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Edit: što kaže Ravaneli, glupi kao kurac, pripadnici pvo-a nervoznih a lakih prstiju, pre mi miriše na to nego na predumišljaj

Edited by Filozof manijak
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1 minute ago, 3opge said:

aha, hoce to na 20 km od vaznog aerodroma, igrala se deca raketama.



Ne razumem sta zelis time reci. To 20km od aerodroma je jos jedan argument ka tome da ovo nije planski i namerno uradjeno. 

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4 minutes ago, goofs said:


Ne razumem sta zelis time reci. To 20km od aerodroma je jos jedan argument ka tome da ovo nije planski i namerno uradjeno. 

cenis da se zastavnik Dzemo malo napio pa ispalio raketu da senluci?



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pre mislim da su se usrali u gaće jer su rokali amere i očekivali kontra-udar


bukvalno su sebi pucali u nogu ovim obaranjem. ne znam kako su mogli da imaju koristi od ovoga.

pokazali su se potuno nesposobnim i zato uništavaju dokaze. meni tako deluje

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to bi bilo moguce u slucaju da je veoma lako pomesati putnicki avion i americki dron/bombarder i to na 20 km od Homeinija (hint: obilje raznih radara i elektronskih uredjaja).

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Short footage of the recorders was released by Iranian media on Friday. The black boxes — that are actually bright orange — are seen sitting inside a crate, handled by the officials with the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization (CAO).

The flight data recorder appears to be largely intact, yet it’s quite charred and has a handful of visible dents in its body. The cockpit voice recorder, for its part, appears to be missing most of its assembly — only the data storage itself is seen in the crate.



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Graham Braithwaite, professor of safety and accident investigation at Cranfield University, has said the Iranian handling of the crash site, including the apparent quick removal of evidence, raised “serious concerns over the integrity of the investigation”.


“Where you have flight recorders that tell you what has happened you can move quickly to clearing the site,” he said. “But if the recorders are damaged [as the Iranians have said] then all you have is the forensic evidence at the site to tell you the story.”
Braithwaite, who teaches a course in air accident investigations, said he was surprised that the Iranians had moved to clear the crash site before other interested parties, including Ukrainian, Canadian and other technical investigators had been able to make their own examination, which he said he would have been expected under annex 13 of the Chicago convention, the international agreement that sets out protocols for crash inquiries.





Edited by vememah
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tekst NYT iz 2012.



“Iranian air defense units have taken inappropriate actions dozens of times, including firing antiaircraft artillery and scrambling aircraft against unidentified or misidentified targets,” noted a heavily classified Pentagon intelligence report, which added that the Iranian military’s communications were so inadequate and its training deficiencies so significant that  “misidentification of aircraft will continue.”

In June 2007, the report noted, a Revolutionary Guards air defense unit fired a TOR-M1 surface-to-air missile at a civilian airliner. In May 2008, an antiaircraft battery fired on an Iranian reconnaissance drone and a civilian airliner. That same month, an antiaircraft battery fired on an Iranian F-14 fighter jet.


In June 2008, soon after the Israeli air exercise, Iranian air defense units fired at two more civilian aircraft. In one instance, an Iranian F-4 fighter scrambled to intercept an Iraqi Airways flight from Baghdad to Tehran to visually inspect the passenger plane. The Iraqi Airways plane was not harmed.


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Let je kasnio sat vremena kruze neke price da je avion jos tada imao problem sa motorom.Onda po onim slikama ispada da je presretnut i pogodjen raketomnsistema "tor" sto opet posadi omogucava da koristi vezu i da trazi pomoc ili bar da nagivestaj sta se dogodilo. 
Cak se pojavio i znatno realniji scenario da se motor zapalio i da je posada pocela manevar vracanja na aerodrom, ali da je u toj guzvi i pod okolnostima kontra udara Amerikanaca takva letelica vizuelno odredjena kao cilj.Jer nelogicno je da ga gadjaju na uzletanju za vreme raletiranja Americkih polozaja, jos na visini uzletanja odraz je nejasan i nije definisan. 
Ne kazem da su te nelogicnosti neki zvanicni stav, vec moja licna zapazanja.A ovako citajuci mnogo to nelogicno deluje. 

mi se cini sasvim realan scenario... krstarece rakete Tomahawk u letu blizu cilja nemaju neki vidljiv boost cinimse? ali mozda su mislili da je dron u pitanju

Inviato dal mio Mi 9 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk

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"Based on the information from the MIVD (Dutch military intelligence), we can state that it is likely that an Iranian anti-aircraft missile has led to the crash of the aircraft," defence minister Ank Bijleveld was quoted as saying by a spokesman after a cabinet meeting.

Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok said separately in Brussels that it was "indeed very likely that the plane has been shot down by Iranian missiles".

Asked whether Iran should face EU sanctions, Blok said it was "important that independent research makes clear what exactly happened".

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Uputstvo za istragu u slučaju avionske nesreće Organizacije međunarodnog civilnog vazduhoplovstva (ICAO):

If the wreckage is concentrated in a small area and all of it is easily seen from a single vantage point, photograph it from all cardinal and intermediate compass points. The photographer should stand the same distance from the center of the wreckage while taking each photograph. Be sure your notes reflect the direction you were facing at the time. If the wreckage is spread out over a large area, it may not be practical to photograph the whole scene. In this case, photograph each significant piece or group of pieces of wreckage.

As a minimum, take a photograph from all cardinal compass points, then move closer to show details. Be sure to note the location of the part of group of wreckage on the accident diagram. Take photos that illustrate damage to the components, fracture surfaces, and witness marks. The photographer or investigator should never try to reassemble broken parts as this may destroy the fracture surface and disturb the evidence of the cause of the failure. When the wreckage is removed from the site or if it is moved to provide access to other evidence, be sure to photograph it before it is disturbed. Any time major pieces of wreckage are moved from the site, use a video recorder to record the process of preparing them for transport, loading them onto the vehicle, and removing and setting them up at the destination. 
As identification of small parts is made, and especially as objects are removed, the investigator should place a visible stake in the ground to identify the location. This maintains the integrity of the accident site for future activities such as returning to the location later to have an expert remove a small, damaged part or to find something related to an object previously removed. 
Stakes should also be placed where human remains are found and removed.

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2 hours ago, Ravanelli said:


kada se dogodi neko sranje meni je uvek prva pretpostavka da su ljudi glupi kao kurac, pa onda da je je neko zaista smislio da baš tako bude


+milion. Drugacije ne biva, majmun usao u tenak.

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