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Ne bih da se hvalim al' sam danas bio u Baningsu - ne da click&collect nego u radnji, ono - proshetao se i kupio 3 kese po 20 kila peska za  prepelice da imaju u cemu da uzivaju... Za ulazak u Banings - tipa - ono - "k'o oslobodilac" nije bitno da li ste vakcinisani ili ne nego da li imate ili ne tzv. White card. Nama shloserima™ je to - ono - k'o licna karta... Since 2012. Mis'im - ono - ako zivite na 5 km (vazdushnom linijom) od Northmead-a (tamo je Banings) i ako vam treba nesto a nece da click/collect nego k'o gospodin/gospodjetina - javite se - ono - apply within. 

Znam, znam, nema nikoga na 5km od Nortmida al' dobro zvuci, ne? 

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On 15.9.2021. at 15:27, Indy said:

Užas, prosto ne mogu da verujem šta se događa. Ljudi, da su normalni, tukli bi se u redovima za vakcinisanje.

Sloboda bato, ništa fašizam i prinuda - tj. bar još dve nedelje

Unvaccinated nurses bring heart procedures to standstill in Sydney hospital

A dozen of the state’s top cardiologists were forced into isolation and multiple urgent heart procedures cancelled after two unvaccinated nurses worked while infectious with COVID-19 at a major Sydney hospital.


Critical procedures, including angiograms, pacemakers, stent and valve replacements, were called off at St Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst last week after the nurses worked shifts across at least four cardiac wards.


One senior interventional cardiologist at St Vincent’s, who could not be named because they were not authorised to speak publicly about the issue, said cardiac procedures were brought to a standstill and wait times for operations such as pacemaker surgery had “blown out” with dozens of patients facing weeks-long delays.


“We normally run four cardiac cath labs every day but because of [the exposures] we are now down to running only one theatre, and only for half a day with reduced staff,” they said.


The hospital’s cardiac “cath labs” were closed for at least four days for deep cleaning, with about 30 doctors and nurses identified as close contacts, some plunged into two-week isolation, the doctor said.


One doctor at the hospital said there was concern about “a small group of nurses [at the hospital] who have not wanted to be vaccinated”.


“There is a view among some people that staff members still isolating shouldn’t come back to work until they have a first dose,” the cardiologist said.

“Patients have a right and an expectation that everything that can be done to reduce the risk of COVID-19 is being done.”


Hospitals are under uncertain legal footing until September 30 when the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers comes into effect.




Less than a fortnight from the state’s mandate coming into effect, 88 per cent of NSW Health staff have had one dose and 80 per cent are fully vaccinated.


On Thursday, Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the number of vaccinated healthcare workers varied by local health district, noting 90 per cent of workers in Sydney Local Health District had received their first dose.


Asked if he thought healthcare workers who had not received a vaccine were hesitant, Mr Hazzard denied it was “that simple”.


“Not everybody has had that opportunity to have the vaccine for as long a period as others,” he said.


Mr Hazzard said it would be “a very disappointing position” if healthcare workers chose to put patient safety at risk by not getting vaccinated.


According to a survey of 7000 NSW Nurses and Midwives Association members from earlier this year, six per cent did not agree with COVID-19 vaccination, and about one in 10 disagreed with making it mandatory to the extent they had considered leaving the industry.


The union’s general secretary, Brett Holmes, said he had been told about 85 per cent of nurses were now vaccinated.


However, he said it appeared there would be an impact on staffing, if the 12 per cent figure was accurate. “An unfortunate reality of this mandatory vaccination policy is that nurses and midwives are leaving the industry,” he said.


It comes as a fortnightly survey by the Melbourne Institute indicated COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in NSW had dropped to the lowest level recorded.


On September 12, 9.4 per cent of NSW respondents said they were not willing to be vaccinated, a significant drop from recordings of between 11.7 and 12 per cent in the three previous surveys. An additional 7.3 per cent of respondents said they did not know if they were willing to be vaccinated, also down on previous weeks.


