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Ma nema sanse :lolol:


Kakvi moroni. Moroncine


Srecan vam Bajden i Kamala Harris:cool:

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Gradonacelnik majamija, demokrata, bi da salje vojsku na kubu... 




To je ta ista emigracija, koja odavno ima vlažne snove o Bay of Pigs. Da li im je D ili R predznak ne menja mnogo stvari. Govna.

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Ne zaboravimo da su D izgubili predsedničke izbore 2000. godine zbog nekoliko stotina glasova u Floridi. Godinu dana pred izbore, Klintonov ministar pravde (Janet Reno) je odlučila da malog Eli Gonzalesa uzme od rodbine i pošalje nazad kod oca na Kubu. Eli je zajedno sa majkom pokušao da pobegne sa Kube; majka se utopila, a Eli je preživeo. Kada je otac tražio da mu se sin vrati, Klintonova administracija je donela jedinu moguću odluku. Zajebalo ih je kako su izveli tu akciju, pa je na vestima bilo ovo:




Ja lično mislim da je ovaj “ooops” odlučio izbore na Floridi 2000. godine. 



Ko hoće da piše o prošlogodišnjim izborima i glasovima, postoji posebna tema za to. Ko hoće da piše o Trampu, i on ima svoju temu. Ovo je opšta tema o Americi.


Za sada prebacujemo postove gde treba, a ako se ovo fladovanje nastavi preći ćemo na brisanje.


Stoka GOPerska


(CNN) Tennessee Republicans' actions this week to halt efforts to inform teenagers about the coronavirus vaccine have showcased how vaccine distrust and misinformation -- increasingly prevalent in right-wing media set on denying President Joe Biden any political victories -- is bursting into the party's mainstream.


Tennessee's top immunization official, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, said she was fired this week after distributing a memo that said some teenagers could be eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine without their parents' consent. The memo was based on a 37-year-old state Supreme Court ruling known as the "mature minor doctrine," which allows health care providers to treat minors age 14 and above without parental consent if the providers decide those teenagers are mature enough.


Following Fiscus' firing, the state's Department of Health went a step further, saying it would halt all advertising about vaccines -- not just for Covid-19 -- that was aimed at adolescents.


The Tennessean first reported, citing internal documents, that the agency had stopped all Covid-19 vaccine events on school property and would exclude teenagers from receiving the postcards adults will continue to receive reminding them to get their second doses of the vaccine.


Those moves incensed state Democrats, who accused Republican Gov. Bill Lee's administration of political posturing amid pressure from conservative vaccine opponents.

"We have all the tools we need to get out of this pandemic, but the failure of leadership at the top is making this hard," Democratic state Sen. Raumesh Akbari told reporters this week.

13 hours ago, mustang said:

Gradonacelnik majamija, demokrata, bi da salje vojsku na kubu... 



Ovo je debil koji je pozvao da se bombarduje Havana. Ja predlazem da se ubaci u brod sa ostalim Qanon majmunima i iskrca u Kubu pa nek ratuje. 

  • +1 1
23 hours ago, mustang said:

Gradonacelnik majamija, demokrata, bi da salje vojsku na kubu... 





Francis X. Suarez

Mayor of Miami



Francis Xavier Suarez is an American attorney and politician serving as the 43rd mayor of Miami. He was elected on November 7, 2017 with 86 percent of the vote. Suarez is the first Miami-born mayor. He is a registered Republican, but the office of the City of Miami Mayor is nonpartisan. Wikipedia
Born: October 6, 1977 (age 43 years), Miami, FL
Office: Mayor of Miami since 2017

Izvinjavam se. Zasto ja njega dozivljavam kao demokratu sve ove godine... Ne znam. 


Potrudicu se da checkiram samu sebe pre nego sto postavim

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The care was ordinary. A hospital in Modesto, California, treated a 30-year-old man for shoulder and back pain after a car accident. He went home in less than three hours.


The bill was extraordinary. Sutter Health Memorial Medical Center charged $44,914 including an $8,928 "trauma alert" fee, billed for summoning the hospital's top surgical specialists and usually associated with the most severely injured patients.



Hospitals charge huge 'trauma' fees to treat people with minor injuries (msn.com)

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