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genocid, holokaust, gulag, film

Аврам Гојић

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ako toronto sun kaze da je isto.ajde rimljanine makar citaj noltea pa tvrdi su nacisticki zlocini samo posledica komunisticke ideologije. ovo je vec smesno.sta je sledece? vandeja?

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Posted (edited)

neka neka ovaj clanak je bio epic fail, jos uvek uzivam u citanju tog pamfletica. "Ukrajinski holokaust" koga se autor gnusa koristeci Solzenjicina. Divota.Inace, Margolis posredno tvrdi, citirajuci, sa velikim simpatijama, nekog potpunog ludaka od vojnog analiticara, i da je Hitler spasao Evropu od Staljina, i da je operacija Barbarosa bila iznudjena, posto je Staljin upravo pripremao bllitzkrieg na Evropu.

Edited by vasudeva418

Kolyma : the Arctic death camps, Robert ConquestKolyma (accent on the last syllable), an area supplied by shipsthat plied the Sea of Okhotsk in far northeastern Russia, was the almostescape-proof site of prison camps that accounted for the deaths ofbetween 3,000,000 and 6,000,000 persons during the Stalin era. Its soilscontained ores rich in gold, lead, and even uranium. The Soviet state’sneed for these metals in the 1930s and 1940s, plus an endless supply ofpolitical deportees and petty criminals to dispose of, seemed a perfectmatch between needs and the means of fulfilling those needs. Conquestdelved into professionally collected eyewitness accounts, writtenreports, and newly available state figures, but could not narrow thevery great spread between the greater and lesser death estimates. Almostall persons sent there were innocent of crimes, but the supply ofprisoners was fed by the paranoia of Stalin and his cohorts. It hasbecome clear that the purpose of the Kolyma camps was to kill people;the production of mineral products was a secondary purpose.

neka neka ovaj clanak je bio epic fail, jos uvek uzivam u citanju tog pamfletica. "Ukrajinski holokaust" koga se autor gnusa koristeci Solzenjicina. Divota.Inace, Margolis posredno tvrdi, citirajuci, sa velikim simpatijama, nekog potpunog ludaka od vojnog analiticara, i da je Hitler spasao Evropu od Staljina, i da je operacija Barbarosa bila iznudjena, posto je Staljin upravo pripremao bllitzkrieg na Evropu.
Znao sam da cete dotrcati, kako ste predvidljivi, relativizatori.
Posted (edited)

iskusno. razvalih ti prethodni izvor, i ti samo nastavljas. mislim...mozes da guglas do mile volje, ti period cistki jednostavno ne poznajes, inace ne bi sebi dozvolio onaj citat Margolisa. ostavicu te da uzivas u prednostima interneta.

Edited by vasudeva418
iskusno. razvalih ti prethodni izvor, i ti samo nastavljas.
Samo ti razvaljuj, bice jos mamaca...

opet kako je cak i ovo isto kao logor smrti koji cak ni prima facie ne pretenduje da bude ista drugo do fabrika smrti?i opet da ponovim pitanje zasto si na vasin zahtev za filmom o holokaustu odgovorio solzenjicinom?

Samo ti razvaljuj, bice jos mamaca...
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Samo da vidimo kako na medicinske eksperimente nad ljudima ne reagujete i glumite pecurke a kada poleti koska, potrcite ko kerberi.U dobroj ste formi, ajd Kim je vise vremena ovde ali kako se vasudeva strmoglavio, stvarno respektabilno.


Gulag: a History, Anne AplebaumGULAG: A History is a narrative account of the origins and development of the Soviet concentration camps, from Lenin to Gorbachev. Based on archives, interviews, new research and recently published memoirs, the book explains the role that the camps played in the Soviet political and economic system. It also describes daily life in the camps: how people lived, worked, ate, slept, fought, died and survived.GULAG: A History won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for non-Fiction, as well as Britain’s Duff-Cooper Prize. The books was a finalist for the National Book Award, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the LA Times Book Award and the Samuel Johnson Prize. It has appeared or is due to appear in more than two dozen translations, including all major East and West European languages.http://www.anneapplebaum.com/gulag-a-history/


Zanimljivo kako ti slabo ide guglanje o Holokaustu. Bice da ti to nije dovoljno zanimljiva tema.

