.

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski

nije losa. nastavicu da gledam. smeta mi ponavljanje i psihoanaliza kao da sam idiot. mads, eh eh drage moje, ja se lozim na njega dok ste vi koficom po dzoni depu i bred pitu .... :) ali nikad nije kasno za otkriti glumacku pastuvcinu.

Ako sam dobro zapamtio, u trejleru za drugu epizodu Hannibal na veceri sa Crawfordom (Fishburn) kaze otprilike: "Next time bring your wife, I would love to have you both for dinner". To bi bio Hannibalov happy meal. :D

Ako sam dobro zapamtio, u trejleru za drugu epizodu Hannibal na veceri sa Crawfordom (Fishburn) kaze otprilike: "Next time bring your wife, I would love to have you both for dinner". To bi bio Hannibalov happy meal. :D
Baš tako, videla sam to danas u najavi na AXN-u.

Pojavio se i prevod na regionalnom™ jeziku, pa, eto, ako nekom treba.

Pogledao, i epizodu i trejler za buduće događaje, i istovremeno sam vrlo zadovoljan i nezadovoljan.Nažalost, ukoliko budu zadržali ovaj kasting, bojim se da će priča posle nekog vremena strahovito dosaditi. Mislim da bi idealan format serije bio kada bi Lektor dr Hanibal zadržavao svoju sidekick ulogu, ali da svake sezone bude neko drugi kao tematika (što same sezone, što njegova igračka). Bojim se da ovo prosto nije materijal za 22+ epizode sezonski, i ako budu nastavili da se fokusiraju na ovog gej padavičara i njegove probleme sa empatijom, to neće moći dugo da zadrži ovakav kvalitet.Istovremeno, idealno bi bilo kada bi sezona imala 12-13 epizoda, i dakle, kada bi se svaka fokusirala na neku potpunu drugačiju radnju, sa (uglavnom) novim likovima. Dakle, nešto poput Dextera, s tim što bi sve bilo dosta mračnije, i što bi Lektor dr Hanibal svake sezone praktično bio sidekick nekome, ko bi na kraju završio na njegovoj trpezi flambiran, uz dalmatinski nadev, paškanat i sitno rendani crni luk. To bi uvek bilo svežije, nove đeneralne radnje, novi likovi, zanimljivi slučajevi, prilika da Lektor dr Hanibal blista u različitim situacijama.Tim rečeno, dopada mi se. Drage volje ću joj dati šansu. Bojim se samo da ne naprave nešto na foru da se 4-5-6-7 sezona sa jednim te istim likovima, te da se sve svede na obračun doktora i gej padavičara na više stupnjeva svesti, što će ubrzo prerasti u dosadu.

Edited by Filipenko

Trebalo bi da bude crime of the week tip serije, bar je tako u ovih prvih 5 epizoda sto su prosledjene kriticarima. Will resava zlocine, Lector strucni konsultant, 13 epizoda sezona, sukob njih dvojice bi trebao da padne tek u trecoj sezoni... samo se nemoj zanositi da cemo dobiti nesto osim ovih 13 epizoda, bices razocaran na kraju. :(

Edited by Calavera

i što bi Lektor dr Hanibal svake sezone praktično bio sidekick nekome, ko bi na kraju završio na njegovoj trpezi flambiran, uz dalmatinski nadev, paškanat i sitno rendani crni luk.
umesto TV Kuvara od danas gledam Hannibala :Dinace Mikkelsen dominira :ziga:

kalaverice, kad se tacno daje ovaj hanibal u americi da sracunam kad cu ja moci da ga gledam? jedva cekam!

Bese li nocas Ep2?Pogledao sinoc pilot, deluje da ce biti mamojebacka serija. Mada me malo Madsovo mumlanje/akcenat nervira, ne mogu da razaznam ponekad sta izgovori.

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