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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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nekako jadno deluje ova pijaca sa referendumom, mada je i pitanje kredibilnosti intepretacija na osnovu kojih donosimo zaključke


Ne, nije pitanje kredibilnosti.


Third bailout is a fact a ne interpretacija rekla-kazala sa nekog sastanka.

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The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday confirmed Greece had not made its 1.5 billioneuro loan repayment to the Fund, making it the first advanced economy to ever be in arrears to the Fund.

The missed payment, the largest in the Fund’s history, is equivalent to a default, in that both imply a breach of Athens’ obligations.

IMF spokesman Gerry Rice said Greece can now only receive further IMF funding once the arrears are cleared.

Rice confirmed that Greece had asked for a last-minute repayment extension earlier on Tuesday, which the Fund’s board will consider “in due course.”

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Ne znam kako je sa vama, ali meni na fejsu iskacu random Grci koji do sad nisu iskakali sa ne tako lepim porukama Ciprasu. Teorija zavere mod-on.

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Ne znam kako je sa vama, ali meni na fejsu iskacu random Grci koji do sad nisu iskakali sa ne tako lepim porukama Ciprasu. Teorija zavere mod-on.


moji grčki poznanici i prijatelji se ozbiljno svađaju i pičkare. otprilike 50-50

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Problem je sto ja ne vidim grcke poznanike koje su redovni na fejsu, vec neke random likove koje do sada nisam vidjao (a koji su verovatno u nekom linku sa poznanicima pa mi iskacu).


Yolo, linkove necu davati, ovo je neki google translate jedne od poruka.




That Greece did not pay the loans is not only international humiliation, being the first bankrupt eu country.

Is principally guarantee that tourism will meet black summer, that investors will leave the country, that Greece will not be able to borrow to pay salaries and pensions next month.

Only one solution is currently patriotic duty of every Greek who wants his country standing. Yes in europe, no at empty state coffers, not in our international isolation.
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Gardijanovo vidjenje.


Meni sada nakon citanja izvestaja, ako je verodostojan, nije bas najjasnije ko je silent majority:

- oni koji jos  imaju sta da izgube

- ono koji nemaju sta da izgube


tj. zdrav razum kaze da YES logicno cine silent majority (project fear) ali je, sa druge strane, moguce da su bas oni motivisaniji da izadju na ulice.




The yes camp has the support of Greece’s wealthiest businesses and, importantly, media owners, as well as many older conservative and centre-left voters and young professionals, often educated abroad.
The yes rally appeared to be larger than the previous evening’s no gathering and the protesters were noticeably better-off – men in expensive shirts, women in designer gear and jewellery.
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