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VIP Game of Thrones

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Edited by Calavera

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(nije moglo sve u 1 post)bran.jpgrobert-starks.jpgrobb.jpgrobb-bran-direwolves.jpgcatelyn.jpgZa vece slike idite na MGoT.

Edited by Calavera

"Moved or deleted", from where I'm standing.Ali vidi ih ovde... ima li nekog bitnijeg lika kome se Jamie Lannister neće značajno unositi u lice? "The name is Guy... Bad Guy... friends call me Generic" <_< Prilično sam siguran da u knjizi ova dvojica nemaju nijednu scenu zajedno. jaime-jon.jpg

Edited by Weenie Pooh

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Sredjeno, hvala.Rekli su da ce biti dosta novih scena, vecinom tamo gde nismo imali nijednog POV lika da vidimo sta se desava. A i sta ti smeta u toj slici? :D Jaime i treba da izgleda kao negativac dok ne dobijemo uvid u njegove misli, a i onda je u najboljem slucaju Chaotic Neutral. ^_^ Samozadovoljan osmeh, siguran tetrebski™ stav... meni deluje u redu.

Edited by Calavera

Ako mogu da primetim, obrve su plavlje nego na prvoj strani topika.
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Mda, budze iz HBO-a citaju nas forum. ^_^

Pa smeta mi to što deluje kao da uprošćavaju i karikiraju odnose između likova, ako ne i same likove, da bi debilizovanoj publici bilo lakše da pohvata ko je ko. Jaime Lannister je samo primer - gurnuli su ga prvo u nepotrebnu patkometriju sa Boromirom, a sad ga gledamo kako se nešto suočava i sa vanbračnim sinom dotičnog... da ne pominjem da su mu dodali nekakav idiotski dijalog gde preti koga će sve da ubije :isuse:Mora da se u glavama podvuče triput, zaokruži, i hajlajtuje žutim reč "NEGATIVAC" pored njegovog lika... znaš, pošto nije dovoljno videti ga kako

baca malo dete sa prozora zgrade u prvih 15 minuta

<_<A Jaime uopšte i nije takav naglašeni negativac, ni u prvim knjigama a posebno ne kasnije. Više je, ono, magnificent bastard with a heart hand of gold. Velika šteta bi bila da se svi likovi TV-fikuju, pošto je jedan od najvećih kvaliteta knjige upravo činjenica da ni kod koga nema jasne crno-bele situacije.Edit: Dodao spoiler, ispravio phancified phantasy spelling poklonivši se većem nerdu od sebe; Calavera, bonus poeni ako možeš bez gledanja da speluješ ime onog Faceless Mana sa J. H. inicijalima :P

Edited by Weenie Pooh

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Slazem se, ali cenim da ce to TV-fikovanje da ostane na njemu, s obzirom na specificnu mu situaciju.

Svi koji su citali knjige su ga najpre intenzivno™ mrzeli, HBO to samo pokusava maksimalno da iskoristi da bi promena raspolozenja u vezi njega bila sto veca.

Pored njega, ciji se jos lik ne slaze sa onim sto je opisano u knjigama? Ned ce biti prikazan kao bolji ratnik nego sto jeste, i... to je sve sto mi pada na pamet.P.S. Jaime, ne Jamie.

Edited by Calavera

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Calavera, bonus poeni ako možeš bez gledanja da speluješ ime onog Faceless Mana sa J. H. inicijalima :P
Jaqen H'ghar, ali to je samo zato sto sam nazvao moj verni Powerjack u TF2 po njemu, eno ga u srednjem redu na trecoj strani. ^_^U ostalim vestima, Martin otkriva neke detalje:
“You would really have to ask David & Dan about that particular image but my impression is that it is a flashback scene. That that’s not Sean Bean. That that is someone who has been cast to play his brother. But I don’t know, ask David & Dan when you do your session with them. I think that is a flashback. I know they cast the Mad King, they cast Aerys, and of course he doesn’t actually appear in the books.”
During this discussion, he reiterated his opinion that they will need to split A Storm of Swords into two seasons. “And then they hit Storm of Swords, which is a monstrous long book. It’s 500 pages longer in manuscript than Clash of Kings, which is itself 100 pages longer than Game of Thrones. So when they hit Storm of Swords, they’re gonna have to, I think, make two seasons out of it.”
Ima nesto i o DWD-u.A ima i ovo: Intervjui sa Boromirom, Emilijom i DinklageomOnima koji nisu citali knjige preporucujem samo Dinklageov, ovo drugo dvoje ne mogu da se suzdrze a da ne bace koji spojler tu i tamo. angry.gif

Edited by Calavera

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Lastly we have the A Dance with Dragons news: The news is…There is no news. Officially. In fact, it’s so “officially” that George openly lamented about how much he had wanted to be able to give us “the news,” but because he had been sick, he’d “lost a week,” and therefore “the news” could not be told just yet. Not quite yet. Even though he had been making “GREAT” progress on ADwD up until a week ago, and then–I’ll spell this out for the slow: Any week now. Could this be a GRRM-sized week? Perhaps. (That could equate to a month. Maybe two. Who really knows what other projects he’s going to be juggling?) Do I know anything official? No. But I know Hodor-sized hints when I hear them.I’m going to bet my hat we see A Dance with Dragons on the shelves before the airing of the season 1 finale of Game of Thrones. Sooner than that if they can find a jacket big enough to fit the bindings of that behemoth book. I don’t think they will do the re-issue of AGoT (with the new cover) at the exact same time they release Dance.
Eto. ^_^(ostatak ovde)
Za golotinju ni meni nije jasno, HBO se bar nikad nije ustrucavao oko toga. Ja sam se cak brinuo da ne preteraju sa seksom, kad ono...
Što se nekkidnessa tičem možda je to cast - specific. Možda Lena, eto, kao 'zvijezda', može kazat 'I ain't gettin' my kit off', dok ovo jadno djevojče eto mora i ne može zahtijevat poštedu.
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U medjuvremenu sam procitao da je moguce da je bila trudna za vreme snimanja te scene.

U medjuvremenu sam procitao da je moguce da je bila trudna za vreme snimanja te scene.
Mejksa sensu, recimo.ION, djevojče.
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I cela ova debata o seriji koja još uvek nije ni blizu sa početkom emitovanja :lol:Šta li će tek biti kada počne? Diskusija kao za Lost, na 1000 strana?

Edited by Arkadija

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