At St Vincent’s, 92 per cent of all its staff are vaccinated, and “the hospital has a number of extra supports in place to help those remaining unvaccinated staff – most of whom are not in patient-facing roles - to get vaccinated as soon as possible,” Mr Faktor said.






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Bilo je da u St Vincentu prete otpuštanjem svojim (retkim) antivakserima. Ne znam da li će to zaista i sprovesti...



St Vincent's Health Australia says it will mandate vaccinations for all staff, volunteers and contractors at its facilities.

St Vincent's is Australia's largest not-for-profit health and aged care service provider, operating 16 hospitals and 23 aged care facilities across the country.

St Vincent's Health Australia Group CEO Toby Hall said the policy would add to the already high vaccination rates across their organisation.

"Over 70 per cent of our people across the organisation are already fully vaccinated. It's been terrific to see staff doing their bit to protect each other and the health and aged care communities in which they work," he said.

"Similarly, many of our facilities and staff already operate in mandatory vaccination environments."

Mr Hall said only around 200 of St Vincent's 25,000 staff had outright refused vaccination, some with valid medical reasons.

He told ABC Radio Melbourne some employees could be terminated if they did not comply with the mandate.


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Jebo ti ovo, vraćam se za Srbijcu, čim me... ovaj... puste odavde.:sad:

EDIT btw. ovo je malu šetnju udaljeno od mene. (Naravno, ja sam unutra... možda ću i daske na prozore da ukucam kako je krenulo.)




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Australijska plutokratska vlada nikada ne prestaje da me iznenadjuje svojom gluposcu.

Prvo su bez ikakve potrebe zaostrili odnose sa Kinom koja je najveci trgovinski partner, a sada su otkazali dogovor sa Francuskom od 90 milijardi dolara, koje cak nisu ni obavestili, vec su Francuzi preko medija saznali da su ispushili. Francuska povukla ambasadora. 

Dogovor je bio za nuklearne podmornice jer se Australija oseca ugrozeno od strane Kine, mozes misliti. 

Usli su u vojni savez sa USA i UK koje se raspadaju, Bajden ne moze da se seti imena ovog nesrecnika ovde koji ne radi apsolutno nista, a naplacuje platu od preko pola miliona zvanicno, nezvanicno koliko maznjava to se meri ko zna kojim ciframa. Prethodno su ga dva puta ishutirali sa drzavne pozicije marketinga u turizmu, a on kao nagradu za svoju nesposobnost postao premijer. 


Ovo je na nivou saveza Srbije sa Belorusijom i Rusijom. 

Kakva ekipa




Prime Minister Morrison described the new pact between Australia, the UK and US as a "forever partnership". 

Edited by noskich
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Ajmo plutokrate!!



— Teachers in China earn salaries 44% higher than the GDP per capita.

— Teachers in the USA earn salaries 14% lower than the GDP per capita (and many of them can’t make ends meet).

(Source: Business Insider Nov 15, 2019)





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Scene ponovo u Melburnu, skoro četvrti dan zaredom... neko ovo odnegde kuva, nema šanse da je ovo spontano.


Navodni građevinski radnici protestvuju ispred sedišta građevinskog sindikata u gradu (pošto je isti rešio da uvede obavezno vakcinisanje za građevinske radnike, kao deo plana u ovoj državi da se u potpunosti otvori rad na građevinskim lokacijama). Među njima su i "poznate face", ekstremni desničari i antivakseri (iste face sa protesta od pre par dana).


Posle nedavnog boksovanja sa konjem u Sidneju, njihova melburnska bratija danas ovde šutira psa... (Nadam se zaista da je ovom šutaču psa nego vratio milo za drago...)










Jedan od protestanata sa megafonom je rekao kako su se "ovi momci borili u Hrvatskoj protiv komunizma"... Opa, bato! Imamo znači i ustaše među njima...


Neće ovo na dobro izaći ako država Viktorija ovo ne ishendluje kako treba, i to čim pre.



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