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Boing je po isporuci od Spirita dotezao čak 6 od 8 mogućih šrafova na spornom avionu, na istim vratima kao ona što su ispala, samo sa suprotne strane.



Boeing personnel tightened six loose fasteners on the fuselage structure around the plug exit opposite the one that was later violently expelled from an Alaska Airlines 737 Max 9 at altitude last Friday, The Air Current has learned. The work took place at Boeing’s Renton, Washington factory after the fuselage was shipped by rail from supplier Spirit AeroSystems’ factory in Wichita, Kansas, which supplies 70% of the 737’s parts to Boeing. (...)

Each guide roller plate has a total of four fasteners, and six of those eight fasteners across both plates on the right side plug frame on the fuselage were found to be loose before being tightened.


Edited by vememah
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Teško proverljivi izvori kažu da je ovo problem koji će uticati i na isporuku 777X.

Edited by Zaboravan
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