Zanimljivo kako ti slabo ide guglanje o Holokaustu. Bice da ti to nije dovoljno zanimljiva tema.
Naravno da je zanimljiva ali tu otvoreno govorimo o monstruoznim zlocinima, industriji smrti, medicinskim eksperimentima i genocidu a zlocine u Staljinovim logorima smrti vi relativizujete, prikrivate i precutkujete sto mene izaziva da ovde postujem.Sve sam video ovim utrcavanjem brzinom munje kada ste videli Margolisa...
Posted (edited)

Soviets Face Up to the GulagMillions died in prison camps in harshest Siberia. The once-taboo topic is now in the open, the anguish even shared with visiting Americans.By CHARLES HILLINGER, TIMES STAFF WRITERVOSTOCHNY CAMP, Soviet Union -- Thousands died in this Stalin-era death camp, bleak and desolate on a wind-swept mountain top in Siberia. They were beaten to death, or shot or died from the extreme cold, from disease and from hunger. Human bones still litter the ground.For Dennis Robbins, 45, a medical ethics specialist from Farmington Hills, Mich., who recently visited Vostochny (pronounced Vos-TOACH-knee ), the sight of the camp's ruins and rusted barbed wire renewed his grief over the loss of most of his Russian-Jewish grandfather's family.His grandfather's seven brothers and sisters were murdered, apparently because they were Jews, Robbins said. His grandfather survived only because his train broke down and he arrived home a day later than planned."I cry for the Soviet Union," Robbins said, wiping away tears. "I feel the pain of sorrow and despair for those who suffered so much in this place, for my grandfather's brothers and sisters, for all the useless brutality and lack of humanity on Earth."Tatiana Khokhorina, 34, a Soviet interpreter visiting from the port of Magadan, about 1,000 miles to the southwest, also was moved to tears."I cannot express my innermost feelings seeing these human bones, knowing what happened here. I was a real Soviet patriot growing up in school. I loved my country. I considered it the best country on Earth. I never heard about these camps until five years ago. I am so sad for my country..."

Edited by fabius maximus
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...rece postovalac dela Alistera Kroulija, kome je svaka druga rec antisemitizam u misiji relativizacije zlocina u gulazima:CROWLEY BELIEVED IN AND PROMOTED THE BLOOD LIBEL AGAINST THE JEWSWith respect to charges that Aleister Crowley was anti-Semitic or, more properly speaking anti-Jewish and that evidence of this is found in the preface to the original edition of "777" [This material was suppressed by the editor of the revised edition of the book, Israel Regardie --In "777". Aleister Crowley wrote:"CAN any good thing come out of Palestine? is the broader anti- Semitic retort to the sneer cast by the Jews themselves against the harmless and natural Nazarene; one more example of the poetic justice of History. Crowley speaks here as a Christian, defending "the harmless and natural Nazarene" (Jesus) against the "sneer" of the Jews.The rhetorical question -- and hence endorsement of the idea -- that it is "the poetic justice of history" for Jews to suffer persecution by Christians because they (as a race, as a culture, as a religious group) "sneered" at Jesus is a justification that is pandemic in Christian anti-Jewish thought. Entire books have been written which support this logical fallacy, which Crowley endorses, and which has at its extreme the accusation that "the Jews Killed Christ."
Posted (edited)

uh ovo je stvarno strasno. Boze sta sam uradio? (inace gde sam rekao da sam postovalac dela Alistera Kroulija? bocni opet ovako i moracemo da se reportujemo, takve ad hominem gluposti ne dolaze u obzir)

Edited by vasudeva418

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