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1 hour ago, Bambula said:

Pa najebace kao i Amerikanci '88 za let 655.A i mnogo je nelogicnosti, cak i previse da bi se sa sigurnoscu upiralo prstom u Iran. 


Koje su to nelogicnosti? Razumem da ideju iranskog rusenja aviona guraju Amerikanci, sad i Kanadjani, dakle zapad i raznorazni twiterasi. Ali zasto Iran skuplja ostatke bagerima i zasto ne da crnu kutiju? Te dve stvari mi mnogo vise bodu oci od svega ostalog.

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Let je kasnio sat vremena kruze neke price da je avion jos tada imao problem sa motorom.Onda po onim slikama ispada da je presretnut i pogodjen raketomnsistema "tor" sto opet posadi omogucava da koristi vezu i da trazi pomoc ili bar da nagivestaj sta se dogodilo. 


Cak se pojavio i znatno realniji scenario da se motor zapalio i da je posada pocela manevar vracanja na aerodrom, ali da je u toj guzvi i pod okolnostima kontra udara Amerikanaca takva letelica vizuelno odredjena kao cilj.Jer nelogicno je da ga gadjaju na uzletanju za vreme raletiranja Americkih polozaja, jos na visini uzletanja odraz je nejasan i nije definisan. 


Ne kazem da su te nelogicnosti neki zvanicni stav, vec moja licna zapazanja.A ovako citajuci mnogo to nelogicno deluje. 

Edited by Bambula
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Danas su ljudi iz iranske civilne avijacije rekli da apsolutno isključuju mogućnost da je gađan avion (ništa čudno pošto se iranska verzija o kvaru motora, kasnije jasno demantovana od Ukrajinaca koji su pregledali motore, pojavila maltene istog sekunda kad je avion pao), a da će prvo oni vaditi podatke iz crnih kutija, koje su naravno obe ozbiljno oštećene, a ako ne uspeju daće ih nekoj od drugih zemalja. Takođe su rekli da istraga može potrajati i dve godine:




Iran has maintained that there was no evidence that the plane was struck by a missile and doubled down on that assertion on Friday, despite western officials pointing to intelligence suggesting the passenger jet was accidentally hit by a missile.

Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization chief, Ali Abedzadeh, speaking during a Friday news conference, urged caution and said that nothing could be determined until the data from the black boxes was analyzed and said statements made by other nations were politically motivated.

But, he added, what could be said was that the plane had not been hit by a missile and was likely on fire before it crashed. He also urged nations with intelligence on the crash, namely the United States and Canada, to share that information with Iran.

“We cannot just give you speculation,” Mr. Abedzadeh said in footage televised and translated on Iranian state television. “So far what I can tell you is that the plane has not been hit by a missile, and we have to look for the cause of the fire.”

Hassan Rezaeifar, the head of the Iranian investigation team, said during the same news conference that it could take more than a month to process the data recovered from the flight recorders and that the investigation could take up to two years. He also noted that Ukraine, France, Canada, and Russia have all said they are willing to assist Iran with the data extraction, and Tehran will send the black box to one of these countries if it fails to retrieve the data.

Normally, Iran has the capacity to download black box data, but Mr. Rezaeifar said that since the devices had been damaged, it would be difficult to extract information.

“We need special software and hardware which are available in our country, but if we fail to extract the data due to the damages of the black box, we will get help from other countries,” he said.

The black box will begin to be evaluated on Friday, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reported, “to assess and check whether it is possible to reconstruct and analyze the information inside the country.” State television aired footage that it said showed the two black boxes that were recovered from the crash site.



Bolidi su baš mogli da zabrane civilni saobraćaj na nekoliko dana nakon što su gađali američku bazu u Iraku umesto da s takvom trigger-happy protivavionskom odbranom rizikuju ovakvo sranje.

Edited by vememah
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9 minutes ago, vememah said:

Danas su ljudi iz iranske civilne avijacije rekli da apsolutno isključuju mogućnost da je gađan avion (ništa čudno pošto se iranska verzija o kvaru motora, kasnije jasno demantovana od Ukrajinaca koji su pregledali motore, pojavila maltene istog sekunda kad je avion pao), a da će prvo oni vaditi podatke iz crnih kutija, koje su naravno oštećene, a ako ne uspeju daće ih nekoj od drugih zemalja. Takođe su rekli da istraga može potrajati i dve godine:




Bolidi su baš mogli da zabrane civilni saobraćaj na nekoliko dana nakon što su gađali američku bazu u Iraku umesto da s takvo trigger-happy protivavionskom odbranom rizikuju ovakvo sranje.

koliko je avion bio daleko, kada su ga spicili, od Homeini aerodroma? 

izvinjavam se ako ima negde, nemam vremena da citam sada.

u svakom slucaju stoka beslovesna, treba ih zestoko kazniti za ovo, ironija u svemu ovome je da je bilo Amerikanaca unutra sada bi vec igrali pipirevku.

verujem da su namerno gadjali avion jer je bilo najvise Kanadjana od Neiranaca.




