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On 4.10.2021. at 21:30, magi said:

Još i Barilaro dao ostavku, on mi deluje ok, po tvom kriterijumu bi verovatno bio vrlo loš premijer?

Barilaro je lajavac skoro kao Barnabi, novi zamenik iz njegove stranke je mnogo bolji i smireniji lik (po mom kriterijumu što većeg brljanja tako da laburisti dođu na vlast umesto njih Barilaro bi bio oldičan premijer). Ali nema veze, dobili smo premijera sa šestoro dece koji je šampion ekonomije i zamenika Ejrsa koji je najzaslužniji za rušenje i ponovnu izgradnju stadiona koji ih je zamalo koštao izgubljenih izbora. Ako je neko sumnjao kako bismo najebali da je Skot Morison mogao da vodi samostalnu politiku u poslednjih godinu i po umesto što je bio ograničen lokalnim premijerima sada će da dobije pokaznu vežbu. Kakva Dr. Čant, kakvi bakrači, vežite se, polećemo:

NSW Premier brings forward changes for weddings and funerals, schools to return end of October



In addition, all children will be returned to school by October 25. Under the new plan, children in kindergarten, year 1, year 2 and year 12 will return to school on October 18 and then all remaining grades will go back to school the following week.


“That’s great for kids; it’s a major relief for parents and their sanity,” Mr Perrottet, who has six children, said, thanking teachers for coming forward for vaccination.


NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has faced a number of questions about who was invited to today’s press conference: for the first time in a significant period, the update today is being held without a representative from NSW Health present.


When a reporter asked Mr Perrottet why a representative was not present given it is a health crisis, the new premier replied: “Well, it’s also an economic crisis as well.”


“We’re the elected officials,” he said, justifying this morning’s all-minister press conference line-up.





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Single mum who can't find a home for her three boys despite offering to pay 12 months' rent upfront fears she'll be forced to raise them in her car

Ms Thompson has even offered to pay 12 months' rent up front and has a budget of $550 per week.

Despite having 'great references' from previous real estates and savings to cover the cost of a 12 month lease, she told Daily Mail Australia she's not even getting a look in.

'The rentals are being taken before I can even get in to inspect,' she said.



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I opet... Pogodili ste, NEMA razlike u odjevanju!!




Australian bosses spying on their staff using webcam, screenshots and keystroke monitoring
In a new global report, Australia came out on top for all the wrong reasons. We are the country that spies on our staff the most. Here’s how.


“Australia is currently the highest in utilising location software to monitor the location of employees when they work remotely, above 90 per cent,” Natalie Gaspar, an Australian partner at Herbert Smith Freehills, told news.com.au.


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Joj sto OBOZAVAM kako je to lepo kako Bog miluje. Sin obucara neka je obucar. Sin raba Bozjeg neka bude rab Bozji. Amin.




“Home ownership in Australia is becoming hereditary,” Mr Tulip says. “It’s a serious equity issue that young people with rich parents can borrow from mum and dad to get a deposit together.”
But “for people who don’t have enough family wealth for a deposit, putting on lending restrictions is just going to make it harder for them to borrow the money.”
“At the end of the day we emerge with this social problem that the only way people can get into the housing market is to save for 20 years, and for the people who borrow now if there is a slight wobble in house prices they get their equity wiped out,” Mr Johnson says.
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Joj sto OBOZAVAM kako je to lepo kako Bog miluje. Sin obucara neka je obucar. Sin raba Bozjeg neka bude rab Bozji. Amin.
“Home ownership in Australia is becoming hereditary,” Mr Tulip says. “It’s a serious equity issue that young people with rich parents can borrow from mum and dad to get a deposit together.” But “for people who don’t have enough family wealth for a deposit, putting on lending restrictions is just going to make it harder for them to borrow the money.” “At the end of the day we emerge with this social problem that the only way people can get into the housing market is to save for 20 years, and for the people who borrow now if there is a slight wobble in house prices they get their equity wiped out,” Mr Johnson says.
Uskoro dobijaš stovarište krovnih rešetkastih nosača, drvenih greda i metalnih proizvoda za stambene kuće u Ipswich uz malu pomoć dole potpisanog [emoji846]

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30 minutes ago, magi said:

Uskoro dobijaš stovarište krovnih rešetkastih nosača, drvenih greda i metalnih proizvoda za stambene kuće u Ipswich uz malu pomoć dole potpisanog emoji846.png

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Moram da kazem batice, jer znam da ti to volis, elem, batice, ja makar znam da 100% necu biti beskucnik i ja sam svoj problem resio, svojevremeno sam 200k u kesu dao na tu "polisu osiguranja" da pod stare dane necu biti na ulici. E, a sad Brizben dobio Olimpijadu, spekulise se da ce cena kuce u Brizbenu skociti nenormalno, videcemo. 




Zemlje ima, velika parcela, moze da se gaji hrana, ima i plemenitih metala kao dodatna polisa osiguranja. Ima i kripto kao treci nivo osiguranja. Eto, pa da se spava mirnim snom. :) Penzionerski. Svega ima, duga nema. San pravednika batice. 

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Moram da kazem batice, jer znam da ti to volis, elem, batice, ja makar znam da 100% necu biti beskucnik i ja sam svoj problem resio, svojevremeno sam 200k u kesu dao na tu "polisu osiguranja" da pod stare dane necu biti na ulici. E, a sad Brizben dobio Olimpijadu, spekulise se da ce cena kuce u Brizbenu skociti nenormalno, videcemo. 
Zemlje ima, velika parcela, moze da se gaji hrana, ima i plemenitih metala kao dodatna polisa osiguranja. Ima i kripto kao treci nivo osiguranja. Eto, pa da se spava mirnim snom. [emoji4] Penzionerski. Svega ima, duga nema. San pravednika batice. 
Taj fazon, ko se čuva i Bog ga čuva [emoji846]

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8 hours ago, noskich said:


Moram da kazem batice, jer znam da ti to volis, elem, batice, ja makar znam da 100% necu biti beskucnik i ja sam svoj problem resio, svojevremeno sam 200k u kesu dao na tu "polisu osiguranja" da pod stare dane necu biti na ulici. E, a sad Brizben dobio Olimpijadu, spekulise se da ce cena kuce u Brizbenu skociti nenormalno, videcemo. 




Zemlje ima, velika parcela, moze da se gaji hrana, ima i plemenitih metala kao dodatna polisa osiguranja. Ima i kripto kao treci nivo osiguranja. Eto, pa da se spava mirnim snom. :) Penzionerski. Svega ima, duga nema. San pravednika batice. 



cek, cek, znaci penzionerske dane ces ipak u plutokratiji? :D kakav neocekivani preokret.

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13 minutes ago, roksi said:



cek, cek, znaci penzionerske dane ces ipak u plutokratiji? :D kakav neocekivani preokret.

"Polisa osiguranja", znači može, a ne mora. 

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