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Forbrydelsen - najbolja aktivna krimi serija

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Neke naznake...Prevod GT

Spoilerish preview article from Danish Kultur Magazine:(Translation by Google!)===Sofie Gråbøl: 'Crime 3' takes us into the darknessKultur Magazine 19 September 2012On Sunday dazzles Danish Broadcasting up for the first section of the third and final part of the 'crime'.Trilogy's final part of Sarah Lund, is thus a farewell to seven years in the series' dark universe for lead actor Sofie Gråbøl.She's with the rest of the ensemble attended the press conference at the scenes of police headquarters in the old DR-town in Søborg."It's so strange. We just finished shooting a week ago, and now I'm sitting here in the interview room with macabre photos from filming in front of me and to relate to it, such a view, "she says to politiken.dk.She quickly browse the glossy photos of the murder weapon and crime scenes through with his slender fingers.The crime is more than black and whiteBut it is the right that the series ends now, says Sofie Gråbøl that would otherwise have felt strangely at ease in the series, although it deals with nightmarish situations and brutal murders."All drama dealing with human dark side. It's always what you look for. Where is the weakness? This is what we can identify with, "she says.Sofie Gråbøl believe that the series great strength is that it dares to deal with the nuances."The series is not black and white. It is not only the good and the evil. Soren Sveistrup (head writer Ed.) Has bravely insisted that there should not be a crime and a detection per section as in most other series, but instead he maintains mystery for a whole season. It allows you to go deeper into some complex issues, and what I think makes 'crime', "she says.When will we compromiseIn this way, we as viewers are confronted with our own darkness, as we sit glued to the screen to find out what happens in the next section.It is the fascination of crime genre: If it's exciting enough, we just see it, says Søren Sveistrup, lead author and the man behind the series.He is inspired by his own worst nightmare. Losing a child - as in the series' first season - or being betrayed by those we trust - as in the second season."It is a human experiment," said Soren Sveistrup."How much can you look into the abyss, without your soul is tainted? Do you go in? "He asks, leaning back in his chair.'Third season dealing with the time we are in now, with the financial crisis. What does it do to us? How much should we pressed before we compromise? Right now concentrates world, for instance, much more about jobs and the economy than about the Third World '.Sarah LundIt's no secret that Sofie Gråbøls character, Sarah Lund is squeezed in the series.By the third season's beginning is a disillusioned crime commissioner, is celebrating its 25 year anniversary by police, search into a more relaxed department, who goes by the nickname SOFA."Sarah Lund is a truth seeker in the claustrophobic universe, the series takes place in," said Soren Sveistrup."Murder stories creates disorder in the world, as a bated breath. It creates tension that we need redemption on '.Here it is Sofie Gråbøl that it clenched and dogged investigator during the first two seasons have put family life on the shelf to give viewers redemption and solve the puzzle.The third time around she gets support and opposition from Nikolaj Lie Kaas, who plays PET employee of the Department of Homeland Security."Sophie and Nicholas are both very good for the understated sense of humor, which is fun for the audience, not for the character," says Søren Sveistrup, in the third season of 'crime' has challenged himself and Series platform, so it not only are ten sections with a redemption the last five minutes of section ten."There will be many surprises along the way," he promises.

jeste ovo odlična serija /odgledah I sezonu/ ali imam velikih problema sa raspletom

prvo mi nije jasno što je ovaj tip silovao Nanu? Drugo, deo u kome je prebije i siluje u onom stanu, pa onda u kući je preteran. treće, ne kapiram, kako je ona pobegla iz kuće i kako je uopšte stigla do one močvare? I poslednje, i najbitnije - odakle joj onaj lančić u rukama? Ako ga je strgla sa ubice - kako je moguće da ga niko nije prepoznao???

sutra krećem drugu sezonu

Sabila sam za vikend celu 1. sezonu, nisam mogla da prestanem. Nocas sanjala beli dzemper.Ni meni nije jasno

zasto ju je silovao? I ako vec jeste, zasto nije o tome pricao Theisu kad ga je izazivao da ga ubije? Zar ne bi to odmah odradilo posao? Isto, lancic? Za bezanje iz kuce mislim da nije sama pobegla, nego da je odveo u sumu da je ubije, pa je onda pobegla. I ko je posmatrao Saru u stanu? Nije Vagn, kako bi uopste znao gde zivi, a i sta ima od toga?

Veceras pocinjem drugu.

Prva epizoda trece sezone emitovana premijerno sinoc. Ako neko kojim slucajem naleti na link, nek podeli :)

Pa zar nije trebalo da počne iduće nedelje?

Pa ne znam sad, ovde kaze da je bila sinoc :/

Prva epizoda trece sezone emitovana premijerno sinoc. Ako neko kojim slucajem naleti na link, nek podeli :)
bila sinoc na danskoj tv. moze se vidjeti ovdje ali jbg samo za one koji govore danski :(http://www.dr.dk/dr1/forbrydelsen/seforbrydelsen/#/55858
bila sinoc na danskoj tv. moze se vidjeti ovdje ali jbg samo za one koji govore danski :(http://www.dr.dk/dr1...ydelsen/#/55858
Pa trebao si sinoć da snimiš, konvertuješ, prevedeš časkom i uploaduješ, na neki torrent.
bila sinoc na danskoj tv. moze se vidjeti ovdje ali jbg samo za one koji govore danski :(http://www.dr.dk/dr1...ydelsen/#/55858
Hvala :( Izgleda cemo morati da cekamo da se BBC smiluje :(
Hvala :( Izgleda cemo morati da cekamo da se BBC smiluje :(
Na BBC Four počinje 17 Novembra treća sezona.
Pa trebao si sinoć da snimiš, konvertuješ, prevedeš časkom i uploaduješ, na neki torrent.
eh da si se ranije sjetio ;)

ima je na warezu.

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