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sta je vredelo slusati u prvoj polovici iznad sve konkurencije, volet cu ih zanavijek (oba su reizdanja + kompiljacije)eleanor hovda - eleanor hovda collection (innova) (ceo streaming na soundcloudu: klika_ute wassermann - a retrospective tribute (audition) (ceo streaming na arhivi:klika)veeri gudjüppala kääpiö - animalia corolla (omnimemento)the new songs - nest at the junction of paths (umlaut)trust - trst (arts and crafts)julia holter - ekstasis (rvng)erikm - transfall (room40)mmm quartet - live at the metz arsenal (leo)pedestrian deposit - kithless (Arbor)gultskra artikler - abtu anet (miasmah)akos rozmann - 12 stations VI (ideological organ)lower dens - nootropics (ribbon)jazz/improvnate wooley, christian weber & paul lytton - six feet under (nobusiness)mats gustafsson, paal nilssen-love & mesele asmamaw - baro 101 (terp)axel dörner, lucio capece, mika vainio & kevin drumm - venexia (pan)

Edited by palfoot
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odlicno. willits + sakamoto | ancient future [2012 gi]drugi po redu, zajednicki i mnogo, ali mnogo meni bolji album od proslog, ocean fire. jednostavan i slusljiv. kompozicije su pitke, jasne i voze, samo kratko voze. voleo bih da ima jos, ali ne smeta kada se obrne jos jednom nakon kada zavrse sa poslednjim instrumentalom. kada sam napisao 'slusljiv' mislio sam na cist, ambijentalan savremen zvuk. u ovoj godini bolje nisam nasao iz zanra ambijentalne muzike. wilits je ovde mnogo doprineo, vecinu posla. nisam ovo nigde procitao, slusanjem sam mozda dosao do toga. mozda, ne mora da znaci da je tako, ali mi se cini zato sto poznajem willits-a dobro, tj. njegov rad. talentovan-inteligentan, uporan, mlad i ambiciozan u smislu ima lepu energiju da masta i to primeni u muzici. ladno sam napisao da je mlad, a ima 33 godine. :D doprineo u smilsu... sve sto se tice efekata i prodikcije. po meni, sakamoto je naravno faca [mada meni mnogo manje poznat, jer on se bavi muzikom jako dugo, a ja sam ga provalio skoro [meni se taj period i najvise svidja] i smatram da sve sto ce u buduce raditi, mnogo ce me zanimati da cujem. GI-159_1400x300_540_540.jpg

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM-WnjqB8EYjulia, vidis kako ti dobro ide kad malo iskljucis vijuge i napravis "poignant" pop pesmu za koju si ubertalentirana (pa sve i da te zovu enyom za hipstere) :wub: definicija polakogoruceg "poslednjih 5 puta na ripitu" megahita.ed: rodjeni na isti dan. kjut. :)
hvala za ovo, onda ću i album da preslušam, već sam bila odustala od nade da je holter pop moguć.Novi Ariel, staro, a dobro.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIcSLsOc5ZQ
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Centipede_Hz_album_cover.jpgA becoming-animal always involves a pack, a band, a population, a peopling, in short, a multiplicity. We sorcerers have always known that. Animal characteristics can be mythic or scientific. But we are not interested in characteristics; what interest us are models of expansion, propagation, occupation, contagion, peopling. I am legion. The Wolf-Man fascinated by several wolves watching him. What would a lone wolf be? Or a whale, a louse, a rat, a fly? Beelzebub is the Devil, but the Devil as lord of the flies. The wolf is not fundamentally a characteristic or a certain number of characteristics, it is a wolfing. The louse is a lousing, and so on. Virginia Woolf experiences herself not as a monkey or a fish but as a troop of monkeys, a school of fish, according to her variable relations of becoming with the people she approaches. What we are saying is that every animal is fundamentally a band, a pack.kako je izdavac najavio, centipede hz je vanzemaljska stanica koja emituje vanzemaljsku muziku. ko u filmovima, insekti su cudovista jer imaju ogromne antene pa moraju da se cuju. kad bi bitlsi bili cudovista. album stvaran u prostorijici 2 sa 2, avey postaje trupom cirkuskih majmuna, geo postaje fliper masinom, deakin postaje dzordzom harisonom, panda ostaje arhipelagom kitova ali i postaje storukama, pesme postaju stonogama, svaka vaska obaska, 3 pesme u jednoj, prva 3 minuta moonjocka, poslednja 2 minuta amanite, 7 delova applesauce, indija, karibi, svaka nogica nova zemljica. mpp je zaista pet saunds za centipede hz. ne maza i lunja, ovo je velika inkluzija najmanjeg, radioaktivna pomija, post-remek-delo.http://radio.myanimalhome.net/
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Tin Hat – the rain is a handsome animal (New Amsterdam Records, august 28th 2012)TIN-HAT-Cover_7002.jpg

San Francisco-based quartet Tin Hat will release their sixth studio album, the rain is a handsome animal, August 28th on New Amsterdam Records. The 17-track song cycle is based on the visionary modernist poetry of American poet E.E. Cummings and, for the first time in the band’s history, centers largely around the remarkable singing of Tin Hat violinist Carla Kihlstedt. Each of the group’s members channeled their relationship with Cummings’ work to contribute their own unique pieces for the project, showcasing themselves as both imaginative composers as well as riveting performers. The resulting work is at once universally accessible and hard-to-define–drawing from both high and low art forms such as folk, classical, Americana, and countless other traditions–which, in essence, is exactly what makes the project emblematic of Tin Hat as well as Cummings’ work itself. The music of Tin Hat is born of the long-standing friendships and deep musical connections of members Carla Kihlstedt (violins, viola, voice), Mark Orton (acoustic guitar, dobro), Ben Goldberg(clarinets), and Rob Reich (accordion, piano). This sacred kinship is the reasonhandsome animal feels organically cohesive despite that each member took turns separately with the pen; each peice was collaboratively refined over the course of two years while the ensemble was on tour before being taken into the studio in May 2011. Although this isn’t Tin Hat’s first album featuring vocals (past vocalists have included Willie Nelson, Tom Waits, and Mike Patton in addition to Kihlstedt), it does mark the first time the group has focused a project almost entirely on Carla’s moving singing. Intimate, warm, and robust, her voice perfectly complements Cumming’s tough-minded words, all set to some of the most beautiful and ambitious compositions in the group’s history.Cummings’ poetic language is a natural fit for Tin Hat’s aesthetic; some of his poems read like lyrics to folk songs, while others are spare and abstract, leaving ample room for musical interpretation. As such, some of the album’s pieces explore his poetic phrasing (such as Reich’s art-song so shy shy shy, which is written around a melodic transcription of Cummings’ own reading), or the way in which the lyrics display on the page (such as Goldberg’s stirring unchanging), while some are less direct meditations, such as the three instrumental works including Orton’s up beat, jazz-tinged title track. The album sways different ways, from Orton’s plaintive cry on buffalo bill and Reich’s catchy folk on if up’s the word, to the surreal setting made by Kihlstedt’s e-string violin on little i and Goldberg’s cinematic closer now (more near ourselves than we). But no matter where it turns, at its core the rain is a handsome animal resounds with the profoundly perfect union of these inspired minds, blurring the lines between composition and poem.
tagged as: classical, gypsy, jazz, worldhttp://tinhat.bandcamp.com/album/the-rain-is-a-handsome-animal8.5/10
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