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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Problem sa ovakvim grafikonima je sto pokazuju korelaciju, ali ne i kauzalnost. Ne mozes da tvrdis da se Letonija "iscupala" zahvaljujuci dryavnom kresanju samo na osnovu ovoga sto si obesio.


Dobro, naravno da stvari nisu tako jednostavne i da ovo nije naučni simpozijum. Hteo sam samo da skrenem pažnju na činjenicu da zemlja koja je u najkraćem roku sprovela svoj osteriti ima danas rast BDP-a u vrhu Evrozone za razliku od Grčke.


Mislim da je u pitanju odlazak 20% populacije.


Pogrešno misliš. Imaš ovde grafikon kretanja populacije Letonije. Populacija im se jeste smanjila za 20%, ali u periodu od 1997-2015, dakle za 18 godina.



A i ovo je dobro, imaju skoro čitavu godinu dana poreskih prihoda u nenaplaćenim porezima.


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Već im je pozajmio™ svoje lice:

A poster picturing German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble that reads ''5 years he sucks your blood - Now say NO to him,'' in Athens. A German finance ministry spokesman said Friday that Mr. Schäuble will claim back aid earmarked for Greece before the latest bailout deal collapsed.PHOTO: ZUMA PRESS

Edited by Prospero
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I, samo za slučaj da neko nije razumeo....  :fantom:



Here are more comments from Wolfgang Schäuble, courtesy ofGerman news agency dpa/The local. The German finance minister said there will be no quick release of bailout funds to Greece after the referendum on whether to accept its creditors’ terms on Sunday. Any new bailout would have to be negotiated “on a completely new basis and under toughened economic preconditions.”

He added that he would not be able to join other eurozone finance ministers in negotiations for a new bailout for Greece without the agreement of the Bundestag, the German parliament.

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Varufakis juče na Blumbergu mrtav ladan izjavio: u slučaju OXI-ja, dogovorićemo se za sat vremena sa kreditorima i banke će biti otvorene.

(6:50 na drugom videu na linkovanoj Blumbergovoj stranici)

Junker danas: OXI će dramatično oslabiti grčku pregovaračku poziciju.

Šojble danas: svaki novi bailout mora da prođe kroz nemački parlament, pre toga nema nikakve love.


U međuvremenu, samo je pitanje dana kada će početi nestašice svega i svačega pošto je uvoz praktično stopiran odlukom da svaki transfer novca u inostranstvo mora da odobri min. finansija.
"We are in an extremely dangerous situation. Greek companies have been excluded from the electronic transfers of Europe's Target2 system. The entire Greek business community is unable to import anything, and without raw materials they can't produce anything," he said.

 Pavlos Deas, owner of an olive processing factory in Chalkidiki, told The Telegraph that he may have to shut down a plant employing 250 people within days.

"We can't send any money abroad to our suppliers. Three of our containers have been stopped at customs control because the banks can't give a bill of lading. One is full of Spanish almonds, the others full of Chinese garlic," he said.

"We don't know how we are going to execute and export an order of 60 containers for the US. We don't even have enough gas. We asked for 10,000 litres but they are only letting us have 2,000. It's being rationed by the day. Factories are closing around us in a domino effect and we're all going to lose everything if this goes on," he said.




Some food companies are refusing to make deliveries unless they are paid upfront and there are reports of empty store shelves as panicked consumers try to buy food. Also, key farm inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides and fuel also are usually imported and will require payment in advance in hard currency that is no longer available.

"Imports (have) already ground to an immediate stop and exports are limited to the available transport currently in Greece," said Frangistas, who also serves as managing director of exporter Gefra.



Andreas Andreadis, the head of the Association of Hellenic Tourism Enterprises (SETE), said that hotel bookings are down 50,000 a day due to the recent developments in the country. Given that last-minute bookings account for 20 percent of the year’s tourism traffic, the blow is expected to be severe for Greek tourism, with knock-on effects on employment if those bookings are lost for good.


Air ticket cancellations rose from an average rate of 1.05 percent to 7.2 percent in the period from June 27 to yesterday. This peaked on Monday, when the cancellation rate amounted to 22 percent.




A number of Cycladic islands where a high number of international tourists are currently vacationing are already facing supply problems, especially in certain categories of food, such as meat, as well as medicines, due to the inability of local businesses to pay their foreign suppliers, according to the Cyclades Chamber of Commerce.



Današnji Handelsblat, uticajni nemački poslovni dnevnik prikazuje Ciprasa koji preti: dajte lovu ili pucam


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The latest opinion poll, from Greek newspaper Avgi, shows that Greeks remain divided. 43% would vote ‘no’, 42.5% ‘yes’, and 9% haven’t decided yet.


Potvrda tesnosti.

Edited by Budja
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Mladi hoće posao, tj. promenu i glasaće za OXI, stari hoće sigurne penzije i glasaće za NAI.


Dobar Twitter nalog koji kači sva ispitivanja grčkog javnog mnjenja:



Skoro 40% Grka misli da kreditori blefiraju (valjda ih poistovećuju sa svojim lažljivim političarima) tj. ne veruje da će Grčka izaći iz Evrozone ako se izglasa OXI.


Cipras još početkom maja razmišljao o referendumu - nacrtao je glasačku kutiju na beleškama sa sastanka:


Varufakis u maju tvrdio da referendum može biti samo o evru, dok sada naravno tvrdi da nema veze s njim:


Glavni grčki pregovarač sa kreditorima Cakalotos danas priznao da je referendum raspisan jer bi se vlast raspala da je prihvatila ponudu bez njega:

Edited by vememah
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To je tačno onih 60->50 evra na ATM-ovima, dovoljno da se pregura nedelja. Zato je i referendum bio sa tako kratkim rokom, namerno su čekali zadnji trenutak da naprave što veću štetu sledećoj vlasti ako ga ne dobiju.

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To je tačno onih 60->50 evra na ATM-ovima, dovoljno da se pregura nedelja. Zato je i referendum bio sa tako kratkim rokom, namerno su čekali zadnji trenutak da naprave što veću štetu sledećoj vlasti ako ga ne dobiju.



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