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Naravno da nema, sve je to crno bijeli svijet. Johannesburgizacija Melburna.

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Živa istina, mi juče videli johanesburžuje na plaži. Odma' proverili da li su sve japanke na broju.

P.S. Jojogi, ništa tebe ne prozivam :)
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On 1/2/2018 at 8:03 AM, roksi said:

cek, pa vi ste stalno pod vodom? :D


Kad je topla i u vodi i pod vodom.


Kad je zaleđena (a sneg nije ništa drugo do zaleđena voda), onda na njoj.






Pa noćom...




Washigatake, 100km, sve autoput, sat i 15 minuta. Ovo je jedan od 4 ski-parka jedan blizu drugoga. Subotom jedan, nedeljom drugi, druge nedelje treći pa četvrti, onda iz početka i prođe sezona sa 8-15 dana skijanja bez ijedne noći u hotelu niti uzimanja dana godišnjeg odmora. Koliko bi koštalo 15 dana na Kopaoniku, sa hotelom, hranom, dve nedelje godišnjeg odmora. Verovatno više, ako je ski-pass isti.


Pa jel nije dobro mesto.

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5 hours ago, Yoyogi said:

Subotom jedan, nedeljom drugi, druge nedelje treći pa četvrti, onda iz početka i prođe sezona sa 8-15 dana skijanja bez ijedne noći u hotelu niti uzimanja dana godišnjeg odmora. Koliko bi koštalo 15 dana na Kopaoniku, sa hotelom, hranom, dve nedelje godišnjeg odmora. Verovatno više, ako je ski-pass isti.


Pa jel nije dobro mesto.

Svaka tudjina ima svog Носкича :D

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When will white people realize that THEY created Logan Paul?

Paul didn't come out of nowhere, he learned how to be an obnoxious, culturally ignorant white guy from OTHER obnoxious, culturally ignorant white guys.

Logan learned how to be obnoxious with food from Guy Fieri, how to critique the desirability and value of other cultures from Andrew Zimmern, how to feel guiltless about making a scene out in public from James Bond, and how to disregard a stranger's personal space from the boys of Jackass.

Just THINK about how often travel shows and documentaries feature a judgemental white man who travels around an ethnic country giving entire societies a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down."

The other day my friend said that people think Thailand isn't cool anymore and that everyone wants to move to Taiwan. I asked, "Are they white?" "Of course."

THAT'S white entitlement. That's white fucking privilege. You have to be white as fuck to visit a country and disrespect a culture -- the historic Tsukiji Market, a religious shrine, a famous shopping plaza -- with a history longer than your Jay Leno chin.

Our perception of what's possible and what isn't is highly impacted by our race. Some of us just naturally can get away with things while the rest of us can't.

Logan Paul knew he could get away with being the grimiest that the white trash factory had to offer because he saw other white men do and get away with it too. This "judge of all cultures" type of white man is EVERYWHERE in the media. Even the decent ones (Alton Brown, Anthony Bourdain) contribute to the system.

White parents will scrub through hours of rap music videos to make sure none of the music will "poison" their innocent white child. Meanwhile, they'll be totally oblivious to the fact that the Hollywhite shows and movies they watch together as a family are more likely to impregnate their children's brains with cultural ignorance and mayo braggadocio than anything on a Kanye West album.

White parents are worried their kids will sag their pants after listening to Bone Thugs but Logan Paul is here showing his WHOLE ass and most of em won't even care because they laugh too.

Image may contain: 7 people, food

dodala bih još neke članove ovde na taj spisak

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Joj shupku sveta koji naplacujes javni prevoz po londonskim cenama, a kvalitet je nigerijski:


Sydney Trains: Services haven't shown up all day. The reason is that there aren't enough drivers, too many on leave and too many called in sick.

From first thing this morning services in parts of Sydney suddenly started being cancelled for "operational issues." Sixteen of them serving everywhere from Macarthur to Granville, Revesby, Schofields, Epping, Parramatta - Catching commuters unaware.

Sydney Trains blames drivers and guards calling in sick - Almost double the usual number. While others are on holidays. The Rail Union disputes a spike in sick leave, instead blaming the impact of the new timetable. Sydney Trains apologised for the morning cancellations, but this afternoon, more trouble when trains unexpectedly stopped running between Clyde and Carlingford.


Nazad u javnom prevozu koji je gori nego onaj u Beogradu za vreme sankcija kada je svercovan benzin.



Edited by noskich
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On 06/01/2018 at 10:07 PM, Yoyogi said:


Ko se ovde žali, ja baš kažem da je super.


Njima smeta samo kada se zali na truli zapad, a ne vole da cuju pohvale istoku.

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On 06/01/2018 at 1:01 AM, Tpojka said:

Znači nema il' ima?


U Melburnu moze da se kupi u getu, u Sidneju ne moze ni u getu da se kupi.

Evo ti ga najveci islamski geto u Sidneju Lakemba, kuca je milion dolara, montazna, 50 godina stara da zivis ovde, da popijes shamar ako pijes nesto na ulici za vreme ramazana. E ni tu u tom getu ne moze da se kupi.

Nego nemoj meni da verujes nego pitaj ove sto su profitirali pola miliona - milion tako sto su lezali u kucama i stanovima koje su kupili pre sedam godina. Oni ce ti reci kako je lepo ovde.





Edited by noskich
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I opet dokazuješ nevjerovatnu rezistentnost prema pojmu tržišna ekonomija. 

Svaka roba ima svog kupca. Ovako na prvu ([a i ] iz tih slika) mi djeluje da bi dobrostojeći muslimanski vjernik dao milion za život u tom kraju?

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