August 4, 201014 yr Opsti savet. Pratiti blogove sa novim muzickim izdanjima. Ono, bas novim. Hipster je early adopter, covek cija kazaljka uvek ide malo unapred. Hipster danasnjice je normalan covek sutrasnjice. Ako ponekad i pogresis sa izborom pa ono sto slusas ne bude hip, to ce ostati tvoja idiosinkrazija koja je sama po sebi hip. Hipster sebi moze da dozvoli i da slusa Enya-u, ako to proda na pravi nacin.
August 4, 201014 yr fala, ja sam pravi gusher mudrostia sada rec dajem enciklopediji dramaticiThe "Hip" which can be named is not the true "Hip". Many ascetic religions seek a life of simplicity. "Hipsters" seek a life of obscurity. The great vessel of their obscurity is the "hip". As they fall deeper and deeper into the "hip", they find themselves further and further away from the accursed "unhipness" of the mainstream. "Hipsters" engulfed in the "hip" sink further and further away from the mainstream and even further away from the "hippest" people they know in the scene. At one point, the "hipster" may begin to mumble. This is akin to Pentecostal speaking in tongues. The mumbling is what happens in towards the final stages of the "Hipsters" development as the "Hipster" begins to speak about bands that are so "hip" and obscure that the bands themselves don't even know they are bands yet. There are no words to describe the music that bands that don't exist yet make, so the "Hipster" begins to mumble pretending that he is speaking. It's quite sad, really.
August 4, 201014 yr dakle ipak se zenis :D used to be a renegade, I used to fool around But I couldnt take the punishment, and had to settle down Now Im playing it real straight, and yes I cut my hair You might think Im crazy, but I dont even care Because I can tell whats going on Its hip to be square
August 4, 201014 yr kuk. valjda toni oće da bude kukavica. sad mi ništa nije jasno. ja sam pročitala u jednoj knjizi o subkulturama koju je neki gost kafane zaboravio na šanku, inače mi ne bi palo na pamet da čitam takve knjige... da su hipsteri šezdesetih ili sedamdesetih bili beli mladi ljudi koji su slušali džez,.
August 4, 201014 yr sad mi ništa nije jasno. ja sam pročitala u jednoj knjizi o subkulturama koju je neki gost kafane zaboravio na šanku, inače mi ne bi palo na pamet da čitam takve knjige... da su hipsteri šezdesetih ili sedamdesetih bili beli mladi ljudi koji su slušali džez,.pa to je tada bilo hip, zato su tadasnji hipsteri slusali dzez
August 4, 201014 yr toni, mladiću, težak je put pred tobom. za početak - pričaj isključivo o bendovima za koje niko nije čuo. budi kul i pljuj na sve bendove za koje je čulo više od 3 ljudi. ako ne znaš kako, učlani se na neki forum :De, da i obavezno da naglasiš da si ih volo pre nego što su postali kul.
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