Edited by 3opge
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Yuriy Butusov

3 ч. -· 
"The wreckage is bulldozed, is Iran interested in a quality investigation?" - ...a source in the Ukrainian Interagency Commission...

Source Censor.net from the interdepartmental commission investigating the plane crash in Iran reports information as of 12.00:

"The second day we are at the crash site. One group went to Iran's Air Traffic Control Center to finally get access to radar recordings. The second team is at the wreckage collection site.

Is Iran interested in a quality investigation? It's not clear. The details of the aircraft continue to be bulldozed and delivered to the assembly site. There is a crowd of different people in uniform and without uniforms at the crash site, hundreds of people are collecting and taking away fragments of the plane, this cannot be controlled. The bulldozer dumps the fragments without any order on the parts dump, from which experts need to extract the parts and lay out the remains of the body. When bulldozed, it is impossible to ensure the safety of parts that are important for understanding the situation. It would be logical to photograph the place of the fall, to identify some of the fragments, and to take them out and lay them out with care. How do you prove, for example, the nature of the explosion if the bulldozer can already cause new damage to the hull fragments? Iranians are literate educated people, they can't help but understand it.

So far, we have not been provided with fragments of the bow of the liner and the cockpit. No passenger seats. We don't understand, we're not being shown the cockpit because they're studying something for themselves, or because it's completely destroyed by the explosion?

To date, we have not been presented with any evidence of the version that Iran originally put forward - about the technical reasons for the incident.

So, what is clear to us at this point, as I see it:

Iran has so far not provided any evidence of its original version of the alleged "technical reasons" for the destruction of the aircraft.
- No radar records have been provided showing that the aircraft is allegedly turning towards the airport;
- No record of pilots' conversations with dispatchers where pilots could report technical problems;
- There are no facts of problems with the technical condition of the aircraft from airport ground services.

2. The Iranian authorities have been negligent in gathering evidence, which may make it difficult to establish the truth.

3. 3. New questions arise on which Iran should have provided reasoned answers.
- which Thor SAMs were near the airport that night, in what condition?
- who and why was filming from the ground on the phone when the plane exploded and crashed?
- Was the attack on the liner an accidental mistake, or a deliberate act of terror?

https://www.facebook.com/100000909172681/posts/3612800992093504/ (mašinski prevod s ruskog by Deepl)

Edited by vememah
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7 minutes ago, 3opge said:

verujem da su namerno gadjali avion jer je bilo najvise Kanadjana od Neiranaca.

Zapravo su praktično svi po imenima Iranci, samo neki sa duplim državljanstvom (zbog čega se ne podudaraju brojevi državljana po zemljama koje su saopštili Ukrajinci i Iranci) ili samo sa državljanstvom zemlje u koju su oni ili njihovi roditelji emigrirali. Ima ovde spisak:



Edited by vememah
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1 minute ago, vememah said:

Zapravo su praktično svi po imenima Iranci, samo neki sa duplim državljanstvom (zbog čega se ne podudaraju brojevi državljana po zemljama koje su saopštili Ukrajinci i Iranci) ili samo sa državljanstvom zemlje u koju su oni ili njihovi roditelji emigrirali. Ima ovde spisak:



jos bolje, tako se radi sa stranim placenicima koji su pobegli od islamskog raja.

sve je ovo rukopis revolucionarne garde.

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Ma daj bre, niko ne obara namerno civilni avion i to na svom podneblju, to je, ako nista drugo, politicko samoubostvo.


Ako je oboren PVOom ili je doslo do ozbiljnog zajeba u iranskom vojnom stabu, ili je ovo uradila neka nezavisna ekstremisticka grupa. 

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Just now, goofs said:

Ma daj bre, niko ne obara namerno civilni avion i to na svom podneblju, to je, ako nista drugo, politicko samoubostvo.


Ako je oboren PVOom ili je doslo do ozbiljnog zajeba u iranskom vojnom stabu, ili je ovo uradila neka nezavisna ekstremisticka grupa. 

aha, hoce to na 20 km od vaznog aerodroma, igrala se deca raketama.


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Just now, 3opge said:

jos bolje, tako se radi sa stranim placenicima koji su pobegli od islamskog raja.

sve je ovo rukopis revolucionarne garde.


kada se dogodi neko sranje meni je uvek prva pretpostavka da su ljudi glupi kao kurac, pa onda da je je neko zaista smislio da baš tako bude

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